why not merge the site with the FZ1 site?

super idea. no dis for the other guys but there isnt a place for introductions i have found. plus i already know most everyone here. even though my computer was messed up, i didnt know hellgate got a buel or fz6nh got a fz1. i could catch up------
We already have enough confusion with people giving FZ6 answers to FZ6R questions. Adding the FZ1 riders would just make things worse, and plus every time an FZ6 or FZ6R rider posted looking for ways to add power, they'd get a half dozen snarky "buy an FZ1" replies.

My $0.02
Yeah, I agree with Fred on this one.

This site started as something unique and different. The fact that guys n girls who upgrade or switch bikes still stick around is testament to that.

The FZ6R needs to be included as it is currently the next generation.

We already have enough confusion with people giving FZ6 answers to FZ6R questions. Adding the FZ1 riders would just make things worse, and plus every time an FZ6 or FZ6R rider posted looking for ways to add power, they'd get a half dozen snarky "buy an FZ1" replies.

My $0.02

Hey Fred? Pete says you need more power...

"Buy and FZ1" ;) :D :justkidding:

I think I agree here. :thumbup:
FZ6R isnt REALLY the next gen FZ6. It's just a branch on the tree of FZ6.


But I still think having clearly labelled sub forums would be enough to keep the fz1/6/6r stuff separated. There are tons of biking forums with every make and model covered and there is no confusion there.

the only reason we have any confusion here is because the fz6r is new and everyone is used to it all being about the fz6. in time people would get used to it.
FZ6R isnt REALLY the next gen FZ6. It's just a branch on the tree of FZ6.


But I still think having clearly labelled sub forums would be enough to keep the fz1/6/6r stuff separated. There are tons of biking forums with every make and model covered and there is no confusion there.

the only reason we have any confusion here is because the fz6r is new and everyone is used to it all being about the fz6. in time people would get used to it.
Sub forums will always spill into general forums mate. Whether you like it or not the FZ6R is currently the next generation. Personally I am hoping that Yamaha saw the economic down turn coming, and decided to diversify. I await the 2012 super FZ6.

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There are tons of biking forums with every make and model covered and there is no confusion there.

So why do you hang out here then?:D There are sooooo many choices out there and you choose here to call home. Must be a reason behind it? I say it's because this site isn't like ALL the other sites you speak of. It's a FZ6 site, and personally I think it should stay a FZ6 site. If it ain't broke don't fix it!
bad idea...
if youre going to integrate FZ1's that are totaly different bikes with similar aesthetics, why not R6's? and then, why not R1 s? and if all that.. why not every yamaha bike... and so forth..

its bad enough that the XJ6(or FJ6 in some other countries) is creeping in the forum (since its called FZ6R in the states) do we have to mess up the forum more???
Sub forums will always spill into general forums mate. Whether you like it or not the FZ6R is currently the next generation. Personally I am hoping that Yamaha saw the economic down turn coming, and decided to diversify. I await the 2012 super FZ6.


ermm... not..

the bike you call FZ6R is sold in the rest of the planet at FJ6, or XJ6, or Diversion. Also, its really an interesting concept that the next gen bike of the FZ6 would be a cheaper, weaker, smaller bike

if anything the XJ6 shows us that if the fazer is canceled, there will be definitely an new bike (essenitially a stripped R6)in the 120-130BHP range
i can sorta see what lone is talking about. my bike before the fz6 was a gl650 (honda silverwing). the site i visited was a cx/gl 500/650 forum. the bikes all shared a common setup so it made since. they are also pretty rare so just having a gl650 forum would be pretty small. to show the "rareness"

78 - cx500 standard
79 - cx500 custom, cx500 deluxe
80 - cx500 custom, cx500 deluxe
81 - cx500 custom, cx500 deluxe
81 - gl500 silverwing (basically a baby goldwing)
82 - cx500 custom, cx500 deluxe, cx500 turbo (a completely different bike than the regular cx500), cx500 euro (shares many things with the turbo)
82 - gl500 silverwing
83 - cx650 custom, cx650 turbo, cx650 euro
83 - gl650 silverwing

some of the variations are pretty rare bikes. the only one that has it's own "sub-forum" is the turbos because they are such different bikes. oh, and there are other variations from other countries that pop up every now and then like a cx400 or gl400.

all that to say... i can see what lone is talking about. i do see the fz1 in the same family as the fz6 and wouldn't see it as a stretch to have an fz1 subsection here. i've even thought it myself. they are both nakeds and have a basic standard seating position. the people attracted to them are mainly going to be people who commute and/or want to do some sport touring and maybe every now and then want a bike that is "sporty" (obviously IMO). although these bikes share the same basic engines as the r1 and r6 i don't see the same sort of reasoning for getting an r1 or and r6. therefore i do see them as a different bike and wouldn't see the need for the forum to expand to them.

it won't bother me if it stays the same. i don't think the fact that it's about fz6's is what makes the forum. i think it's because of the people on the forum. i mean, if it's the separatist nature that makes this site so good then let's take it further... i want a "www.blue2006fz6forumwithagivitopcase.com" because if this site is good because of it's separatist nature than that site would be amazing because it would be even more separatist.

but i don't really care. not my site. :thumbup:
I like the idea of a forum dedicated to a given make and model. SBN is dead as a doorknob with the exception of a very few sub-forums that are semi-active. Having a dedicated site allows members to open up a little more and that in turn leads to more sharing of knowledge.

Owners of a specifc bike like to hang out with the same. I'm over on the FZ1 site from time-to-time and it has a different feel from here. I belong to a couple of other forums and each is distinctive and that is good, well one place kind sucks but it is what it is, Wavex knows that one. Regardless I think the FZ6-Forum should remain as it is and keep growing and changing within that bike. I pray that Yamaha doesn't end the model too soon as this is the best place on the web that I've found. :thumbup:
Please keep it as it is "unique".:thumbup: Theres's lot's of other Yamaha forums out there, but most of them are just a mish mash.

FZ6 deals with the FZ6 keep it that way.

Just my 2pence worth:D
