The Harley Went down to Salisbury, MA


Senior FZ6 Advisor
Aug 1, 2008
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And he was looking for a soul to steal and he was in a bind
because he was way behind and he was willing to make a deal,
when he came across this young bike playin' on the roads
and flying around the corners hot,
and the Harley jumped up on the curbside and said:
"Kid let me tell you what! I guess you didn't know it but I'm a racer too.
And if you care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you.
Now you run a quick mile or two but give the Harley its due,
I'll bet a gear of gold against your soul because I think I'm faster than you."

The bike said my name's Mr. Fizz and it might be a sin but I'll take your bet you're gonna regret because I'm the best that's ever been!

The Harley opened up his throttle and said "I'll start this show"
and fire flew from his exhaust as he fogged up his chrome
and he pulled his carcass across the road and it made an evil hiss
and a band of Hogs joined in and sounded awfully loud.
When the Harley finished the Fizz said "You're pretty good old hog,
but set right down in that pothole there and let me show you how it's done.
Round the corner, run Fizz run,
the Harley's running slower than a three toed sloth.
Chrome in the dustpan collecting more dust,
ready to fly, go Fizz go,
35 MPH still in first, shift to second and 50's a blur,
Harley's standing still, or so it seems,
on to the finish and the Harley can't be seen.

The harley dropped some parts cause he knew he'd been beat, and he laid that golden gear on the ground at Fizz's feet. Fizz said "Harley just come on back if you ever wanna try again, I done told you once you son of a b%tch I'm the best that's ever been, and the Fizz flew on, run bike run, Harley's in the gutter of the setting sun...

Yep, some guy on a Harley wanted to drag race the Fizz. The guy pulls up right beside me at the light, nods at me with a sh*t eating grin and revs his engine, then takes off at the light. "You've got to be kidding" I'm thinking. Passed him like he was standing still. I waited for him at the next light. He doesn't even look in my direction, takes a right on red, and he's gone.

I don't think he would have misjudged the Fizz so badly. Didn't think too much of the rider I guess...

poor confused harley riders. Big loud ego boosting bikes, that just dont do much more than make noise and sound bad. Poor things.

I like to tell them thier bike is pretty. Its like a compliment but its not. LOL LOL
That guy must have been new to riding if he though an HD could take a sport bike. Even HD riders know their place in the speed totem pole.

That was a clever rendition of the song. At first I thought you must have come across it on the Internet, but when it ties into a personal experience, I wonder if you just composed it for the occassion? If so, I'm impressed.
Every once in a while you get a brain donor who thinks that they can beat a sportbike, despite the fact that they're in a slow machine.

I had a Ford Probe race me one time. Hilarity ensued.
I'm a 15K+ mile per year Harley rider and I like to keep a sport bike for solo riding and kicks. Any Harley rider that would think he can race a sport bike is an idiot !! Any sport bike rider that thinks........... Big loud ego boosting bikes, that just dont do much more than make noise and sound also an idiot. Different bikes for different likes.
Wow, how many friends did I just make here?
That guy must have been new to riding if he though an HD could take a sport bike. Even HD riders know their place in the speed totem pole.

That was a clever rendition of the song. At first I thought you must have come across it on the Internet, but when it ties into a personal experience, I wonder if you just composed it for the occassion? If so, I'm impressed.

Made it up myself, but don't be impressed; there's more stupidity where that came from.;) I happened to hear that song earlier in the day (a favorite of mine anyway) and when this happened, well...
I'm a 15K+ mile per year Harley rider and I like to keep a sport bike for solo riding and kicks. Any Harley rider that would think he can race a sport bike is an idiot !! Any sport bike rider that thinks........... Big loud ego boosting bikes, that just dont do much more than make noise and sound also an idiot. Different bikes for different likes.
Wow, how many friends did I just make here?

You are welcome to your opinion. I stand by mine. If you can come up with a few things that Harleys do better than the rest of the bikes out there, for less money, and noise I would be all ears.

The fact is they are loud, inefficent, overpriced, poorly made, ego-boosting, poorly handling, and the owners get very upset when this is proven time and time again.

Its a sad fact. America should have better. The engine is mounted on rubber for petes sake.
All bikes have their place and for thousands of reasons. I'm with rbesr, it doesn't matter what powers the two wheels, it's just being on two wheels that matters.

I'd have a HD for the right price but I'll not go looking for a new one. I'm with Steve regarding over priced. I can go get a FJR AND an FZ6 for the cost of a touring HD.
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you now there are harley riders out there thatll make a run for some of your k in miles way my dads friend had 19k 1 year and like 18k the next man thereused like your fz6 A BIKE some i agree are anoying whith straight pipes but im sure you would get along its 2 wheels man!!!!!!!!!!
Harley = Ego boosting?????
Dude, the day I need a bike of any make or model to "boost" my ego, or anything else for that matter, is the day I give it all up. I don't have an ego, I left that behind in high school, sorry !!!
I ride what I want to please me, not anyone else....well....except the wife.
Some of us truly appreciate the look, sound, and yes, vibration of 900+ lb.'s of steel and engine under us. I've ridden all kinds of bikes in my years, they all do something for me.
Ego boosting ??? hahahahahahahahaha