Thoughts and prayers with Boston Marathon victims


Dec 19, 2010
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two explosives detonated today at the Boston Marathon. As of now they are reporting two dead and 22 wounded. I hope that these numbers do not climb as more information is released, or as the wounded are cared for. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. I fail to see how such and act could be viewed by the perpetrator(s) of this to be some sort of statement, whether political, cultural, etc... This as for now seems to be a case of terror to do nothing else but kill, maim, scare, and instill fear. This is a sad day.
68 injured now. And another device appears to have gone off at the JFK library. A college friend lives there, but thankfully him and his family were not at the event. Wtf.
Cowardly acts indeed......take away the guns and they'll either stab you or blow you up....they will always find a way.

I hope our Dr. Rob (rsw81) checks in on this subject.....
My little sister was blocks away when the first explosion went off. A buddy of mine from school was there with a few friends and was across the street when it happened. He described it as "a scene from a movie" but real. Said his ears were still ringing hours later and he may still be in shock. He saw people with limbs missing and blood everywhere. Said it was total chaos with people screaming and running in all directions. I knew of other people that were there, thankfully none were hurt.

I feel such a strong connection to this event because I have been there to watch the marathon several times. I also go to school two miles from ground zero and have even been to the Finish Line store where the first bomb went off.

In addition my Mom ran it last year in a time that would have put her at the scene only minutes after finishing the race. She decided not to run it this year as she had already ran over 8 marathons and had enough.

I am in awe and so very thankful none of my friends or family were hurt. My deepest condolences go out to the killed and injured.

It's true that no matter what we do with laws and regulation, we will never be able to stop things like this from happening.
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My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Its definitely a terrifying time.

I hate to be the one to say this, but something really strikes me as odd with all these horrible events occurring lately.

Somewhere between the Batman shooting, the 10 school shooting, mall shootings, boston marathon bombings, and the north korea situation -- I began to think to myself whether or not this was all coincidence. I really don't like to entertain this thought, but I can't help but ask myself if this is all a premeditated effort to reform gun control.

Sorry to provoke a conspiracy here, but day in and day out, I keep asking myself this question and the answer continuously eludes me.

EITHER WAY -- terrible events are occurring, and my prayers go out to those victims and family members. It's up to us, the people, to start implementing positive thoughts and actions into our daily lives. To help each other, and build a safer, cleaner future for the generations to come.

BAM -- thats my thoughts.
Yeah don't take it the wrong way -- that's why I ended it the way I did. I had to express my thoughts on the matter. My apologies if it came off as offensive.

Your thoughts and opinions on any and all topics have there time and place. This threads intent is to be a place for people to share about the sad events of the day, to provide information on what has happened, for us as a forum community to come together and support any of this community that may have been affected by these events like outofsight20's brother.
I ask polity, let us not let this thread turn into something other than what it was intended to be.
My little sister was blocks away when the first explosion went off. A buddy of mine from school was there with a few friends and was across the street when it happened. He described it as "a scene from a movie" but real. Said his ears were still ringing hours later and he may still be in shock. He saw people with limbs missing and blood everywhere. Said it was total chaos with people screaming and running in all directions. I knew of other people that were there, thankfully none were hurt.

I feel such a strong connection to this event because I have been there to watch the marathon several times. I also go to school two miles from ground zero and have even been to the Finish Line store where the first bomb went off.

In addition my Mom ran it last year in a time that would have put her at the scene only minutes after finishing the race. She decided not to run it this year as she had already ran over 8 marathons and had enough.

I am in awe and so very thankful none of my friends or family were hurt. My deepest condolences go out to the killed and injured.

It's true that no matter what we do with laws and regulation, we will never be able to stop things like this from happening.

I am glad to here that everybody that you know is okay, relatively. However, I want to make sure that you know that your brother should get checked out for a concussion, if he did not already. I have spent 11 years in the army and the effects of a blast can cause mild traumatic brain injuries that may not seem apparent at first. Furthermore, post traumatic stress is something to watch out for after what he has witnessed. If you have any concern or need a point in the right direction on this information for your brother just send me a PM.
Thoughts and prayers go out to the victims in Boston... Scum responsible deserves worse than death.

Heard reports they were finding/disarming secondary "devices" found... Scary stuff.

Hope all of our members from Boston are safe and sound!
Hey all,
My job for the past 14 years has been to maintain the defib's used by Boston EMS and others. I saw EMT's and Paramedics on TV that I see while working on their equipment. I work on broken machines, these guys work on broken humans. I could not do what they do.
Marathon Monday is a day I stay home and do the office work I fall behind on, so I was nowhere near the scene. Yet again, I am reminded of my limits.

My thoughts go out to everyone in the Boston area, if anyone from Boston is on here. Stay strong you have the everyone in your corner.

Always a sad day when horrific actions like this happen.
My dear wife called me at home today to tell me the news. We are heart broken that we live in times where people need to do things like this. It solves nothing but the creator's own demise.
Our hearts and prayers go out from us to all.
I am glad to here that everybody that you know is okay, relatively. However, I want to make sure that you know that your brother should get checked out for a concussion, if he did not already. I have spent 11 years in the army and the effects of a blast can cause mild traumatic brain injuries that may not seem apparent at first. Furthermore, post traumatic stress is something to watch out for after what he has witnessed. If you have any concern or need a point in the right direction on this information for your brother just send me a PM.
Thanks for the advice. I think you misread my post though. It was a buddy of mine, not my brother. I don't even have a brother :BLAA: I will let him know what you said though.
I was in Boston over the New Year period and found the Bostonians to be some of the nicest folk, I dont understand why someone feels that inflicting this type of suffering is warranted on anyone, let alone civilians going about their own regular pursuits
Thoughts go out to everyone affected
Besides the thoughts and prayers to those lost and effected by this cowardless act, was there a lapse by the Boston Police? You would think that they would have conducted a sweep of the area, and continued to do so to prevent something like this from happening.

Is New York and D.C next? AA # 11 departed Boston and hit the Towers.
I work about 1-2 miles away and on Sunday day before the marathon just like past few years my wife and I take a walk thru the finish line for fun as we both know we will never run it. I am speechless as to what has happened today.