Worst drivers thread......What vehicles to be wary of


A Member
May 18, 2008
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Qld, Australia
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This has probably been kicked around before, but im just too lazy to find the thread.

Over the past couple of months in my experience the car the worst drivers are now gravitating to is the.......................

Mitsubishi Lancer

I have a low expectation of anyone's ability operating a Camry/Aurion, but it seems Lancer drivers have managed to lower the bar further.

The amount of brainless, stupid and downright dangerous **** these people pull on my journeys every day is beyond belief!

While we are at it, what other vehicles are we wary of being near, whether on our beloved bikes or that pain in the ass time we have to be in the cage?
Here in California, I find Toyota Prius drivers to be very snobby. They drive very slow in the carpool lane and won't move over, especially during rush hour traffic. Good thing those hybrid vehicles aren't exempt anymore. If they're going to drive the same speed as traffic, they shouldn't be in the carpool/fast lane.
On my ventures the ones to look out for are the Subaru WRX's and the Honda Civics.... civics it's either a punk thinking he's cool b/c he has honda stickers, a body kit and rims, or an old lady who thinks she's the only one on the road... seems to always be a civic though lol...

Had a guy in a WRX merge onto a 5 lane highway....coming from the merge lane, cut all the way across and nearly bashed into the side of the guy in the SUV in the fast lane-after cutting off 3 people to get there... i then saw him lane splitting going 90+ mph.... hope he gets his license taken and thrown through a paper shredder...

Another one is the farm kids with the big diesels with loud stacks... they'll ride anyones arse whether its a Semi or a bus or a motorcycle... they have to be all up in your business
This has probably been kicked around before, but im just too lazy to find the thread.

Over the past couple of months in my experience the car the worst drivers are now gravitating to is the.......................

Mitsubishi Lancer

I have a low expectation of anyone's ability operating a Camry/Aurion, but it seems Lancer drivers have managed to lower the bar further.

The amount of brainless, stupid and downright dangerous **** these people pull on my journeys every day is beyond belief!

While we are at it, what other vehicles are we wary of being near, whether on our beloved bikes or that pain in the ass time we have to be in the cage?
+1 Stu.

Bloody Camry drivers......

Middle aged tradies in utes (male, of course.....)

And ANY Hyundai
Hyundai's really? anytime i see one they are holding onto the steering wheel so tightly wondering when a major part is going to fall off/explode/catch fire? lol

Girlfriend has a Sonata (dunno if you guys get the same models in Oz) and in less than 60k miles it needed-new power steering pump, new wheel bearings, another power steering pump, new tie rod, A/C pump, then the big one- Engine internals... cam sensor, cam itself (lots more but can't remember) Bill for the big one was like 3000 bucks... keep in mind this car currently (15k miles later) has 70k on it.... oh and the center console thing is broke... lol

Meanwhile my little Chevy cavalier has 65k on it and the biggest thing it's needed was a muffler because the salt on the road eats thru the cheapies quick :D

Come to think of it Camry's are probably number 3 on my list of cars to look out for... good call :thumbup:
I don't trust bikes or cars. As soon as you start looking for a specific brand to be aware of it will get you and here's how. Say you set that little script running in your mind that Brand X is always going to get get you. Well you see Brand X and in your conscious/subconscious you're pointing a jaundice eye to that vehicle. Brand B will then get you. After Brand B gets you you'll have made the script true because if you used less energy and subconscious focus on Brand X Brand B wouldn't have gotten you. :eek: :rolleyes:

I'm watching all their a$$es! :D
I don't trust bikes or cars. As soon as you start looking for a specific brand to be aware of it will get you and here's how. Say you set that little script running in your mind that Brand X is always going to get get you. Well you see Brand X and in your conscious/subconscious you're pointing a jaundice eye to that vehicle. Brand B will then get you. After Brand B gets you you'll have made the script true because if you used less energy and subconscious focus on Brand X Brand B wouldn't have gotten you. :eek: :rolleyes:

I'm watching all their a$$es! :D

Agreed, i'm always watching all the cars that may be a threat, but it seems the trouble makers always seem to be Car X... but watching all of them has kept me safe so i'll continue to watch every cage like they've got it out for me :thumbup:
Anyone in a Jeep!

