Drink and Post?

Ive never known a thread to make me so thirsty. Everyone talks about how much I drink but no one ever asks how thirsty I am :(

Day off work & just finished mowing the lawn. Cheers :iconbeer:

To the SA boys. Love the Coopers Pale :thumbup: Though it has been a long time, reminds me of a mis-spent youth & a girl I used to know.
Does it couont if I'm posting drunk now?:D Ok, I'm off to buy something. Is it me or does a good drunk make you shop happy? Every upgrade I have bought has been from a drunken state.
American Guinness isn't as good as the real thing because it's pasteurized.
Agreed, I've had the real stuff in England several times and its incredible. The commute for a good beer is kinda pricy, though... ;) European ice cream is much better than that in the States too, because of no either Pasteurization or Homogenization, can't remember which...
I drank, I posted.... I chatted, I drank more, I watched the Pats lose! I drank more... I posted this. I'm no longer drinking because I ran out... I am bummed!
Drink and post? I'm German, Polish, and Austrian (sp?) and was born in and live in Wisconsin of course I drink and post. I'm loaded right now, you can't go more than two blocks without seeing a bar in the area I live in. I'm even thinking about going cow tipping. :ban:
Agreed, I've had the real stuff in England several times and its incredible. The commute for a good beer is kinda pricy, though... ;) European ice cream is much better than that in the States too, because of no either Pasteurization or Homogenization, can't remember which...

I had it in Ireland, and developed a taste for it there. I came back to the states and was just disappointed. The closest in flavor I can find is the extra stout stuff. It's got enough bite that it covers up the pasteurization.
TODAY IS FRIDAY. It's only 11:45am, but prepare for tonight, because there should be a plethora of posts tonight and throughout the weekend...

who can spell the worst?! not purposely mind you, and allow spell checker ;)
Drink and post? I'm German, Polish, and Austrian (sp?) and was born in and live in Wisconsin of course I drink and post. I'm loaded right now, you can't go more than two blocks without seeing a bar in the area I live in. I'm even thinking about going cow tipping. :ban:

:eek: Oh no! Not cow tipping! What a hoot! You gotta let me know the next time you go and I'll join you!
Ok, I,ll bite , Whats cow tipping ?

Well... It is a country thing... You have to sneak up on the cows when they are sleeping - standing up of course. Then you and a friend (or multiple friends) give a hearty nudge so they tip over. This is best accomplished when you have been drinking and posting.

Truth is that the cows don't usually sleep standing up and aren't easily moved. But is sure is fun to go out and try! ;) And my husband says that you have to have a large set of nuts to cozy up to a 2,000 pound beast - but he grew up in the city so he is a wuss when it comes to large critters. He says he likes his horses gas powered.
LOL,Now that sounds like fun,Just like in Cars when they did the tractor tipping :thumbup:

yeah, that's where Cars got the idea. It's actually a lot of fun, and not easy....and really dangerous for the cow if she does happen to fall over.