
When you signal, your general intent to the driver in that lane is:

  • I'm not asking permission. I'm coming in. Make the necessary adjustments.

    Votes: 80 37.2%
  • I'd like to come in your lane. I'll give you a couple seconds to think about it.

    Votes: 110 51.2%
  • Please sir/madam, I'd like to join you in your lane. Would you be a dear and let me in?

    Votes: 19 8.8%
  • Signal? WTF is that?

    Votes: 6 2.8%

  • Total voters


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Aug 1, 2008
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I drove 4 friends to a basketball game yesterday. A couple who had never driven with me before watched with interest as I weaved through a busy city. One said "when you signal, you're not really asking to go in, you just go". That got me thinking. I grew up in Brooklyn and it was basically "he who hesitates is lost". My style on the bike is pretty much the same. What's your style?

When I signal, the general intention to the driver's in that lane is:

1) I'm not asking permission. I'm coming in. Make the necessary adjustments.

2) I'd like to come in your lane. I'll give you a couple seconds to decide if you're going to shut me out, and if it still looks clear I'll come in.

3) Please sir/madam, I'd like to join you in your lane, which looks delightful by the way. Would it be a big imposition to let me in? If not, could I further trouble you to slow down a tad so I know it's OK to come in? Thank you so much. You're a dear.

4) Signal? WTF is that?
I think mine is more of a just letting you know kinda thing. Look out, Here I come. I do not signal unless I am ready to make the move, and have checked to make sure that I am safe.
Great thread Norm.

I ride like I own my space. In other words on a four lane road I ride next to the dashed white line, the inside of the lane, not the outside. I try to dominate my space, if not, you get run over. This holds true with the bicycle too. If you clammer to the edge people will not see you, ignore you, not respect you if you will.

I am also decisive. I signal and then turn, merge, etc. I don't drift in and out of a lane. I also get the F out of the way is someone else is in a hurry.

For my actual signal I use the blinker and if traffic is busy my arm too. It seems that when you move your arm it wakes drivers up because it is different motion from the million of other blinkers on the road.
Agreed an interesting thread... but my answer depends on the actual place/traffic conditions.
I would hope when changing lanes on a motorway/freeway I am not making people make any adjustments, but certainly I am not asking for permission to change lanes.
In town where you wouldn't get anywhere without gentle forcing your way in then things are different.
I think mine is more of a just letting you know kinda thing. Look out, Here I come. I do not signal unless I am ready to make the move, and have checked to make sure that I am safe.
I like the second part (make sure that I am safe) but the first part worries me. Just make sure the other drivers have enough time to react. It's good to be decisive, but not at the expense of safety.

I do a lot of highway miles, and I think it's dangerous when people put their signal on the very last second before they try to change lanes. It doesn't give the driver in that lane any time to react, and it doesn't warn any cars in front of you that you're coming.

Take this real-world example :
Someone in the passing lane wanting to get into the right lane.
Someone on a side road at a stop sign, wanting to make a right turn into the same lane.

If the guy in the passing lane doesn't give adequate warning, the guy at the stop sign would figure it's safe to pull out... several times I've almost seen that turn into a collision.

I try to always use my signal BEFORE I make the turn, and give drivers around me enough time to know where I'm going. Safe or not. The light is yellow for a reason, it's a warning to drivers around you.

Just my opinion.

Edit: What works in Brooklyn may get you killed in rural Lancaster County. Home of Amish buggies and retirement communities.
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1) I'm not asking permission. I'm coming in. Make the necessary adjustments.

I agree with the beginning, not the end. I signal to communicate my intentions and not ask permission - but I don't try to squeeze in where there isn't room. I look way, way ahead before making a lane change, and adjust my speed accordingly to come in. If someone tries to speed up to take my slot, that's their problem, but I don't make anyone move or brake in order to accomodate me.

My exception is when I have to evade someone who has invaded my space. I'll give a 'sorry' wave to whoever I have to inconvenience in that instance.
Good Thread. One thing to do is always signal 100 feet prior to turning lanes. If you are at speed 100 feet comes in a hurry. I like the arm signal also. Cagers don't seem to recognize us or maybe its don't respect us. We are very vunarable to the cagers actions. It's best not to piss them off. It seems like the more expensive the automobile the less likely they are to use there signals. It would be nice if the police could do some saturation patrols to remind people to use there signals. Women and cell phones is really a bad deal. They very rarely use there signals. They can't talk and signal at the same time. :spank::spank: Well enough ranting. Be safe out there. :thumbup:
I don't really ask permission, I'm coming over, but I wait a second so they actually see me and understand I am actually there, so I chose the second one.
I always make sure there is open space, and that I accelerate to avoid being hit by any uncoming car in that lane.

I always use my turn signal, but I don't wait.

My mom uses the signal and wait method, and everytime I've been with her and that happens, atleast 3 cars in the other lane speed up and close the gap so we can't get over.

I've learned to always be one step ahead of everyone else on the road because they can't be trusted.

