
Nov 9, 2010
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So I just turned the suspension preload adjust PAST 7 by 1 click. :spank: I accidentally went 2 on the last push.

I tried to go back, but can't and don't want to mess something up because it is taking so much effort...

Should I push harder, or did I eff something up??

Thanks all...
I'm not sure but usually if you go past the highest setting you start over at the first setting.
Yeah, because it is just a notched, graduated 'cog' and doesn't have a stopper on the end, it probably went 'CLUNK' and dropped the bike a little bit. If you shine a torch in there, you'll see that the locating tab should be sitting in the #1 hole. Just turn it another six times - it is very VERY unlikely that you broke it this way. Nonetheless, just visually inspect for any bends in the adjusting wheel when you shine that torch in there. Highly unlikely, but worth a quick check.
Yeah, because it is just a notched, graduated 'cog' and doesn't have a stopper on the end, it probably went 'CLUNK' and dropped the bike a little bit. If you shine a torch in there, you'll see that the locating tab should be sitting in the #1 hole. Just turn it another six times - it is very VERY unlikely that you broke it this way. Nonetheless, just visually inspect for any bends in the adjusting wheel when you shine that torch in there. Highly unlikely, but worth a quick check.

Don't put a torch in there! Use a flashlight :BLAA:

Silly Aussies
Sweet guys. I rode on it briefly and nothing seemed to be wrong.

However, I'm pretty sure it isn't back in the 1 position, and it won't move counter-clockwise at all. I'll have to double check. I guess that's my main concern. It says in the owners manual to never overtighten........ oops.

It DID make a pretty good "bang!" when i twisted it too far. Maybe that was it "reseting"?

So has anybody else done this? Should I continue going clockwise (righty tighty) since I can't easily go counter-clockwise?
I just looked at it, and there are two slots per number if that makes sense. One on the opposite side of the other. So I should be fine turning it back to where I was trying to get, right?

It's just odd that the manual warns you to never "overtighten", even though I think it's impossible.

Kinda answering my own question as I often do, but does anyone else have experience with this to re-assure me? :D

EDIT: Oh, and thanks to our friend in the Oz, I burned my bike to the ground looking under it!
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should only be able to tighten it now... here is my pro example on the comp!!! Sideways albeit.


So you can't go back seeing as you would have to jump 6 spaces!!

And no worries about the damage, I've done it before. And torches are fun, especially near gas!
I made the same mistake of over tightening my shock. Just like you I heard a huge bang :)eek:) and it dropped back in to 1st position. All seemed fine though, so took it for a slow ride to make sure nothing was damaged. All is still fine 4000 km later.

About it resetting to 1, I am not really conviced. My bike definitely feels alot stiffer after my little, ahem tweak. For example, before, when riding two up I had the adjuster set to 7 and 5 for solo riding. Now the bike feels way to stiff when soloing in setting 5. Even 4 seems a little too tight, so ended up in setting 3 which the bike has not touched since I got it.

In some ways I kinda like it, since I felt the bike really had no use for the lower half of the settings, though I know the shock was obviously build to function this way.

Anyway, just my two cents.

(crossing fingers that no expert jumps in here and illustrates how my bike is now a death-trap :rolleyes:)
You are all most welcome. Harrison Ford would like the torch back for the next Indiana Jones movie though.
I think some of you are way over thinking this. The adjustment collar is round if you spin it 360 degrees you end up where you started. If you're at 1 you can move to 2 a step of 1 click if you try going from 1 to 7 that would be a step of 6 not going to happen.
I've done it. I don't know why they'd say not to over tighten it other than that drop might hurt something. :don't know:

Pre-load is adjusted for rider weight though. Spring rate (what we normally call stiffness) and ride height aren't adjustable on this bike. Too soft and the spring/shock could bottom out, and that's not good. Too hard and you're not getting your money's worth out of the spring.

The suspension isn't to make it a comfy ride, it's to allow the tires to work at their best.
Think of it this way; if you can break it with that tiny wrench something is wrong. . . You can't break it! The bang was normal as you graduated to more and more pressure, the final step reduced pressure from MAX to MIN and unloaded the spring - hence the bang.

If you have a need to change this setting often (riding 2 up occasionally) you need to lube the contact points with some grease so it turns easier. This is best done while on the center stand and twist the adjuster to the lowest tension. Try to pull down the spring to get a couple dabs of grease on the ramps 2 end points (the two points where the collar sits on) and some on the end of the spring itself where the collar contacts the spring.

Hint WD40 is good for mess and a couple of free turns; don't use it. Use some grease. Also, I'd say a 180 degrees of rotation covers all settings. . .
Think of it this way; if you can break it with that tiny wrench something is wrong. . . .

I was thinking the same thing.

Just wondering did you put some grease on your adjuster. I don't like the idea of grease on exposed parts because it can attract dirt.
Thanks a lot all. I love this forum!

Nice to hear I'm not the only one that's done this.

Time to get out in the heat and ride! Thanks again guys/gals