Would you Americans be interested in Cricket?


International Liaison
Elite Member
Jul 8, 2007
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Some Bloke, (I missed his name)

Is trying to put together an American one day Cricket league.
Would any of you guys / girls watch it?
Seems pointless to me when baseball is already established as a national sport.
It would be like asking Canadians to give up Ice hockey and watch netball.....:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

If someone points out that you can sit around and drink Bud Light all day while you ware watching it, Americans will go see it. ;)
I have never really seen any cricket I may see it just for the expirience but....... wait a minute did he say bud light...all day???? I'm there!!!!!! :D :iconbeer: :beer: :thumbup:
How can you get the Americans interested in cricket when 90% of Brits can`t stand ....or understand it...Silly mid off...please tell me how that name was thought up.

Now Fred and Beefy are no longer in the game it is boring.

What type of national game basically refuses to let all the `Great`players take a hand in running the sport after they retire and is then run by a bunch of geriatrics who wouldn`t know a ball from a bale.

America avoid the game of cricket.

How can you get the Americans interested in cricket when 90% of Brits can`t stand ....or understand it...Silly mid off...please tell me how that name was thought up.

Now Fred and Beefy are no longer in the game it is boring.

What type of national game basically refuses to let all the `Great`players take a hand in running the sport after they retire and is then run by a bunch of geriatrics who wouldn`t know a ball from a bale.

America avoid the game of cricket.


thanks for the warning Steve!

I'm not sure americans really understand baseball but they have this great drink there......:iconbeer:
Couldn't imagine sitting around all day drinking weak watered down nats p1ss all day. Cricket has a bit of a tradition of sitting about drinking real beer all day, one of the few sports where you can still buy alcohol. Few football grounds still do but that'll be phased out over the next few years.
Couldn't imagine sitting around all day drinking weak watered down nats p1ss all day. Cricket has a bit of a tradition of sitting about drinking real beer all day, one of the few sports where you can still buy alcohol. Few football grounds still do but that'll be phased out over the next few years.
We are talking 20-20 mate. So should be entertaining.
We have several cricket players in my neighborhood. They play on baseball fields and it looks strange because they are not in "normal baseball" position. I stop and watch because it is interesting....to a point. For cricket to make it in the US, they need to shorten the game from....say...all weekend to a few hours.
What the hell is cricket?

The Game of Cricket (as explained to a foreigner)

You have two sides.

One side is out in the field and one is in.

Each man that's in the side that goes in goes out and when he's out he come in and the next man goes in until he's out.

When they are all out the side that's out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in out.

When both sides have been in and out including not outs, that's the end of the game.

Easy really.
The Game of Cricket (as explained to a foreigner)

You have two sides.

One side is out in the field and one is in.

Each man that's in the side that goes in goes out and when he's out he come in and the next man goes in until he's out.

When they are all out the side that's out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in out.

When both sides have been in and out including not outs, that's the end of the game.

Easy really.
Yes it all makes sense now.

No no we probley wont be interested in cricket.

Shin Kicking rocks out though. That I would pay to see.
Hi Nelly - I spent many an hour in the barber shop in Baghdad watching cricket. The barbers were mainly Pakistanies and I never figured it out. I'm sure if I understood the rules I'll at least appreciate it but my love and understanding of baseball keeps bumping into the rules of cricket. I just don't understand it. :(
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi

Our friends in the U.K will understand.

Can't see it taking off in the U.S though. Canada has a 1 day side and last time I checked Americans would do anything to give them a beating, so maybe.
I used to be a ball boy (like tennis ball boys, I can see this might be mis-interpreted:rolleyes:) for Surrey as their ground was right next to my school. In fact they used to close the school early in the summer or start the term late if England were playing as they would rent out the roof to people. :eek:

Cricket is perfect TV and a great day out. Played and watched around the world.

I suppose a major difference between say baseball and cricket is the fact the ball is bowled not thrown, the arm is not bent. Your all falling asleep I can tell.:D
I am an Englishman, yes I am, proud in fact.
I went to an English school that denied that cricket existed. We did track and Rugby.
As a child I hated the sport.
Then in 2005 I was lucky enough to be off work for a couple of weeks due to an injury to the crown jewels. I had no choice but to embrace the game. It took two weeks for me to get a basic understanding of the rules. I am now addicted to it.
The game that they want to bring to the USA is called "Twenty 20". A short version of the game that results in a winner by the end of the day.
Here are the rules as explained by a fellow American.
Cricket Explained (An American Viewpoint)
Some Bloke, (I missed his name)

Is trying to put together an American one day Cricket league.
Would any of you guys / girls watch it?
Seems pointless to me when baseball is already established as a national sport.
It would be like asking Canadians to give up Ice hockey and watch netball.....:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:


Is cricket the game they play with the wide, flat, bat? If it is then it looks complicated.:thumbup:
We have several cricket players in my neighborhood. They play on baseball fields and it looks strange because they are not in "normal baseball" position. I stop and watch because it is interesting....to a point. For cricket to make it in the US, they need to shorten the game from....say...all weekend to a few hours.


This guy has obviously never seen England play.

England seem to cut it down to a few hours every time they play.