Who is most likely in a Road Rage Scuttle; I see Jeep again. . . :ban: You do have this things over there don't you?

I never lead when the drivers on the phone or the nose of their auto is piled up from Rear Ending others.
I have found it doesn't matter what the car is. In southern Cali I found if a car came out of no where really fast in the left lane it was 95% of the time a prius... East coast it's the complete opposite as someone already said. Anyone driving a jacked pick up truck should have tool engraved in their forehead... Gotta watch out for high end bmw's and Mercedes they are usually driven by old people. Also if you see more than one head in car they most likely will pay attention to whomever else is in the car and not where they are going. And can't forget about mom with a car seat in the back....notorious for running stop signs...... Also if the windshield is dirty women love to hit the windshield wash at 60+ mph and can't seem to figure out the wind causes 70% of it to go anywhere but the windshield, and if your on a bike it seems you get the full 70%:spank:
Generally cars driven by a man or woman are my main issue.
The amount of terrible driving this holiday has been absolutely amazing, I really think there should be speed cameras which book you for going too slow if there is nothing in front of you providing a reason for your speed.

School holidays and you get people who think its a good time to teach L platers on single lane (each way) 100/110 roads???

People on phones or with GPS also seem to be the worst, paying no attention to the road...
Anyone in a 4WD/fake 4WD also continue to be bad, although it may just be the fact vision isn't very good in those tanks, or that they feel so secure that no one else's safety is a concern.

What always amazes me is that I take my grandmother shopping twice a week (not on the bike) and pick her up during school zones, the school right next to where she lives has parents double parked for 100 metres down the road dropping kids off, stopping the flow of traffic and doing everything illegal imaginable... and yet the police sit a street further down trying to ping people coming down the main road for speeding.....
Thanks Mr Officer your doing a great job keeping the roads safe.

<This post almost belongs in the rant thread :p>

EDIT : If its got more than two wheels..............be afraid !

+ 1. I'm on the lookout for anything that isn't me! Except for my wife. She drives respectably, as she also pillions on the bike, so she knows how it feels to have a 'pucker' moment when someone in a cage on on another bike does something dumb...
Hey I drive an aurion! (Im only 19)But I do agree most people who drive them are old and forget where that thing that operates the flashy light is. I have found that just about anyone driving a European car is in a rush the get back to the city and forgets that roads out west are dual lane but the other one is for the cars coming the opposite way.
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MOTHER F'N CROWN VICTORIAS, LINCOLN TOWN CARS, MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS, all off these cars are the same and all have the worst drivers either 90 yr olds who cant see over the wheel, cabbies, or thugs who think they are hard because they are driving the retired cop car that they once sat in the back of!!!!! AHHHH SEND EM ALL TO HELLLL!!!!!

Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
4WD's, Lycra clad cyclist's, and wankers in their drift mobiles in the Twisties! GET OFF OUR ROADS Biatch's, and stop getting in the way, driving on the wrong side of the road!!!!

WOW great to know im hated :( I drive trucks , tow a caravan , ride a bike , own a Hyundai & its a 'so called' pretend 4wd that goes places in the bush that a friends Landcruiser cant go & is 100x better on the beach than a heavier Cruiser/Patrol :confused:

I think its time for me to go buy a drift car , strap a phone to my ear & just neck myself in the first set of twisties :eek: :rolleyes: :BLAA:

The Hyundai is bulletproof , has better build quality than ANY Aussie built car & comes with 5 year unlimited kilometre warranty , no Aussie manufacturer does that :thumbup:

Not all 4x4 owners pose ;)
Not all 4x4 owners pose ;)

No, but most of them cant stay on their side of the road, or indicate....

I see it every time i ride!

And ever since a road hogging, non indicating 4WD put me in hospital for Christmas, trashed my bike, and gave me DVT, i have a feral hatred for 4WD's!

Broad generalisations are rife in this World, just like every motorcyclist is a hoon, a temporary citizen, and will destroy your daughters life, if she gets involved with one!

Just saying!
