Crazy homeless dude tried to mess with me


Running Moderator
Elite Member
Mar 9, 2008
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San Jose, California (GMT -8)
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As I approached a red light the other day, I noticed a homeless/crazy guy walking in the middle of the street yelling at cars and waving his arms. Luckily there was no one in front of me, so I started to plan my escape even before I got to a stop, in case this nutball tried something. Sure enough, as soon as I came to a stop, the guy makes a beeline for me, and says "Hey man, let me borrow your bike".

That was all I needed - as I checked for cross traffic and revved the motor to get ready to launch, he grabbed my arm for God knows what purpose. I didn't wait to find out. Let out the clutch (doing my first ever motorcycle burnout), and got the hell out of there. Thankfully I launched with enough force to break the tackle - he was a pretty big guy and had a good grip on my arm.

I figured that he wasn't really going to get the bike in any case - if he pushed/pulled me off the bike, it would have tipped and shut off. That would give me enough time to call for help or at least get the keys while he was fiddling with it. No way he was going to make off with the bike. I'm just glad that I got out of there okay.

Can you believe that crap?
Hey Travis, can I borrow your bike next time we have lunch? :BLAA:
Seriously dude, that's some scary s&!t happen'n there! Glad you had presence of mind to know what to do. I expect a full report when I see you this week...
wow...I don't know what I'd do in a situation like that! It's really a pity that people like that don't have too many options but to roam the streets. Glad you weren't hurt or anything Travis.
Glad you made it away safe! :eek: I still would call a LEO to help this guy get sorted out so he doesn't assault anyone else. Should have not laid a mitt on you. :spank:
Had a druggie/transient try something similar to that with me last year near a bus station. Once he laid his hands on me it was a quick throttle twist and swift kick to his knee. Definitely a wake up to how vulnerable we truly are (not just from idiots in cages) while riding. I've since moved my knife to a more accessible position should my option for evading/fleeing isn't available.
I have one stoplight where I have to go through to get to my local weekly twisty spot. There has been a homeless man there (different ones) about 1/3 of the time. The last time I threw a powerade at the guy because it was hot as hell out and I bought an extra so I figured it would keep him busy picking it up out the street.

I for some reason feel really comfortable being how big I am and having carbon fiber knuckles on my gloves. But, in reality I could get bum rushed pretty easily.
wow what a reality check this incident gave me. i never taught much about homeless, we do not have a lot of them in our county but we do have a lot of immigrants who are invading us, so yeah it helps to keep your cool and maybe a small knife
I hate the homeless... I don't care what anyone has to say about that. They get on my freaking nerves. 'Will work for food.' Bull****... 99% of them just want their next heroin fix...
i gave a homeless person a $1 coin when I was passing through atlanta, mostly because I wasn't sure if he'd mug me (I had my expensive DSLR camera out), and also because he didn't look like a crack head and sounded genuine.
This reminds me of the bums in Philly! At least you got out man. The cops in Philly encourage you to do exactly what you did, in fact there are specific red lights you know you just don't stop at if its that time of night (obviously check both ways).

Some scary s*** but at least you and the steed made it out.
"Hey man, let me borrow your bike".

Maybe it's a stretch, but I think that this qualifies as an attempted carjack (bikejack?) and maybe s/b reported. I despise agressive street people who try to inimidate others into giving money or, as in your case, your bike? He actually grabbed you...? Wow!
Holy crap dude! That is nuts! I'd have done the same thing, probably with a kick to his nuts as I made my departure!

Don't mess with the crazy homeless dudes!
[ame=]Man Dies After Being Set On Fire Inside His SUV by Homeless Man - YouTube[/ame]
But, in reality I could get bum rushed pretty easily.

LOL Bum rushed. haha.

I live in a major city, almost as depressed as Detroit :(
So far, I haven't been quite in your situation Travis, but there are some stoptional signs and lights when it starts to get late and I'm in the wrong part of town. I'm not as much afraid of the bums, they all ride rascal scooter that they've already stolen from old people, but when someone yells at me - "let me get that bike" - I make sure that I'm in first and ready to launch.
LOL Bum rushed. haha.

I live in a major city, almost as depressed as Detroit :(
So far, I haven't been quite in your situation Travis, but there are some stoptional signs and lights when it starts to get late and I'm in the wrong part of town. I'm not as much afraid of the bums, they all ride rascal scooter that they've already stolen from old people, but when someone yells at me - "let me get that bike" - I make sure that I'm in first and ready to launch.

You're city always makes the news for some crazy crap. First it was some old lady keeping dead people in her house and now some dude keeping women in captivity! Is Ohio just that depressing to people? ;)
I ALWAYS think about this when i come up to stop lights and see homeless people asking for money! Ive never had any problems though, but always leave myself room for an escape and watch in my mirror as they pass me by.
This reminds me of the bums in Philly! At least you got out man. The cops in Philly encourage you to do exactly what you did, in fact there are specific red lights you know you just don't stop at if its that time of night (obviously check both ways).

Some scary s*** but at least you and the steed made it out.

Yes, I drive through Philly often and I'm sure we're thinking of the same
Woah that's nuts, having been a victim of theft before. I would have hit the kill switch, laid the heavy bastard over, (at this point I wouldn't really give a **** about a few scratches) and presented the dirtbag with an ultimatum. Just so happends that ultimatum comes in .357 mag. I really dislike homeless people. That one guy who is famous because a cop bought him a pair of shoes wants money now. Gets on my nerves. And those ones that sit right outside the gates to post with a sign that says "he's a vet" I know some are, but most are not.