Reasons for Wearing Gear


Southern Rider
Apr 17, 2011
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So I talked to my girlfriend last night about riding with me on my FZ6, and mentioned that we would need to get her gear. She pretty much said that she was not going to wear gear. I need help to come up with some material to be able to talk her into it, and explain why it is important. I really do not want her to get hurt, and it would be even worse if it was “my fault.”

Any help is appreciated. I really want to find some good images/videos to show her, of people that were not wearing gear. Maybe this will get turned into a thread of “why you should wear gear.”

No picture is too gruesome!!!!
Easy. Do what Mike did we me 20 years ago - "If you don't want to wear the gear, you won't get on my bike".

It worked for me. I geared up and enjoyed riding on the back of his bikes for years, until I got the urge for my own bike :D:D:D

The graphic images will help her also. Don't be frightened to show her bad pictures. She won't look pretty if something happened to her so just make sure she gets the message.
Easy. Do what Mike did we me 20 years ago - "If you don't want to wear the gear, you won't get on my bike".

The graphic images will help her also. Don't be frightened to show her bad pictures. She won't look pretty if something happened to her so just make sure she gets the message.

Yeah, that is pretty much what I have been thinking of doing.

Oh, and I am not frightened at all to show her bad pictures, that is exactly what I want!!!
There is a girl on YouTube who does a lot about gear I'm sure someone can find it

If she still says no tell her no ridding then
Tell her to put on a string bikini, and run down the side walk as fast as she can, then do a shallow dive onto the street. If she's really, really quick, she'd hit pavement at about 12 MPH. You slide twice as far, with every 10 MPH from there......
How to Avoid Skinning Yourself Alive - Brittany Morrow on Vimeo
this is the video to show your gf is the site

most people will say you have to have the gear on to get on,
start with helmet and jacket and gloves, thats what I did with my missus now she in th Draggin jeans as well and while she hasnt got proper boots yet she is always in boots that cover the ankle. she wanted to wear something "light" a few weeks back..... we ended up going by car!
Its JUST NOT worth it, to not wear the gear.
Above all, tell her you want her wearing gear COZ YOU CARE ABOUT HER!
good luck with it
There's always the possibility that she's not meant to be on the bike with you.
She may feel uncomfortable riding pillion.
There's always the possibility that she's not meant to be on the bike with you.
She may feel uncomfortable riding pillion.

She has actually rode a lot with her dad, when she was younger, and she loved it. The only problem is though, that they do not go by ATGATT, and she was not raised with gear. I really want to get a touring bike one day, so we can tour around the country on it, but I want her to accept wearing gear first!!
How to Avoid Skinning Yourself Alive - Brittany Morrow on Vimeo
this is the video to show your gf is the site

most people will say you have to have the gear on to get on,
start with helmet and jacket and gloves, thats what I did with my missus now she in th Draggin jeans as well and while she hasnt got proper boots yet she is always in boots that cover the ankle. she wanted to wear something "light" a few weeks back..... we ended up going by car!
Its JUST NOT worth it, to not wear the gear.
Above all, tell her you want her wearing gear COZ YOU CARE ABOUT HER!
good luck with it

This actually made me tear up. I love my fiance' so much, if she ever got hurt while on the back of my bike I'd be absolutely crushed...
^+1 bought my girl a jacket already and will buy her a helmet when I am ready for her to be on back, and then she WILL wear it when she is ready to be on the back.

No way in hell I'd let her take a chance I even refuse to take by not wearing gear
as your passenger she's YOUR responsibility, in an accident pillions usually come off worse from what i know.

i'd never let anybody ride pillion with me unless they were wearing the same or better gear than me. That includes boots, armoured jacket and trousers, back protector, gloves and helmet.
I agree - man up and tell her it's not going to happen without gear.

Her father should be ashamed of himself for teaching her it's ok.

Gear up or Get off - easy as that.

instead of posting gruesome pictures, i will recall my thread from last year that showed my gear all rashed up and it could have been my face, head, and arms with the rash instead. not a high speed crash at all, and the pictures will show how much damage can be done at even a low speed crash, and it is not always inexperience that causes a crash, can be anything. I had about 100K motorcycle miles when this crash happened and i had never had an issue before.
Simple - no gear no ride. It's your bike, you can choose who rides with you, and part of thst choice is how they are dressed. I have gotten on my bike in shorts, tank top, and sunglasses, and I have ridden pillion in similar. But, Those were decisions I made on my own with the people I was riding with (or on my own bike). If she wants to ride with no gear, she can get her own bike and do it If she wants to ride with you, she has to wear the gear.

I don't even group ride with people who don't wear gear, because I pick up crashed bikes/riders for fun at the track and I really don't want to do that on the street with someone who isn't geared up.

And you can tell her I would have most likely lost my hubby if it weren't for his gear. (see thread above)
How to Avoid Skinning Yourself Alive - Brittany Morrow on Vimeo
this is the video to show your gf is the site

most people will say you have to have the gear on to get on,
start with helmet and jacket and gloves, thats what I did with my missus now she in th Draggin jeans as well and while she hasnt got proper boots yet she is always in boots that cover the ankle. she wanted to wear something "light" a few weeks back..... we ended up going by car!
Its JUST NOT worth it, to not wear the gear.
Above all, tell her you want her wearing gear COZ YOU CARE ABOUT HER!
good luck with it

Yeah that's the girl I was talking about!!!
Thanks everyone for your opinions and links, so far!! :thumbup:

I hope that this thread keeps going strong!!

Lets see some more links/pictures! :D
I know your dilemma. That why my wife doesn't ride anymore.

I have friends who ride Harley's. They wear no gear. They never have an answer for why they think that is ok. Oh well, it's not!
Wait... Which one is the girl in the relationship? Shouldn't have to convince her of anything... No need for pictures, charts, stats or reasons... Don't let the arrogant princess on until she smartens up... You know what? I changed my mind... let her on her way... Skin is not likely to be a donatable organ anyway.... Darwin is obviously calling her...
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