maverick1970 crashed the StreetFighter


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Jan 21, 2008
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Jackson, Georgia, USA
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Well the title says it all. I don't even remember the crash or the events right before or after it. All I remember is waking up in the hospital in recovery after getting a pin and stitches put in my left hand.

I was taking by ambulance from the scene of the crash to the closest freeway where I was then transferred to a helicopter and lifted to Atlanta Medical Center. This happened Sunday on my way to work around 1:35pm EST and was release last night around 10pm. I hope to get the bike tomorrow. Didn't get her today as it rained pretty heavy in GA today. Other than my left hand and some rash on my lower left back, I'm doing OK. My body is soar primarily in the back with little pain around my hand. I was wearing a full leather ICON jacket and gloves, corduroy jeans, Icon high heel riding boots, and a full faced ICON Tyranny helmet.

Not really looking for grief or get well soons but simply wanting to update everyone on my status and seek some helpful tips on how to deal with the painful moments away from my beloved FZ6. I put a lot of time into that bike purchasing it brand new in 2007 from Riverside, California and then relocating myself and the bike to Georgia in February 2008. Took it to Road Atlanta couple times for some track days. I've commuted back and forth to and from work (70+ round trip) countless times throughout the year rain or shine. Went from one extreme of all the hard Givi luggage bags and the CalSci huge wind shield to the stealth bomber look of the StreetFight. Even broke 11,000 miles just last week. All these are first for me as I only started riding in Spring 2007.

So please pardon me as I'm a bit frazzled about the crash yes but also the possibility of losing my motorcycle.

Thanks for listening,
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Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Get better and focus on yourself and the aftermath before worrying about the bike...

Good luck with it all and give us more details as you figure them out...
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Get better and focus on yourself and the aftermath before worrying about the bike...

Good luck with it all and give us more details as you figure them out...

+1 Worry about yourself before the bike! Get better soon and try to stay positive. If the bike's totalled, you can always get another one. It may still be fixable. You may even get more/better ideas. You may even find a cooler headlight or something like Wavex did.:BLAA:

I've been in your same situation. I've wrecked both my FZ6 and my old Ninja 250. I broke an elbow in both wrecks, and a wrist too in the Ninja 250 wreck.

I'm sure everything will work out in the end, and I'm sure you'll get right back in the saddle after you're all healed back up.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Technically the title doesn't say it all... Says you cashed it. Thought maybe you sold it!!

On a serious note, count your blessings and be thankful that you're in as good of shape as you are. So much of that is left up to chance. I've known people that were almost killed in crashes that didn't look too bad and some that walked away from what looked like instant death.

A not-so-friendly reminder that gear saves lives. Kudos for being ATGATT and maybe this will inspire others to do the same. You may save someone else's life!

Here's to hoping you can get back on the saddle very soon and get back on the road. :thumbup:
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Glad your ok, sorry to hear about vthe bike...hopefully it aint that bad, and both of you will be back on the road soon....

It took me a good week to look at my FZ6 properly after i crashed it....
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Get well soon man! Hope you get back in the saddle soon!

Didn't someone tell you what happened? :eek:
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

heal quick, then when you are up and running worry about the bike, bikes come and go.. it was good you were wearing proper gear... this is a consistent reminder that gear saves lives/ reduces crash damage.

heal quick
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Get better and focus on yourself and the aftermath before worrying about the bike...

And what business do you have to be giving advice on this thread? Like you have ever crashed a streetfighter FZ6 before.... :D:D:D:D:D:D

Heal up soon Maverick1970 and like Wavex says, worry about the bike later.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Glad to hear you're not to bashed up fella.
I know you're not looking for it,but get well soon anyway ;)
Take care
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Amazing how the body/mind works. When I had my crash I, like you, only remember the things that happened before and after the crash...but not the crash itself. I remember going to work and leaving for lunch...then...walking up in the hospital.

To this day, I have no clue where I had gone or how it happened.

I was home all of 1 day before I was ordering parts to fix my old FZ6. It was road ready before I was!

Hunting for parts/bargains kept my mind concentrated on getting the bike back in running order more than missing actually riding it (I did ride it in the yard once, stupidly, with my cast/boot on!)
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

good to hear you are not FUBAR. Heal quickely, and I hope the bike is not total-loss.
I know more or less how it feels. I crashed my bike yesterday, but I came out way better than you. thank god for low speed and protactive gear.

I really hope you can ride again soon.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Other than not learning from what happened to you Maverick, maybe not remembering was a blessing in disguise. When I totaled my ride and spent 6 weeks in the hospital I could recall every detail up to my body impacting the side of a '66 Buick. :eek:
In any case, heal quickly, you'll be riding again before you know it. :thumbup:
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Glad you are mostly okay, and will make a full recovery. Get well soon. It's marvelous you got prompt medical attention.

Take your time getting to the bike..... it's a thing, and it can wait.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

Other than not learning from what happened to you Maverick, maybe not remembering was a blessing in disguise. When I totaled my ride and spent 6 weeks in the hospital I could recall every detail up to my body impacting the side of a '66 Buick. :eek:
In any case, heal quickly, you'll be riding again before you know it. :thumbup:

Thank you Lefty. Oh man that's horrible. The part I want to remember is how it happened along with the symptoms that way if they ever happen again I will recognize it.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

On the plus side if the situation ever arises again, as I know it probably will, I will be able to recognize it and react differently and with much, much better riding skills than I did then at 21 years old. I guess I'm always trying look at the bright side of things. :)
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

how is it possible not to remember the events before the crash tho? when u say symptoms do you mean some kind of health condition?
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

how is it possible not to remember the events before the crash tho? when u say symptoms do you mean some kind of health condition?

There are many reasons why people do not remember these kinds of events. The most obvious one is a head injury during the accident. The next most common is a result of your sympathetic system reacting to stress and releasing hormones that make you not feel pain but also not remember stressful environments very well. It is a self-protection mechanism. The third common reason is a psychologic condition often related to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You will often see war veterans suffer from similar symptoms of not being able to consciously remember certain events, yet they re-live them in their dreams and suffer from great anxiety as a result of it.

The important thing is that you are ok Mav. The bike is just a bike and can be replaced. Heal up soon and get to PT earlier than later if possible to work on your back and the hand.
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

I am really sorry to hear about your situation...You were Smart! to wear the appropriate riding gear. I hope you recover soon and quick. Like the other guys said, worry about yourself first than your bike. Take it easy for awhile.....

Hope this card helps :)
Re: maverick1970 cashed the StreetFighter

I'm glad to hear that nothing worse happened. I hate to hear about a fellow rider going down, but it is a good reminder for the resto of us to wear the gear and not take unnecessary risks. So did anyone see the crash and give a police report that would inform you what happened?