What is your bad habit on your bike?

Well lets see, I hardly ever wear riding pants, don't have boots yet :spank:, and constantly feel my pocket to make sure my cell phone is still there.
Also my left foot seems to be determined there needs to be a 7th gear on this thing when I'm moving, and a -1 gear when I'm at a stop. Add speeding to that, and the fact that if someone passes me, or takes off in front, I instantly roll on the throttle, especially if its a friend doing it. Oh yea, and if I'm riding with someone on a cruiser and get sick of the exhaust sound, I just can't help but fly around them at about 90+ and then wait for them to catch up about half mile down the road.

Wow, I didn't realize there were that many until now! And to think, I was about to say that I get my um aggressive tendencies out when I'm driving the Mustang..... guess that woulda been a lie. :D
+1 to the pantsless problem. I also get distracted by women...if I ever run into anything on the road or get in an accident, you can bet that there will be an attractive witness nearby.

To add to the unique list of dumb things though: a couple days ago I was coming out of work, and went through the usual routine: started the bike, pulled on my gear, hopped on, and glanced at the gauges. I noticed there was only one bar on the fuel gauge, so I decided I should probably stop at the gas station on the way, just so I wouldn't have to the next morning. And so, without any further consideration, off I went for a nice ride home.

When I reached the gas station, I opened the fuel cap, only to find gasoline shimmering not far below the neck. It wasn't empty at all, it was nearly full!



I replaced the cap and turned on the ignition to look at the gauges again.

Apparently, in my haste to go home, I had looked too quickly and mistook the temp gauge for the fuel gauge.



some of my bad habbits:

- on the highway, always trying to put it in 7th gear. even when I know i'm in 6th, just to be sure, tap the gearbox again.

- when the light goes green, I always rev in 1st gear. It's an urge to make some noise and revving the engine. I owe it to the people waiting with me at the red light :D

- always riding with dark shaded helmet vision, even at night! (sorry I don't know the right word for this.) It works like sunglasses.

and my habbit at the redlight, it's not really a habbit, it's more like a routine:
- stop at red light, put it in neutral, leaning back, popping the helmet vision so I can get some fresh oxigen, putting my both hands in front of me on top of the gas tank and then just enjoy that everybody's looking at you with jealous eyes :rockon:
Weaving in and out of traffic during high speed rush hour jockeying for position at 80+ mph. Sometimes I look back at the end of the ride and think "that's really stupid" and I think about my 5 and 7 year old sons.
I'd like to think that I don't have any unsafe habits.

One habit I have that annoys me but that I can't stop doing is canceling my turn indicator. I have this OCD compulsion to push it even when I know it's not on. I must push it a hundred times every time I'm on the bike, and I only have my turn indicator on a dozen or so times. I would love to hear that others have this problem and it's not just me.

I didn't click the "thank you" button; I rigged a beeper to my turn signals. It's audible unless I'm over, say, 40 MPH.
I'd like to think that I don't have any unsafe habits.

One habit I have that annoys me but that I can't stop doing is canceling my turn indicator. I have this OCD compulsion to push it even when I know it's not on. I must push it a hundred times every time I'm on the bike, and I only have my turn indicator on a dozen or so times. I would love to hear that others have this problem and it's not just me.

You got your wish! I have this problem as well... I also can't stop doing wheelies... Bleh!!!
when i first started riding i wouldnt downshift when coming to a light thats red or stop sign i see ahead. I would just pull in the clutch and brake. Not a good habit.
1. not turning off my turn signals

2.turning off my turn signals when they are already off

3. not coming to complete stops at stop signs

4. not practicing AGATT in the summer on short trips (leaving riding pants/boots at home.)

5. not covering the front brake (ive had surgery on both hands so its literally painful to cover the brake all the time, but i do it in short increments.