Inkrediboy Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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Today an IT Geek...Inkrediboy

What do you do for a living?
Director of IT for a Gun Safe Manufacturer / and moonlighting rockstar musician.

How long have you owned your FZ6?
Sorry no FZ6 here, but a ridiculously clean 2007 R1 Yammi

What other modes of transport do you have?
Lifted Full size Chevy Silverado.

If you could have any bike what would it be?
I have the bike I want - just want to trick it out for more performance. I couldnt' be happier R1 is a bad ass bike.

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
Recording engineer and producer - customer studio Digital Workstation builder, Custom PC builder and repair, and semi-pro photography.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Hands down the best I've visited on my bike was Palomar Mountain and the highways that lead their on a weekday I ditched from work. This road was mapped and recommended by Sportrider before I met him.

Describe yourself in three words?

If you could redesign any household (including garage) appliance what would it be and why?
I would redesign my balcony to include a retractable ramp- so I could ride my R1 in my living room, so her and I could have a nightcap - and then maybe move things into the bedroom if things progressed

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
The Motorcycle!

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Cagers - all drivers would be forbidden from touching a road until they completed both Driving school and Motorcycle Safety Course. Being a rider, makes you a better driver period.

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
Singing and playing piano Elton John or Alicia Keys style. Performed many solo shows.

Snow or beach?
Got to admit - but in Cally - you have both extremes in the same day. That's a tough one.

Windows or Mac?
Windows by far....

F1 or MotoGP?
MotoGP - Rossi baby baby!!!

Which track or album rocks your boat?
Bruce Springsteen's "Devils and Dust" has been a revolutionary inspiration to me musically.

What is your favourite film?

Meat or Veg?
Meat meat - oops that sounds gay!

What is your favourite beverage?

And finally, your number one rule in life?
Honesty with yourself and others will lead you to a life of success and true happiness. This world is nothing but the reality you make of it - and if you are honest about that current state - you will always seek improvements.
wow, I feel so naked now :). Thanks Grommit. Fizzers - don't flame me to hard now.
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I've heard Ryan play and sing, I'll have to get a video of him doing it and post it up!!!:thumbup:
We have enough musicians on this board to put together quite a band, save for a drummer (unless I missed him/her). We may have to visit a Harley forum to find a drummer.

:ban: :justkidding:
Thanks for the interview! :thumbup: It's nice to get to know our new mod a little better. :rockon:

right on! when I got the notification from brother Grommit this morning - I thought a bunch of you guys got it at the same time. Oops - Thanks for welcoming me in the board while not being an FZ6 rider, this is hands down the nicest, and funniest online community of riders I've ever been a part of. is really really unfriendly, cutthroat, and unentertaining. Alot of those guys (but definitely not all - shiaat I met sportrider through there) are what give R1 riders the typical reputation of being "asshats" (props Wrightme for that new verbiage). Nothing like being able to use asshat in context :)

When I'm not on my bike - this particular forum keeps me in the Riding Zone - till I saddle up again. Too bad we are all so scattered around - would be nice to see all the real faces on this forum in person and hit the canyons mobbing deep :) So far - the four faces I've met here Sportider - Poorwboy - J - and Nimz- have been the coolest people you could ask or imagine in real life. Just as each one's usernames are somewhat iconic and colorful, each one of them in person is quite the character.

Someday you guys, someday - Dennis will call an FZ6 world summit - and we will all be there posting up in person like the movie "The Warriors" !!! come out to playyyeeeeeaaaayyyy!

I'm glad to be here for dam sure.

Nice interview.. definitely glad to have you here. We are not a discriminating bunch. It is too bad you guys are on the opposite side of the USA from some of us. Dennis should have a summit, would be a blast.. I am still waiting on the Christmas Party.. especially now so I can hear some piano(my dream to learn), and singing(not so good at that part hehe).

Anyway, thanks for the interview..I hope Danny posts the video of you playing and singing :)

I like geeks. I was going to say that in my post but was afraid of insulting anyone, even though it is a compliment from me. My husband is a geek..
Awesome interview! Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself and welcome!
Great interview! You have got to be a ton of fun to hang out with! The West Coast group is making me want to relocate with the weather and roads! If only I could take along all the New Englanders with me? ;)

From one geek to another, B357 1n73rv13w y37!
Thanks again to the crazy members that bothered to take a peak at this thread amidst all the other entertaining topics. I had my trigger finger ready for any cheap stabs at my R1 :) High alert - High alert - I think I have a wall built up!!! Oh my!! :rockon:

I think its been suggested more than a few times that our beloved "ADMIN" call a summit and organize some crazy Fizzer bash. Sure would be a trip to meet the faces behind the names :)

You guys/gals ride safe, and keep posting up!!!

Suggestion for summit location: Where else but Cally and the westside :) Riders paradise out here.
Hey you kept it in the Yami family! Besides R1s are sexy as hell. ;) This place is what helps me through my days. I could go on a similar rant that Danny went on almost on a daily basis. So I come here to relax and laugh.
Yeah....let your guard down, Ryan. We don't flame like other forums. Come on....Danny and I are admins and we don't even have an FZ6, hell, I don't even have a Yamaha.

Thanks for the interview! :thumbup:
Yeah....let your guard down, Ryan. We don't flame like other forums. Come on....Danny and I are admins and we don't even have an FZ6, hell, I don't even have a Yamaha.

Thanks for the interview! :thumbup:

Pretty much why I left the other 2 forums I was also on.. I couldn't stand some of the topics (pretty hardcore) and the insults were nuts. That isn't why we come here. We come here to make friends, have fun, and talk about our beloved sport of riding. Although, I did like one of the ideas on one of the forums I am sure you have heard of this. J, let me know what you think.. FZ6 Calendars.. pick a charity... type of thing.