First Warning on the Bike


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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So I was traveling through De Soto (home town, nothing to be proud of) which has a Mainstreet that has about 5-6 Stop signs. The cop was behind me and I knew he was there the whole time so I just went from stop to stop. On my last stop I managed to not put my foot down all the way and had suddenly cherries where rolling. He told me "You did not make a complete stop by putting your foot down to the ground." I could see his reasoning, but still thought it was kind of silly. I didn't get a ticket, just a slap on the wrist. I wasn't running the stop sign, just came to a dead halt then gave it some gas before the bike would lose balance.
He obviously doesn't have enough to do! (Glad you didn't get a ticket but we all know that you can stop without putting a foot down)
I sometimes fear that I sound like I am down on cops on our board. I am not. I appreciate them, many of my close friends are cops, and I still think there are more good ones than bad ones - but what really p*sses me off is the fact that so many of them, (like this guy obviously), are down on bikers and they're just looking for something to b*tch about! Errrrrrrr!
He obviously doesn't have enough to do! (Glad you didn't get a ticket but we all know that you can stop without putting a foot down)

The object is not to just stop for an instant, but to come to a complete stop and confirm both ways that the way is clear. You really can't do that if you are paying attention to your driving and coming up to a stopsign. It's the same as a rolling stop in a car, it just skates on the edge of being unacceptable. I don't think you can fault the police.
I was just thinking this as I stopped at a few stop signs today. Putting both feet down is the right way to do it. Honestly I only do this about 50% of the time. I know there will come a day where a cop is waiting there and may have issue with slowing to 2 mph while keeping balance and not putting feet down. As far as a safety issue I find myself judging the intersection for other cars, I guess looking for cops should be top of mind too. Geez, when you think about how many cagers come to a complete stop? rhetorical question, I know
I always eer on the side of caution, i just always put a foot down, and have another look, just in case...

Its a stop sign, here at least you are expected to stop for 3 seconds, completely. You fail driving tests if you don't and can get in trouble about it likewise if you don't.
I don't agree with both feet down, personally I think thats a bad practice, even if your putting it into nuetral, but a single foot down is a must for a stop.

As others have also said its a stop sign because they have decided its a bit more dangerous than the normal give way intersection, possibly thanks to lack of vision or parked cars. They aren't always right, but better safe than sorry. I actually will stop at give way intersections because alot near where I live don't have proper vision and I don't want to be balancing the bike while I'm trying to make sure its totally safe. I think a large part is knowing the difference between what a bike can do and how it does it, and how that may or may not be represented by the road rules.
In the end with a officer behind you however, I'd always do things by the book.

Saying drivers don't stop is also no excuse for doing the same thing. Firstly most drivers are retarded, and secondly they are surrounded by a metal shell that means when they do something stupid they probably live through it. On a bike you can try and use that mentality but I hope no ones relying on you family or financially-wise.
Also if you where driving past a side street with a stop sign and someone just rolled through and ran into you, would you be saying "Yea, no probs mate, I do it myself all the time" or would you be furious at the persons bad driving?
I don't think the laws in most states require for you to put your foot down when you come to a stop, as long you are able to stop. Not sure what the big deal is. I rarely put my foot down while coming to a complete stop taking a right hand turn on a red light or a stop sign.

It does take special skill, but everyone can practice this in a parking lot.

But as other members have mentioed, you must have full control of your bike while you scan for oncoming traffic in all direction since your stop will be very brief.
This complete stop, stop sign business is B.S. but, whatever. You know that if you do it in front of a cop you risk a ticket. And, in CA, the corrupt trigger-happy revenue Nazis will knick you for around a whopping $400 USD for not making the ridiculous "full stop" (wheels must be momentarily stationary) even for a right hand turned at one of our photo enforced intersections. As if not making a complete, 100% full stop at an intersection making a right turn is equivalant to somebody recklessly blowing through a red light across the intersection. Many people are getting fed up with the money hungry tactics being taken now. Make no mistake: It's all about revenue and nothing else. But, what can you do? It's become shameless now with many jurisdictions. It's only about generating revenue. If one complains, they come back with "Oh, you're for red light running, are you?" A lot of people are starting to rebel around here. It's totally gotten out of hand. The counties and cites are broke and so now they're starting to come out with all kinds of revenue producing Nazi tactics.
As a general rule of thumb you can figure that the stop sign was put there for a reason and not because the city/co. had a surplus of signs/funds/and good will towards men. Probably more then a few folks got squished. So if you want to ignore that then by all means:thumbup:
A good remind to me. Honestly I didn't give a full stop sometime, especially at subdivision. Shame of me.
I always come to a complete stop. Put my left foot down. NEVER both feet. I always keep my foot on the rear brake, just lightly, so my brake light shines.

If you weren't supposed to STOP at a stop sign it the sign would say ROLLING STOP. :D
I always come to a complete stop. Put my left foot down. NEVER both feet. I always keep my foot on the rear brake, just lightly, so my brake light shines.

If you weren't supposed to STOP at a stop sign it the sign would say ROLLING STOP. :D

Actually, it would probably say, "Yield" (LOL). I'm in total agreement the first part of your post, especially when stopped on an incline. :D
I have never saw so many excessive stop signs as in the USA. Normally it would be a yield sign if you can clearly see without any obstructions on your left and right. Apparently if they put a yield sign the drivers probably will just ignore it... USA is a country with the poorest driving ed in the world (at least comparing to Europe)
now the cop can feel like faqing chuck norris