New Life for Me

first of all CONGRATS, it appears you got rid of something that was holding you down without realizing itand now you can continue on being a man that you are. Good luck with your new adventures and I am sure you will find someone that will be better to you than you can imagine.
The Good Lord gave me a traveling companion yesterday !!! and finalized the relationship with the neighbors kids officialy making sure I was granted FULL custody of an abandoned Long haired Tea Cup Chihuahua :BLAA: yesterday when I pulled in my driveway after work I was greeted by a smelly happy little ball of dirty fur!! :Flash: I pet the happy little dog look around for her owner and saw no one... so I went on inside and took a shower,then I got my clothes together and headed to the Camp Genral store to do my laundry and I noticed the litle dog was still laying in the grass near my home so the camp owner was near by and I asked him who she belonged to.. he said she had been here since this morning and she must be a stray. well I had not fed her because I was hoping she was from near by and would get home soon because a storm was coming and it was gonna get realy cold for a 3lbs dog! :eek: well I went on in my house and went to bed around 9:30pm,I woke up around 11:00pm to the sound of rain hitting my roof,and I tought I heard a small dog bark and Whine pitifuly outside,so I went to my door and whistled for a dog.... no response... so I went to lay down and as soon as I closed my eyes I heard it again!! I went and opened the door and called 3 more times before I finaly got dressed and went out in the rain and stood by my car and as I was about to call the Itty Bitty wet dog walked up to my feet soaking wet and shivering from the cold!! I picked her up and brought her in and gave her a thorough Hot bath which she enjoyed emensly!! LOL the water was brown afterwards and after i finished blow drying my hapy little freind she was hassleing she was so hot!! LOL we slept very sound all night and when I got up this morning she did to and went to the door I let her out and she proved she is well house trained!! :cheer: well I come home for lunch and let her out and she laid in the sun until I was shutting the door to go back to work and she came begging to get back in the house so I picked up the bowl of food Im had just set out for and let her back inside.when I got home she was very happy to see me and she followed me as I walked to the Genral store to wash some more clothes.on the way back the nieghbor and her kids commented on how the little dog followed me ,I asked them if they knew who she belonged to and they told me she had been given to them and they were just trying to find her a home.I told them I would take her and I left her to play with the kids.they brought her to me 30 minutes later and thanked me for taking her in.I thanked them and told them I will call her Itty Bitty and she will live the good life from now on...... Itty bitty has been laying here at my side on the couch being petted by me the entire time i've been typing this..... I'm in Love !! this is alot like what she looks like I gotta find the cord to connect my camera..
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Dude, that is just FREAKING AWESOME!!! The itty bitty is your angel sent to help you on your way.

We're all pulling for you, so hang in there. You are going to be okay! :thumbup:
All the best brother:thumbup:You know what they say...Once you've hit rockbottom,the only way is up:rockon:I was gunna suggest a dog,but I seen it worked out.Goodluck & see ya when I'm lookin at ya;)
Wow, what a story you have for us. Ive been off the forum for a few months, and come back to this. My career has fallen apart recently and have been worrying myself sick. I lost 14lbs in weight. Reading this makes me realise I'm not alone. My life is slowly getting back on track too. Glad you have a new friend. I wish you all the best. Good luck.
Wow, what a story you have for us. Ive been off the forum for a few months, and come back to this. My career has fallen apart recently and have been worrying myself sick. I lost 14lbs in weight. Reading this makes me realise I'm not alone. My life is slowly getting back on track too. Glad you have a new friend. I wish you all the best. Good luck.

I'm taking it one hour at a time :BLAA: i'm finding Sparky the key to happiness is not having lots of money and nice things,after I walked away from my Ex and our home.i felt Free and like my potential was limited only by my imagination.true freedom for me is having what I need to live in comfort,and the tools to maintain all of it,most importantly not having any credit bill's.... i owe 3,000 more dollars on my R.V. and everything I own will be paid off....... that Sparky lets me sleep very well !! :BLAA: You can sell off what you don't realy need and pay off the things do have to have that will lighten your load. When my Ex snuck off to Michigan she also hit me with child support a year after I bought my new home they started taking $600 a month from me... I was living pay check to pay check before this punch in the face..... so I sold off all the toys to make up for the lack of money...I'm sorry to hear that you've lost 14lbs , I can relate to that also i've lost 25lbs in the last year. would have been more but thats all the body fat I had !! :D you can see what i'm thinkin!! 6'2" and 195lbs!! :eek: LOL I look purdy dang good to be honest !! lol keep your head up God will show you where to go you just have to be still and listen... :rockon: :rockon:
The Foo Fighters are Freakin Awesome !! [ame=]these days lyrics - YouTube[/ame] Easy for you to say!! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
i'm really happy for how things are turning round now for you! that dog was a real blessing for sure. you sure look happy in the avatar! congrats!
i'm really happy for how things are turning round now for you! that dog was a real blessing for sure. you sure look happy in the avatar! congrats!
Yea it was time for a new Avatar pic.... my Ex was so jealous I had to get any pics of myself cleared by her before I posted them to avoid her losing her mind.... phewww I cant beleive I put up with her with her B.S. as long as I did!! :spank: well I dont have to live like a middle eastern woman and hide my face anymore!!! :BLAA:
Man you look great in your new photo, I'm really happy for you!

Long haired Tea Cup Chihuahua < Now that is funny!

