Drink and Post?

Ghost Weim

Time to ride!!
Premium Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Southwest WI
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It is a chilly fall evening here and I was sitting enjoying a glass of my *favorite* - it got me thinking... How many of you drink and post? And - what is your drink of choice? Mine is bourbon.
I have drank and posted, but I can't drink too much...Type I diabetic. I find its not worth the extra needle. When I do indulge it is either Dienhard green label, a german sweet white or my recent fav....OMG you have to try it kinda drink....Peachy Tea (Iced tea, lemonade, peach schnapps and vodka)

I am more likely to stay away from posting when I have a migraine and have taken percocet, you never know what I will post. I believe my incredibly "smart" :rolleyes: move of posting a shoulders up shot of me wearing a tube top while modeling my helmet ponytails was one of my more memorable percocet moments.

Before you get on me for narcotics...I can't take anything else, it all interacts with my insulin...stroke, heart attack, death....I will take being high once in a while.
I lean towards the darker beer myself and on occasion a red stripe to mix it up a bit.
Ahh but what kind?

Rye (Whiskey) here.

Fair question. The last bottle was Bushmills Original in the 400th Anniversary tin.

My very favorite is Midleton (Jameson) that comes in a wooden case and has a serial number. WOW! I picked that bottle up in Shannon Ireland on my what home from Iraq. Smooooooth. :D

That said, I spoke with a friend of mine this evening and she said her husband sold a bottle of whiskey for $1,600 to a person in Germany. I need to find out what that one was.
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Yep, it's hot here in Oz today, so Beer while posting is essential! Goold ol South Australian Coopers Pale Ale!

i am a captain and coke guy, but i have also been known to get a good bit of sam adams in myself before posting...