Oh god. I'm going to throw up.

Wow, I have seen a lot of nasty surgeries in person, including wound debridement which are way nasty, but this got to me for some reason. I too have that "I'm going to vomit" feeling. Thanks Fred!

I hope they took the proper precautions to avoid infection. It doesn't exactly look aseptic.
Maybe I've been desensitized, but that didn't bother me at all. I have to give it up to the girl involved for being up to the task at hand. Granted it may not be a necessary task.. many guys I know wouldn't even want to get in on that one.
Oh no! Helpful tip: When eating, do not click on a link that someone has labeled with "do not click this" or "I'm going to throw up" LOL

Very true.

That video isn't enough to cause me to have problems eating food simultaneously. Maybe because I am military, maybe not. Personally, I believe I became desensitized enough to do that as a civilian. I saw a lot of screwed up things before joining.
Well that was nasty. Didnt really bother me, but it was pretty nasty.

I have a pretty sick sense of humor, but that is worse than 2 girls 1 cup because that is for sure real. Not even debatable. I got a good laugh, and a good gag out of it.

I got one for you, not quite as sick but still funny solely because somebody actually did this. I won't post the link because it has what some may consider inappropriate material. But search cake farts on google. Not as disturbing, but if that is your brand of humor - then cake farts will be too.
That was funny! The puss coming out of the guys back, disgusting (I think he should have gone to a doctor. the comments throughout, though they cracked me up! Hmmm, let's see...

"I think it goes into my leg...."
"It looks like cottage cheese!"
"I'm never eating cottage cheese again!"


Of course, the cyst itself didn't look that big. I would never have guessed it contained that much stuff.
I am so glad I didn't click on that link,you guys paint a disturbing picture !

EDIT: I didn't click because I,m am well known in these parts for having the worlds weakest stomach,This coming from someone who worked in a morgue for six months !