Why we are doomed to fail...


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Apr 15, 2010
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Sorry in advance for this long rant. I am having a harder and harder time with just how greedy we are in the US. I mean everywhere I look, someone is trying to squeeze the last red cent out of someone else. It goes on almost unnoticed by most and it is starting to make me serious consider the viability of this country in the near future. Seems like all anyone cares about is making a buck. I recently sold my FZ6 and I felt good that I gave the young man a good deal. We both felt good about the price. But everywhere I look, eBay, craigslist, even here, people are trying to get top dollar for their merchandise. Whatever happened to a fair deal? Remember when eBay was a place to get a bargain. No more. And what's worse is that people feel entitled to get as much as they can for their goods.

I listed a Specialized Sirrus bike on craigslist this afternoon. 9/10 condition, has not been ridden in years. I placed an ad on CL asking $125, thinking that was fair for a 8 year old bike. I had 16 replies by 8pm. One guy came and picked it up and thanked me for the good deal. I felt good. He felt good.

I don't know, maybe it's me. I only hope this greed isn't worldwide. I think it's time we started to shop less and maybe talk to your neighbors more.

Thanks for listening.
I think the issue (and I see this with motorcycles especially) is that everyone seems to think their product is worth top dollar a) because they owned it b)it has extras. The way I see it as soon as your arse hits the seat the first time and you press the ignition it starts depreciating. I love it when I see a z1000 or such for sale for like 500 less than a brand new one and it's got 6k miles on it... I'm like you, when it comes time to sell my Versys I'll try and sell it for a fair price (if I ever sell it, ATM I plan to ride it til it dies)... I don't see the point in screwing someone for a little extra cash, not worth the hit to my karma lol.

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There's been a steady decline in virtue, respect, faith, family, ethics, personal responsibility, etc, for decades.

Just today I saw an FJR listed on cycletrader for $7950. I personally know that the previous purchase price was about $2300 less a year ago. What happened? Was it an awesome deal last year and the seller this year knows what he has or is it a POS that was "fixed" and being sold as something more?

After working in the jail environment for 6 years I noticed that most in jail that are repeaters blame everyone but themselves for their "bad luck", don't take responsibility for their actions easily put their needs above anyone else's, even their family. It's something I've noticed more with society in general. Riots at shoe stores for a pair of Nike's? People die to get those shoes. Come on!

It's very complicated to explain and it would fill volumes but it all boils down to we are now encouraged to be a society of victims that aren't responsible for what we do and are entitled to things that used to have to be earned.

It used to be people didn't want to be on government assistance, it was shameful, so they'd work hard to get off of it. Nowadays it's encouraged. Why work when the things you want will be given to you? Doesn't matter that those that work and pay taxes are supporting those that don't work. And you have no choice where your tax dollars go. The government knows best.

All hope is not lost. If society is to do the right thing it starts with us and our own actions. The Golden Rule is a place to start: treat others like you would want to be treated.
It's very complicated to explain and it would fill volumes but it all boils down to we are now encouraged to be a society of victims that aren't responsible for what we do and are entitled to things that used to have to be earned.

It used to be people didn't want to be on government assistance, it was shameful, so they'd work hard to get off of it. Nowadays it's encouraged. Why work when the things you want will be given to you? Doesn't matter that those that work and pay taxes are supporting those that don't work. And you have no choice where your tax dollars go. The government knows best.

All hope is not lost. If society is to do the right thing it starts with us and our own actions. The Golden Rule is a place to start: treat others like you would want to be treated.

I totally agree, sort of. I believe we may be too far gone to come out on top. When you have a majority of the voting population receiving government entitlements, you can't get the problems solved. They will continue to vote themselves other peoples stuff (money).

As far as ripping people off as the OP was talking about, not sure how I feel about this. If someone want's to get as much for their product as possible, I see no problem with this. If I list my old worn out 1984 KDX200 for $1000, no one will buy it. I will have to lower my price to a point that is fair. This is the way the free market works.

Anyway, I leave you with this. I believe this pretty much sums up what is going on with this country. Ever read Atlas Shrugged (there's a movie now, part 1 anyway)? This is the direction we're heading...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWHEcIbhDiw]Rush - The Trees - YouTube[/ame]
This a nerve issue I think many people feel the same way but are not as vocal about. Things truly are not what they used to be. Greed grows, values decline, people become more distant, everybody wants more, but gives less. Heck look what it cost to upgrade an fz 6 exhaust! Could go on for a while, but...