My father-in-law adopted a little Jack Russell mix the same way. One night it was cold and raining sideways and he heard a scrathing at the door. He opened the door and this little freezing dog was there, and ran right in the house. My FIL has a 400 acre ranch and who knows how this dog showed up in the middle of no where. Now two years later "Willie" is the King of the ranch. The cows aren't sure what to think of him, and "Jake" the Australian Cow Dog just ignores him.
Yea it was time for a new Avatar pic.... my Ex was so jealous I had to get any pics of myself cleared by her before I posted them to avoid her losing her mind.... phewww I cant beleive I put up with her with her B.S. as long as I did!! :spank: well I dont have to live like a middle eastern woman and hide my face anymore!!! :BLAA:

in this case your patience was not a virtue !!:spank::ban::D

you realised in time to start afresh
Man you look great in your new photo, I'm really happy for you!

Long haired Tea Cup Chihuahua < Now that is funny!

My father-in-law adopted a little Jack Russell mix the same way. One night it was cold and raining sideways and he heard a scrathing at the door. He opened the door and this little freezing dog was there, and ran right in the house. My FIL has a 400 acre ranch and who knows how this dog showed up in the middle of no where. Now two years later "Willie" is the King of the ranch. The cows aren't sure what to think of him, and "Jake" the Australian Cow Dog just ignores him.
LOL Yea sometimes i guess our pets pick us !! :BLAA:

in this case your patience was not a virtue !!:spank::ban::D

you realised in time to start afresh
Oh yea it was time to go,but i left with no regrets i gave it everything i had !! :rockon:
So glad things are starting to fall into place for you Donny :rockon: I like the others am loving the new avatar :thumbup: A new home , a new life & a new puppy all sounds like an amazing fresh start to me :cheer: :cheer: Im thinking at this rate us Aussie's will get a visit from you sooner that later :D

Now you realise that if the dogs name Barf ( which is what it looks like :rolleyes: ) You really could change your name to Lone Starr & fly that Winnebago out here :BLAA: :BLAA: :rof: :rof:
The Good Lord gave me a traveling companion yesterday !!! and finalized the relationship with the neighbors kids officialy making sure I was granted FULL custody of an abandoned Long haired Tea Cup Chihuahua :BLAA: yesterday when I pulled in my driveway after work I was greeted by a smelly happy little ball of dirty fur!! :Flash: I pet the happy little dog look around for her owner and saw no one... so I went on inside and took a shower,then I got my clothes together and headed to the Camp Genral store to do my laundry and I noticed the litle dog was still laying in the grass near my home so the camp owner was near by and I asked him who she belonged to.. he said she had been here since this morning and she must be a stray. well I had not fed her because I was hoping she was from near by and would get home soon because a storm was coming and it was gonna get realy cold for a 3lbs dog! :eek: well I went on in my house and went to bed around 9:30pm,I woke up around 11:00pm to the sound of rain hitting my roof,and I tought I heard a small dog bark and Whine pitifuly outside,so I went to my door and whistled for a dog.... no response... so I went to lay down and as soon as I closed my eyes I heard it again!! I went and opened the door and called 3 more times before I finaly got dressed and went out in the rain and stood by my car and as I was about to call the Itty Bitty wet dog walked up to my feet soaking wet and shivering from the cold!! I picked her up and brought her in and gave her a thorough Hot bath which she enjoyed emensly!! LOL the water was brown afterwards and after i finished blow drying my hapy little freind she was hassleing she was so hot!! LOL we slept very sound all night and when I got up this morning she did to and went to the door I let her out and she proved she is well house trained!! :cheer: well I come home for lunch and let her out and she laid in the sun until I was shutting the door to go back to work and she came begging to get back in the house so I picked up the bowl of food Im had just set out for and let her back inside.when I got home she was very happy to see me and she followed me as I walked to the Genral store to wash some more clothes.on the way back the nieghbor and her kids commented on how the little dog followed me ,I asked them if they knew who she belonged to and they told me she had been given to them and they were just trying to find her a home.I told them I would take her and I left her to play with the kids.they brought her to me 30 minutes later and thanked me for taking her in.I thanked them and told them I will call her Itty Bitty and she will live the good life from now on...... Itty bitty has been laying here at my side on the couch being petted by me the entire time i've been typing this..... I'm in Love !! this is alot like what she looks like I gotta find the cord to connect my camera..
Beauty is defo in the eye of the beholder.......
Good luck

So glad things are starting to fall into place for you Donny :rockon: I like the others am loving the new avatar :thumbup: A new home , a new life & a new puppy all sounds like an amazing fresh start to me :cheer: :cheer: Im thinking at this rate us Aussie's will get a visit from you sooner that later :D

Now you realise that if the dogs name Barf ( which is what it looks like :rolleyes: ) You really could change your name to Lone Starr & fly that Winnebago out here :BLAA: :BLAA: :rof: :rof:
How could I overlook that!!! OMG!! Itty Bitty just got re-named to Barf and I need Kazza to change mine to Lone Starr :BLAA: It's perfect Dan !!! :thumbup: :rockon:
Donny, I admire your outlook on life. You've been thru he!! and can still joke around about it all! Guess that's what makes you a lovable guy around here :)
After all....laughter is the best medicine!
And if you find youself driving west.....I hope you'll stop by!
and ditto on the new avatar pic
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Donny, I admire your outlook on life. You've been thru he!! and can still joke around about it all! Guess that's what makes you a lovable guy around here :)
After all....laughter is the best medicine!
And if you find youself driving west.....I hope you'll stop by!
and ditto on the new avatar pic
I will definitly take you up on the invitation!! i've never been past Texas!! :spank: i cant wait to see the mountains!! :Flash: