Pet Peeve 2012 Edition


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May 5, 2007
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Since we have a lot of new members, and members who are now considered seasoned riders, let's give everyone an opportunity to provide their top two things that irriitates you as a rider or driver.

1. Vehicles who fail to turn into their nearest lane. They end up swinging wide utiliizing multiple lanes to turn. If everyone was in the habit of doing this, right hand turns would be expedited because they would not be waiting for the roadway to be clear to cross over two or three lanes. They actually would be able to make that right hander immediately since they would only have to wait for the nearest lane to be clear.

2. Turn signals, communicate your intentions. How lazy do you have to be, it doesn't take any physical effort to turn on your indicators?
Out of the 2 you listed Kenny, the lack of directional signals is the one that baffles me. In California every one must be psychic :rolleyes:

Texting is my #1. Had a lady pushing me across two lane changes because she was on the phone and never checked for me. I already had a bead on her driving behavior and felt it coming so I was ready. When she finally saw me I just shook my head and politely went my way. :cool:
- People tailgating!!!!!
- The ones that "agree" to go at the same speed (normally under the speed limit) on all lanes, forcing everybody else to follow them.
1people that dont pay attention (had some lady turn into me as I was sitting COMPLETELY STILL at a stoplight)
2 people that dont take care of their a mechanic and its soooo easy to maintain your car, seriously people there are grease fittings on suspension pieces for a reason and a that screeching belt is like $20 to replace, dont be lazy and just freakin do it.:spank::spank::spank::spank::spank:
When you HIT a motorcyclist in your Yukon, please stop. They are probably too injured to kill you. It's happened to me before in a newly minted roundabout. :rant:
Great idea for a thread Kenny :thumbup:

1. Being on a phone or texting while driving

2. Drivers tail-gating you (I then have to speed to get away from them, usually.....)
Great idea for a thread Kenny :thumbup:

1. Being on a phone or texting while driving

I love pulling up along side these people & glaring at them while they chat........... Never seen people get so paranoid :D

What peeves me are people that sit below the speed limit...... period :spank:

And people that cant accelerate or drive manual cars properly.. How can I explain this so you can all understand the people im talking about , we all know them... I'll try it like this , 1st , neutral..................................... 2nd , neutral................................... 3rd , neutral.................................. get your foot off the clutch & back on the gas people :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:
I have nothing personel against mountain bikes...they are all over the place here.....but the law states that they ride single file!
and when they don't, they get honked at :sinister:

And I dont' think it's just a Colorado Springs thing, but what Clovis said: when drivers swing wide and don't stay in their lanes after a turn;
Coming from Qld, which is not driver perfect by any stretch, into S.A. I have found a new one.

I drive the South-East Expressway every day, and it's these ignorant pricks that have to drive in the RH lane (the 'overtaking' lane, here in Oz) of the three lane expressway, irrespective of the middle and left lane being empty etc.

It is actually ILLEGAL to undertake (i.e. pass to the left)

If someone has an Audi, a Volvo or other premium car, it's almost guaranteed that's where they'll be. (I'm too good for the middle or left etc)

Drives me fkn bananas, I swear.....
I hate when people pull out in front of me and then they take there time speeding up.

I also don't like when I pass someone on the interstate they decide to catch back up to me and tailgate or they ride right next to me. If I slow down they do too. If I speed up they think it's some sort of race. This usually happens about once a month.
And people that cant accelerate or drive manual cars properly.. How can I explain this so you can all understand the people im talking about , we all know them... I'll try it like this , 1st , neutral..................................... 2nd , neutral................................... 3rd , neutral.................................. get your foot off the clutch & back on the gas people :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:

I thought I was the only one bothered by this! I've learned to wait a couple of car lengths before I try and go, otherwise I end up getting on and off the clutch several times while the people in front of me accelerate at the speed of cold molasses. It's annoying on the bike, but even more annoying in my stick-shift truck.

And yeah, I've seen dump trucks row through the gears faster than some people in their cars. Not sure if that's how they were taught, but you'd think that would be a difficult way to drive.
1.When its stinking hot, buggers that stop at the end of the shady spot leaving me in the full sun, even tho there is ample room for them to move forward, meaning I have to split/filter if I can, meanwhile they sit, oblivious in the air-conditioned box.
2. anyone not dedicated to doing what is required when on the road i.e. THE DRIVING....... texting, reading the paper, make up, using the laptop!!!!smoking and eating a burger at the same time,( I'm not sure where his coke was, probably between his legs)... they all seem to be things that can be done when doing that driving thingy
This driving stuff is serious business folks, as all of us a pretty well aware

sorry 'bout the rant
My number 1 pet peve is when 2 people are driving beside each other going the same speed, when there is a line behind them of people wanting to go faster
As everyone else has mentioned,

#1 -- People going the same speed across multiple lanes. I call this "turtling" (like a turtle race!) and think it should be punishable by death of a firing squad of BB guns.

#2 -- In Northern VA it seems to be common practice to merge into another lane if your car fits. AKA, if I'm driving in the left lane at 45 mph and you are in the right lane behind a bus that has decided to stop, you will merge into my lane if your car fits, irrespective of whether or not you have time to accelerate before my car will hit/T-bone yours. Punishment should be same as #1.
2. anyone not dedicated to doing what is required when on the road i.e. THE DRIVING....... texting, reading the paper, make up, using the laptop!!!!smoking and eating a burger at the same time,( I'm not sure where his coke was, probably between his legs)... they all seem to be things that can be done when doing that driving thingy
This driving stuff is serious business folks, as all of us a pretty well aware

Ewwwww. That's not just's gross!
I have nothing personel against mountain bikes...they are all over the place here.....but the law states that they ride single file!
and when they don't, they get honked at :sinister:

And I dont' think it's just a Colorado Springs thing, but what Clovis said: when drivers swing wide and don't stay in their lanes after a turn;

No, that's a problem here in Central Kentucky too. We have lots of scenic roads here (being that it's horse farm country) and bicyclists like to ride on these roads in packs, which is fine. One of the most popular roads is also one of the most hilly and when you crest a hill at 55 or 60 mph and there are 3 bikers sitting abreast, it can cause quite a problem. There's been a huge push around my area (Lexington) with the "Share The Road" campaign, asking motorists to give bicyclists the proper room. While I'm fine with that, it's the bicyclists that don't respect the rules. It's gotten so bad that I've taken to yelling "share the road!!!" at them if they're not obeying the traffic laws. town, we have TONS of bike lanes now (on the right). A light will turn red and they'll pull up and stop, just like the cars around them. Then they'll dart into the crosswalk and run the red light! want to be treated like a regular vehicle...then act like one! You're not a stop riding in the crosswalk!

And along the texting-while-driving lines...I saw a woman READING THE PAPER while driving this morning! She was literally holding it up in front of the steering wheel, not even trying to disguise it. Made me furious!

If one of these people hits me either while I'm on the bike or driving my car, you'd better hope I'm too hurt to get up. Otherwise, it's gonna get ugly! :spank:
my annoyance is

1. double parking in front of a shop to buy a coke or a packet of sigs when there is a free parking two bays down. traffic is blocked of course but who cares!

2. yeah no turn indicators, i think drivers think the bulb will get damaged by constant on/off flashing so they rather not use it than have it burn!

3. i have to add this, no consideration of speed on wet slippery roads. cars think their tyrres are invincible, then when they apply the brake the car skids on the one in front! i often have cars flashing lights and tailgaiting me on the bike when im riding on slippery roads. i usually show them the finger
Besides exceedingly FAT people in spandex.....

#1. Indicators...know them, love them, use them!

#2. Harley d-bags who have no clue wtf a yellow line means!! stay on your side of the road!!

Thanks OP, that was therapeutic...