Boots boots boots.....need some advice

I've got a pair of Oxtar TCS EVO boots, had them for 4-5 years now, think I bought them from NewEnough. I wouldn't go for short boots. For the amount we use our feet, why skimp on protection? If you're riding to work, can you just leave a pair of shoes there to change into when you get there?

I know you're not a sporty rider, but a 50mph street crash will hurt as much as a 50mph track crash. I saw this post a couple weeks ago by a guy that hit a deer at 40mph and crashed in sneakers. Me vs Deer (On my Wr250x)
What are your thoughs on the Puma Testastretta II mid-boots.

Puma Testastretta II Mid Boots - RevZilla

I had the first version of those (low boots) from Puma, and after a few rides I sold them again. Wind constantly creeping up my legs and unless I had extra long pants on then I quickly rode around with a piece of bare skin revealed.

I don't know the price of these over there in the Wild West but I would recommend "Puma Desmo GTX".
They are with Gore-Tex and I haven't had wet feet even though I have been through some pretty heavy showers. I bought the black version with white Puma stripe :thumbup:
Re: more confusion haha

Try 'em all on - manufacturers size and fit vary a little. Keep in mind they will break in a little. You will not be disappointed with this decision. Riding boots are an amazing upgrade.

Truth is, I would have gotten myself motorcycle boots from the get go. But I didn't really understand the potential for injury awaiting me if I do crash.

I commute on the bike to school so wearing regular comfy shoes seemed like a no brainier to me.

I was too lazy to waste my time with putting on all the gear and taking it off while in school.

I wanted to shorten my commute which usually takes 45min by subway train by riding the motorcycle instead.

Now, my commute takes me an hour, lol. I have to leave early, find a parking space ( which is not easy in Manhattan), dress, undress from the gear etc.

Jesus what I have gotten myself into, lol. I wanted to be more efficient and I have no only prolonged my commute.
Re: more confusion haha

Consider boots that you can leave on. I would not consider the Dynos very 'walkable' at this point, but I've only had them a few weeks. The shifter plate is very rigid creating a tight corner as the boot flexes. Who knows that all may change.

Still, if the gear up/down is bothering you... you should be able to find a solution much safer than sneaks, but comfortable enough to wear at school. Side bonus... anyone tries to mug you for your text books? KEEEYAAAH. (Kung Fu Fighting soundtrack optional on select model boots)
Re: more confusion haha

Consider boots that you can leave on. I would not consider the Dynos very 'walkable' at this point, but I've only had them a few weeks. The shifter plate is very rigid creating a tight corner as the boot flexes. Who knows that all may change.

Still, if the gear up/down is bothering you... you should be able to find a solution much safer than sneaks, but comfortable enough to wear at school. Side bonus... anyone tries to mug you for your text books? KEEEYAAAH. (Kung Fu Fighting soundtrack optional on select model boots)

I don't think there are any kind of motorcycle shoes/boots that would be able to satisfy the need for protection and usable for around walking.

Whether it's going to be a short or a taller boot, I will need to keep a second pair of shoes at the office/school anyway. Which is why I am considering getting taller boots.

Any boots/shoes that would satisfy both conditions of protection and all around walking, would be just glorified sneakers with some added padding in the ankle area. If I am to spend $100 for that, I might as well just spring for Teknic Chicane Street boot.
Re: more confusion haha

I don't think there are any kind of motorcycle shoes/boots that would be able to satisfy the need for protection and usable for around walking.

Whether it's going to be a short or a taller boot, I will need to keep a second pair of shoes at the office/school anyway. Which is why I am considering getting taller boots.

Any boots/shoes that would satisfy both conditions of protection and all around walking, would be just glorified sneakers with some added padding in the ankle area. If I am to spend $100 for that, I might as well just spring for Teknic Chicane Street boot.

You should really look into BMW boots - good protection and comfy to wear all day.
Re: more confusion haha

From what I saw at the BMW dealership the boots looked pretty great.

i am going to have to stop by soon and try some of them on.

