2009 FZ6RC Dragons Tail Meet

I agree! I use the track for my all out riding. A nice mellow pace works for me.
I will be arriving Wednesday the 3rd and have registered for the class on Thursday.

I should also have the FZ6 pony express bag in hand for some good photo ops and hopefully someone will be willing to take it from me.

Three weeks left an I am getting overly excited! I have to stop looking at new gear though :)

I think we have 15+ people staying int he houses, do we have any idea of how many people to meet us there?
I spent May 4 - 10 at the Deal's Gap Lodge with my FZ6 and RD400 with the two-stroke/Kawasaki Triples group, may be able to get back up there with you guys. I may have missed it, but didn't see anyone talking about staying at the Crossroads of Time. Is it already booked up?
I spent May 4 - 10 at the Deal's Gap Lodge with my FZ6 and RD400 with the two-stroke/Kawasaki Triples group, may be able to get back up there with you guys. I may have missed it, but didn't see anyone talking about staying at the Crossroads of Time. Is it already booked up?
Dont know, its just to loud there for me. I like the quiet and privacy out in the country on the edge of natahala park. LOL

You are more than welcome to crash with us if you like, cots are not a problem and there is just tons of room.
All this talk is really making me want to come down for the trip, just don't know if I'll be able to make it will school and the fiancee...:confused:
You can always make it man. Its a once a year deal that would be smart to start before you are actually married. LOL
Well, school is out and I am back from Disney. I currently do not have an intership lined up for the summer so since I am only working two days a week...like 10 hours. I have alot of free time on my hands. (For now)

So either tonight or tomorrow I am going to start building my routes or possible routes and doing some research on S&T for some good roads for The Gap Ride! Planning on making up several different routes making tank bags. I believe I can get the library to laminate them for me for cheap as well.

Can't wait guys! My roommate is getting pretty stoked about it as well. Aunt, you should have some $$ your way in the next couple days.

So lucky. I'm ready to be done with classes but i'm stuck in school till after I get back from the trip. I wasn't able to line up a internship for the summer either. I went through several interviews but companies just were not hiring interns this year, mostly because of the economy i guess.:(
Yea that is what I am assuming as well. I have two doors still open back home as of now. We will see where they go. One of them I have been talking to for over a month and half, the HR lady is about as hollow headed as they come. To be honest it scares me a bit...

16 days left to spend money :cool: Spent this past weekend giving the bike a much needed sponge bath and checking her over to make sure she doesn't need any major maintenance before the trip. Looks like I may need to change the coolant out but that's it. Also fitted a late b-day present in the form of a puig screen that just arrived and tested out my new tank bag. I love the tank bag except if I pack it full I have to move it to see the gauges. Do I really need to know how fast I am going.

My biggest problem at the moment is trying to figure out which jacket to bring if I don't have room for both. The mesh one is great if it is going to be really hot out (plus I will be spending some time in a parking lot for the class) but for any type of rain it sucks because the rain-liner doesn't breath. The textile is great for the rain but can get a little warm in the heat. Hopefully that will be my biggest problem :)

Looking forward to your routes Bryan.
Man, honestly I would bring what ever breathes the best and pack a couple layers for the chilly mornings. It tends to get warm up there and will do so quickly, however the mornings and late evenings can be a bit brisk. I personally wear a textile jacket but the liner will be removed. I will probably start out the mornings with a long sleeve over my short sleeve t-shirt under the jacket.

I always pack the wet gear, just incase, but hopefully, knock on wood.... the dreaded R word which should never be mentioned wont show its face.

As for the routes, I spent a little time this evening on Dad's computer here in Lexington looking over some roads. Gotta work on Tuesday, and Wednesday looks to be a riding day, hopefully. So unless I get a job interview in on Thursday, which would be nice, some maps should be getting put together.

The bike got a fresh drink of a Motul 7100 and a fresh filter this afternoon, so one less thing to do before next week...

Can't wait guys, I'm getting excited.

I AM FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love the mountains.

{come on get the drunk/red neck hollar' goin'}


I prefer to add a T at the end for a:


I am fired up... can't want to get there. I keep changing my route down but I think I have decided on 95 to 85 to 40 since I am familar with most of the distance on 95 and 85.

Going to make boring picture for the Pony Express bag but what are you gunna do.
Oh, just wanted to bring this up again since it is getting close.

Would yall be interested in getting together with Darrly Cannon, aka Killboy, to get a group photo. Pretty sure that would get us on the front page of the site which could generate some more members if our name gets out there like that.

I just need to let him know for sure.
