Would you be nervous?

Not at all. Tiger would not expect you to be on the same planet as his golf playing.

The fact that he actually asked the guy if he were nervous as he was teeing up shows he had empathy for the guys position.

I would just love the opportunity to talk to him as we went around and listen to his golfing stories.

The experience would stay with you for a life time. Am I jealous? You bet. but well done to the man for winning such a fantastic prize.

no, I slice so bad anyways maybe I'd impress him with one of my awesomely lucky boomerang shots.
I'm w/Sportrider - I'm pathetic & would be worse if he was my caddie!:(
Actually it'd probably be pretty cool too!:D
I have never played golf so i dont think i would be. I really have no interest in golf and would ask if he would like to jump stuff in the cart..:D
Maybe he could teach me how to make the ball go in the right direction instead of going straight up. :D