Epic burnout failure

Dont feel bad, squid moments are there to remind us that the bike always wins. Love the story, you can tell that one forever. Glad your ok.
LOL... I don't think I would have told that story!! :rof: I'm glad you did though...LOL ..Felt a breeze when you got back up!! LOL :rof:
I guess the lesson here is when in doubt....gas it! But only if you are riding.....if you are sitting still.......clutch it!

Glad you are o.k.

You need to make the quote "6 years of riding......junk hangin out" your signature! :thumbup:
This story had me rolling! Sorry to be so amused by your misfortune, but the way you told it was awesome!

Hope you heal quick and get the bike fixed soon (ouch, that's expensive damage). And thanks for sharing, it will keep me from ever trying a burnout.
We need an answer to the OP's question..... What RPM's does everyone else start at? If he started at 10k and that happened....

I think it would have been fine if you didn't let go of the brake. But I'm no Jason Brittan either.... sooo
We need an answer to the OP's question..... What RPM's does everyone else start at? If he started at 10k and that happened....

I think it would have been fine if you didn't let go of the brake. But I'm no Jason Brittan either.... sooo

Having had some time to think about it, I don't think letting go of the brake would immediately cause this - when I let go of the brake the bike nudged forward a bit and the pegs swept my feet out which caused my 250lb corn-fed ass to land on the seat, which made the tire catch enough traction buck up like a stallion on meth.

Finally got the bike back from repair (almost 3 weeks and $3100). Was happy as hell and (like an idiot) paid and took off fast as I could. Was hooking up BD43's headlight mod last night and realized they didn't replace the fairing stay....so the whole front fairing is still tweaked to the left about an inch. I'll admit it's not that noticeable but I would think a bike mech. should have a little better eye for this than I.... If I don't get it fixed now it'll bug the crap out of me until I do it myself so it's going back again..