
I've fallen off of motorcycles and bicycles many times over the years wearing jeans, and every single time my ass has contacted the pavement, and almost every time my jeans tore. To this day I have several "tattoo" of fine rocks on my ass and my lower back from asphalt bits being ground in. I have big ass (no pun intended) scars on both butt cheeks. Chunky yes your butt maybe the biggest muscles in your body but after about two weeks of changing blood and puss soaked wound dressings, a tearing the hair off of your cheeks with medical tape, you'll be wishing you had a good pair of riding pants on. Chaps may help on a chilly day but that is it.
Hey man, don't sweat it if people are giving you a hard time. Who cares. But it's worth noting that...

They don't zip together with your jacket

They don't have armor to protect you

They don't cover your ass or your other man parts!
First off, you have to stick with what floats your boat and makes you happy. That said, I agree that they should be placed on ebay and replaced with textile ones. Full gear + sports bike = sexy. :D
Sorry Chunky, I have to agree with everyone else. Those chaps look really goofy, and the protection that they provide is pretty much nonexistent.
well i still think they provide more protection than jeans alone, and i have them so i will use them til something else comes my way.

and i really don't think they look that goofy. think what you want but i think its unique and to be honest, it makes me feel like a modern age cowboy riding a mechanical nightmare demon horse from hell.

i like it and will continue to wear the chaps until i can upgrade. at least i have something....thanks all for the input.
Its raining out so i would've gone and stood next to my bike but i threw all my gear on just for you so here you go:




so if you imagine me and my black gear on my black fizz.

Who is that person on the TV? Why are they staring at your assless chaps?


Dude just wear em if you want, or dont. I like the kevlar lined jeans. I have two pairs, one pair crash tested at (the last speed I saw was 48mph and I was on the gas a bit hopeing to gain ground clearence) Not a scratch and I still wear them. It wore thru the denim but caused zero damage to the kevlar lining. Only sensation was heat from friction. Slid from the inside lane inside to the outside lane outside, and a considerable distance forward and uphill as well.

As for people at work, ask one of them in front of the rest, if you can follow him to the gay bar after work.
I have chaps just like Jim Karam and when I wear them I will wear Kevlar jeans underneath. I usually wear my Joe Rocket armored pants though.
well i still think they provide more protection than jeans alone, and i have them so i will use them til something else comes my way.

and i really don't think they look that goofy. think what you want but i think its unique and to be honest, it makes me feel like a modern age cowboy riding a mechanical nightmare demon horse from hell.

i like it and will continue to wear the chaps until i can upgrade. at least i have something....thanks all for the input.

"I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, I'm wanted...dead or alive" :rolleyes:
Overpants aren't that much money, especially if you go for textile instead of leather (think between $50 and $200). If you get the kind that have long zippers, you can zip them off and leave them with the bike. They protect a whole lot better than chaps, look way better, and you can get the mesh ones to keep cool in the summer.

I got the FirstGear HT Air 2.0. They cost a bit more than average ($180), but they have full-length zippers, are mesh with a wind-liner, don't look god-awful, and they let me ride places in the summer and be in shorts when I get there.
"I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, I'm wanted...dead or alive" :rolleyes:

Wait a minute isn't that from Bon Jovi? LOL

Man! This chap thing isn't going to go away!

I mean I really ......Okay......What's the deal with the mask?
yeah you like that? Its always friggen cold here in pa. I rode all winter and wouldn't have survived without some sort of protection from the cold. It keeps your neck, chin, and face warm

Yeah I know. I'm originally from Jersey. We also get cold in the winter mornings here in SD so I wear a balaklava? I think that's what they call 'em....

This has been a fun post and I respect you for all the good harassment you've taken.

Thanks for sharing your chaps with us.