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I experienced the same thing earlier this week as I inquired about an older motorcycle I saw on the local Craigslist. Buyer had it listed at a price that defied belief, mostly due to the amount of rust, bad paint, and other non-working parts. After doing some research I told the seller what I would pay, the reasons for my pricing and the sources of my research--my price was almost half of listed price. When I asked seller to clarify his price, he said that it's spring and prices are high. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand seasonal price fluctuations, but doubling a fair price just because it's spring? Guess he needs to find a more gullible buyer.

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I agree somewhat as well. I think that a lot of the time people start their price out high knowing that people are going to offer significantly less and hope to end up somewhere in the middle.
It's not greed, it's finding the sucker. "A fool and his money are soon parted."

Why are people posting outrageous prices? Because people come pay them. Don't blame the seller, blame the fools who part with their hard earned cash and pay the seller the asking price.

I'm not one. I turn away from what I feel is not a good deal.
I have a few things in my garage that I have no use for. I would like to sell them but selling can be such a hassle. With respect to the OP, buyers want the most for next to nothing. They make ridiculous offers hoping to strike a great deal. I had a guy offer half the value of the bike I was selling via text. I looked his number up in CL and he had 6 bikes for sale at that time. The kicker, all were way above market price.

In the end I sold the bike for a fair price to someone that just loved the bike.
Dave, TX - I agree with you completely. Responsibility for one's actions is huge and there is a huge lack of it in today's youth. That scares me more but I'll be dead by then.

GTPAddict - That was a most fitting video. Trees is an awesome song. Big Rush fan, thanks.

CobaltFZ1 - It's deeper than simply a fool and his money. It has gotten to epidemic proportions. How much is a gallon of milk where you live? Us city-folk feel the pain. And I am sure you do as well in certain areas.

I guess what I am saying is that I'd like to live in a country where we care about the other person a bit more than the amount of money in their wallets. Is this what we have evolved into?
Ehhh, people have been greedy since there were first people. If you don't like a price move on.
I have no problem paying top dollar for a good bike. It is when people are trying to sell junk for top dollar. One freind was looking to by a 04 r6 with front end damage on cl price was $800 when he called guy said I had an offer of $1000 what's up with that just say it is sold. And another freind looked at a 06 gsxr 600 price was $5500 was told it was perfect. Except the rattle can paint job dropped on right side and the bad wiring job for the lights.
To answer the OP isn't that the point of "Capitalism"?
I agree that people are greedy but when everyone is being screwed for more and more taxes the opportunities to create wealth become more important for many.
I don't disagree with a word you or the other people have said. You have to work within the constraints of your socioeconomic situation.
I am sure there are many people in other countries who would like the opportunity to embrace a free market?

CobaltFZ1 - It's deeper than simply a fool and his money. It has gotten to epidemic proportions. How much is a gallon of milk where you live? Us city-folk feel the pain. And I am sure you do as well in certain areas.

The price of milk is set by minimum wage, the current amount of inflation (milk and other "futures" products suffer greatly from inflation), and the cost of gasoline. All three are controlled to a great extent by our government or people placed by our government, if not completely controlled.

So is your complaint against capitalism or the government? In a free economy, the system works the way you described. Demand vs supply vs number of idiots who'll pay high. Putting the price low is your prerogative, most people would call that "priced to move". But if you want to sell at fair market price or above, that's your own issue. No one can stop you. It's your stuff; however if the price is absurd then no one will buy it. Is it bad to sell things above "fair market" price, or evil? No. In a free market the responsibility to not get screwed out of money is on the buyer, not the seller. Now I would say taking advantage of someone who couldn't possibly know better is wrong, but those kind of transactions are controlled under the ADA. And they're usually rare as our society has fallen away from the barter system.

Which is probably where your issue comes from. Go to any other country and walk into a store and pay the price on the tag and they think you're stupid. It's so far removed from our culture that people don't even understand how to bargain with someone and often times are insulted that they even have to make a counter-offer. We think it's rude.

But if your issue runs deeper than that, then your problem is not the free trade system we have here. Either move to another country and embrace socialism, or get involved in this country's politics. Here's a few hints. Contact your senator and congressman. They usually have RSS or email feeds these days to keep you abreast of new policies that might interest you. Then support the special interest groups that push the things you believe in.

I'd also look into the Libertarian party. I think you'd agree with their views. They'll never make president, with our "first past the post" system of voting, but the real power is in the house and senate. I know their first order of business if they controlled both would be to remove the presidential mandate power, as it is blatantly unconstitutional. They're also looking to freeze salaries and make taking any sort of "anonymous donation" illegal.