I am on my 4th season with All Around Gore-tex boots. They've been through hell and still look like new. Just treat them with mink oil once in a while and u'll be good. Oh and they go on sale quite often.They are made in Italy last time I checked.

Use mink oil at your own risk as I do not know if it is OK to use it on gore-tex shoes :D Did not hurt mine - always dry even after downpour.
So I wanted to buy perforated Cortech Latigo boots.

They looked reasonably protective and cheap enough if I am only using them for a city commute.

Unfortunately they were out of stock everywhere I looked. Ebay had a pair in my size but I am wary from buying there.

I found a deal for TCX S Zero boots for $135. Seemed like a steal.

They only lack the ankle anti-twist protection that Cortech Latigo offered.

Too bad. Kind of a deal breaker. But I figured it's better than nothing. If I would sit around and wait for Cortech while stores restock, I might be unfortunate enough that I might take spill in the meantime.

It's for city riding anyway so protection wise the TCX s Zero boots should be more than enough.

I have also picked up AGV Solare jacket in high viz as well as A* GPX short cuff gloves.

Now I am all set.:rockon:
I found a deal for TCX S Zero boots for $135. Seemed like a steal.

So the boots came in today.

They look pretty damn sweet.

Can't wait to ride in them!

though I am going to have to get used to the stiffness of them. I can already imagine the difficulty with shifting gears.
After a test ride

So the boots came in today.

They look pretty damn sweet.

Can't wait to ride in them!

though I am going to have to get used to the stiffness of them. I can already imagine the difficulty with shifting gears.

OMG what a differance!

I can't believe that I didn't buy proper tall motorcycle boots as soon as I got myself into the saddle.

Increased stability.

Improved controls of the bike.

A little piece of mind that your toes won't get grind-ed down to nothing.

seriously I can't emphasize it enough but every noob should heed this advice.

Buy and wear proper boots.

FYI- they are incomparable to workboots. Workboots are better than nothing but they provide little protection.
Re: After a test ride

I was going to say something about your earlier comment about difficulty shifting with boots, as I had the same concern before I got my first pair a month ago (they are half-boots though).

Yep... you think the stiffness is going to inhibit the feel but it does just the opposite. Congrats on your purchase. After seeing/hearing injuries, I kinda wished I bought full boots.
Jumping in this thread because I saw a pic on reddit this morning of someone who got hit with some stray metal at 80 wearing cheap boots. Sent chills down my spine and made me realize the cheap Icons I wear as an excuse to claim I wear "all my gear" really aren't adequate.

I was looking for a boot of the tall style:
Alpinestars S-MX Plus Boots, Alpinestar SMX Plus Racing Boots, Motorcycle - Compacc
Not set on that one specifically, but you get the point.

Suggestions of brands/models in the $250 range?
i was wearing my dainese torque out pro's when i crashed and was hit by a car, anecdotal, but i suffered no damaged to my ankles or feet at all (though that may have been luck). boots also looked to have survived just fine
Jumping in this thread because I saw a pic on reddit this morning of someone who got hit with some stray metal at 80 wearing cheap boots. Sent chills down my spine and made me realize the cheap Icons I wear as an excuse to claim I wear "all my gear" really aren't adequate.

I was looking for a boot of the tall style:
Alpinestars S-MX Plus Boots, Alpinestar SMX Plus Racing Boots, Motorcycle - Compacc
Not set on that one specifically, but you get the point.

Suggestions of brands/models in the $250 range?

I was ready to buy A* smx plus. I tried them on and they seemed really great.
If it had not been for my luck with the awesome deal for the TXC boots.
I almost broke my ankle and bought Fox Racing (Youth) Comp 5 Boots so I could shift...That was over 2 years ago and I still ride in them every day. I would have lost the entire season of riding without them. They can be found in the $150 range, and Fox has the same boot in adult mens' sizes too. I am just lucky that my feet are small and I can buy kids size :-D They are fairly stiff, though comfortable. I agree that I feel more secure on the pegs, and I like the protection they afford. I also find them very comfortable in very hot, or very cold weather, and my feet stay dry in the rain.