Also kind of stupid but if I see someone driving wrecklessly(speeding, swerving in and out of lanes without signaling and cutting people off), I'll anticipate their moves and then switch into the same lane they are but I'll use my signal, and they are forced to slow down. I've gone 5 miles out of my way just to punk someone. I don't break a single law when I do this.
It really depends on the situation. I usually don't ask for permission - its more of a letting the other cagers know where i am going.
If somebody cuts me off or i'm using evasive maneuvering - i don't have time to use the blinker.

The majority of the time though i only change lanes when necessary and when i know its safe. I am the type of person (although maybe not the best idea) that used the turn signal when needed. I use it because its the law and i use it when i need to let other people know what i'm planning. I know my surroundings 100% and only make a move if i know i can do it. The signal is there to prevent other drivers from taking the same path as me and to prevent cops from pulling me over.

Out of habit from taking the safety course, its become muscle memory to signal and head check which is enough to let any aware motorist know what i am doing. And as i said i only make a move if i know i can make it 100% (or i'm by myself on some desolate road).
I like the second part (make sure that I am safe) but the first part worries me. Just make sure the other drivers have enough time to react. It's good to be decisive, but not at the expense of safety.

True. I do signal, look in my mirrors and look with my head behind me, But like someone else posted, if you are not ready to move, they will speed up just to stay in front of you around here. As another posted, I also speed up when I merge, that also gives them time to adjust. Memphis drivers don't care about anyone or anything. They will drive 45 in the fast lane, and 70 in the slow lane. When you are ready to go, you go. If not, you will not be able to. I do try to give them time, just not enough to decide to cut me off.
Great thread Norm.
... It seems that when you move your arm it wakes drivers up because it is different motion from the million of other blinkers on the road.

I agree a look over the shoulder with the hand signal seems to gives you more authority than just the blinker to most cagers. It is good to use both.
I voted "I'm not asking permission. I'm coming in. Make the necessary adjustments".

To me it's a local customs/attitude dependant situation. I grew up in a less populated area and it used to be intention, and wait to get in but in the Boston vicinity it doesn't take long to figure out that your signal is really a request to get blocked out if you don't immediately start turning. When in Rome and all that...
I chose the first one. However I try not to just dart into another lane because some drivers here are quite distracted with texting, talking on the cellphone, or watching a DVD and are too busy to see me. So I check the mirrors, make sure the chances are positive that I can make the lane change alive in So Cal traffic, and then I signal and go for it. I try to use the signal as much as possible. Communication is important. I really hate it when cagers plan on making a turn, but do not signal their intentions.
I voted the first one. I am signaling my intentions, not asking for permision to enter your lane. We all share the road, the turn signals let others know the direction I want to move in, not the direction I might want to move to if you let me. Obviously this only works if I can safely do what I want to do. Causing another motorist to panic is not good for my well being, and the others on the road!
Good Thread. One thing to do is always signal 100 feet prior to turning lanes. If you are at speed 100 feet comes in a hurry. I like the arm signal also. Cagers don't seem to recognize us or maybe its don't respect us. We are very vunarable to the cagers actions. It's best not to piss them off. It seems like the more expensive the automobile the less likely they are to use there signals. It would be nice if the police could do some saturation patrols to remind people to use there signals. Women and cell phones is really a bad deal. They very rarely use there signals. They can't talk and signal at the same time. :spank::spank: Well enough ranting. Be safe out there. :thumbup:

No kidding! Moms in mini-vans talking on cells! In that case I will ride to the outside of the lane and throttle past them. I never linger in their blind spot.
if i am driving my tow truck i am telling you i AM coming over, you might want to move or get moved. if i am on my bike i am letting you know i plan on coming over soon. so please let me over. i chose the first one though b/c i have not been riding in a few months. i am getting the itch though. it was 65 today
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In Oz the signal is for showing you want to change lanes ,it doesn't give you the right to change lanes.In Adelaide the bloody cages just try and speed up to block you anyways.

In a heavy vehicle it's a different story,you are obliged by law to let them in.
Great idea for a thread Norm. :thumbup:

I voted the first one. I am signaling my intentions, not asking for permision to enter your lane. We all share the road, the turn signals let others know the direction I want to move in, not the direction I might want to move to if you let me. Obviously this only works if I can safely do what I want to do. Causing another motorist to panic is not good for my well being, and the others on the road!

Yeah, I'm with wolfc. After the obligatory head-check to make sure there's space, indicate and move over. If you indicate too long, cagers move up to block the path :spank:

Unless, you travel over the border to Victoria, then driving/riding around the city becomes much more pleasant. Over there, if you indicate, drivers will generally leave a gap for you :confused: :confused:

Why the Adelaide drivers exactly the opposite... I have no idea.

I voted number 2 but I would reword it slightly "I'm going to move into your lane. I'll give you a couple seconds to see if you're paying attention" Because as others stated, I'm not asking permission I'm just letting you know my intentions. A someone else mentioned I learned from bicycles that if you don't act with some authority, people will never give you an inch.