If you're debating upgrading from the FZ6 for more power........

Not all upgrades are about "more power" at all. ;) Saying that is stereotyping as well as being a personal opinion.

I've explained my upgrade many times in three forums to those who asked.

But, having the extra power has been a joy, especially when the bike is loaded down with either myself and a pillion or a full set of luggage and I am powering through the hills.

It's personal choice and people upgrade for many more reasons than the simple fact a bike offers more power. Anyone who upgrades for "more power" is either inexperienced or narrow minded IMHO. :D
The reason you upgraded is pretty much the exact same reason i'd upgrade. I posted cause there has been a bunch of previous threads about wanting "more" without and real rhyme or reason. Just thought i'd share my thoughts.

I read the same thread on a 250R forum the other day... I bet a great rider on his 250R will be faster in a twisty road compared to most of us on this forum here... that doesn't mean all of us should "downgrade" to a 250R...

Getting the next best thing is just part of human nature... now if you think there's nothing better than the FZ6 out there, well then that's a different story :)

for sure. I posted this back in the day, a story my rider training instructor told me. But it's been awhile so i'll say it again.

my instructor a semi pro and is friends with a bunch of racers and good friends with reg and jason pridmore. anyways one track day they were having dinner after and this guy goes to my instructor and says "i think ive mastered the 600. I wanna get a 1000" my instructor goes on to say, "hey jason, this guy says he's mastered the 600" in reply jason pridmore says " mastered it hey, you mind teaching me a few things?"
I agree... but how many ppl master a 250 to its full potential? Very few ppl as well... look at the 250cc races... these guys HAUL A**!!!! Does it mean we should all be riding 250cc bikes? You're mixing a lot of different topics... you don't need to master a bike (as in be one of the few dozen ppl in the World who can truly fully exploit a bike to its full potential) to buy it... There may be 2 or 3 ppl in the Word who can fully exploit a Ducati 1098 to its full potential, but that doesn't mean I'd be stupid for buying one... not everybody's goal when riding is to exploit the machine to its fullest... you can ride a Ducati slower than an FZ6, but have MORE fun on it :)

With your own reasoning you should still be riding a 250cc my friend :)

Also, you're forgetting one important point imo: more power doesn't necessarily mean faster speeds and more dangers... that's just what the displacement nazis keep repeating on online forums, but the reality is that displacement is far from being the only thing that matters... ergos, suspension, brakes, chassis, power to weight ratio, how the power is spread over the rpm range etc etc are all just as important.

You may not believe me, but my Buell has more power than the FZ, but I feel MUCH safer riding it at the same pace... why? because I don't have to worry about keeping the tach in the 10k zone to have fun... I don't need to shift as often... the suspension and brakes are much better... ergos fit me better... etc etc... that's true for me alone and might not be for the next guy of course, but it's just an example that "more power" means nothing without looking at a lot of other things...
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I had an 04 and was convinced mainly by so called" experts"in bike magazines I needed more torque so I traded in for an Aprilia Shiver(v twin etc).
The result? too much torque for my year round commute resulting in a slide up the road one cold January day,poor reliability and poor parts back up.
More than happy with my 08 with no plans to trade up.
hmmm OK, except the Shiver has about the same torque as the FZ, i.e. 45ft/lb @ 7500rpm, vs 43ft/lb at 10,000rpm, and it also looks like it has much less HP... Plus the Shiver has a flat torque curve, which typically would make it more manageable (smoother and more predictable) than the increasing torque of the FZ with a sudden surge at 8.5k rpms... What makes you think that "too much torque" is the reason you crashed? I bet you had more to do with it than the torque of your bike :)



With your reasoning the SV650 (see torque curve above) is a super dangerous bike... (it's actually quite the opposite)...
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I dont see myself needing any more power any time soon, maybe some hard lugage and an extra tooth up front as this is my only vehichle and I need a little more versatility. But when you can hit 88 in second gear before getting the redline and the thing still pulls...Now if I could just get my wife riding with me.
Hey all. This whole debate is about different strokes for different folks. I had 600's for a few years. I haven't mastered them, I never got a kneedown (although I've never been on a track), but I have wrung it's neck quite a few times. i.e. I've wrung every last inch of power in certain situations - and I wanted more.

So I bought an R1. Now I never need more power. The FZ6 and R1 are very different bikes and each has strengths and weaknesses. I wanted to experience something else so I did and I don't regret it at all.

Last words - In mechanical terms I really liked my FZ6, I bonded with it but I lust after my R1. It's better than me and someday I'll fulfill a small fraction of its potential. I think I was nearing the full potential of the FZ6
The FZ6 has more than enough power for me above 10,000 RPM, but I'd like more power in the lower RPM's and for that reason am looking to upgrade.
The FZ6 has more than enough power for me above 10,000 RPM, but I'd like more power in the lower RPM's and for that reason am looking to upgrade.

Can always try downshifting :p

On the Shiver vs FZ6 torque comparison, figures I've seen have the shiver at 81 Nm at 7000 revs and the FZ6 with 63.10 Nm @ 6440 RPM
Also unfair to try and make a judgement on the situation on different bikes, its just too complicated :p
hmmm OK, except the Shiver has about the same torque as the FZ, i.e. 45ft/lb @ 7500rpm, vs 43ft/lb at 10,000rpm, and it also looks like it has much less HP... Plus the Shiver has a flat torque curve, which typically would make it more manageable (smoother and more predictable) than the increasing torque of the FZ with a sudden surge at 8.5k rpms... What makes you think that "too much torque" is the reason you crashed? I bet you had more to do with it than the torque of your bike :)



With your reasoning the SV650 (see torque curve above) is a super dangerous bike... (it's actually quite the opposite)...

Ithink youll find the Shiver has 3 power modes sport etc and I can tell you in Sport around town it would test many a rider.
I dont understand your reasoning, 8.5k rpm on a FZ6 will very rarely be reached in town( unless you want to lose your license) and I can tell you although it may have less HP, in Sport it is much more of a handful ,although the FZ would eat it on an open road.
As for my capabilities as a rider I would say that the FZs engine characteristics suit my all year riding but apart from that perhaps you could give me some lessons as you are obviously an"expert".
Never mind. You hit the nail on the head when you stated:

I would say that the FZs engine characteristics suit my all year riding

Perfect! Pick what suits you best and what makes you happy! That's all that matters.

The OP's message in his original post was basically "no-one needs more power than the FZ6 on the streets", and my point was simply to say that I respectfully disagree, because "more power" by itself doesn't mean anything imo, and if someone wants to buy a Duc 1098 for the streets I'll tell him to go for it and that I am jealous, not that he should keep his FZ because "it's fast enough", or because "he hasn't reached the full potential of the FZ yet"... just my own opinion that's all.

About your accident, if you had nothing to do with it, and it was all because of the Shiver's monstrous torque, then so be it, I wasn't there :D..............
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