Harris Road Grips (FZ6)


Young Rider
May 25, 2008
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El Monte, So Cal
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Previously, I bought a pair of Pro Grip 724 Series grips to replace the hard stock grips in hopes of reducing vibration and also improving grip. The 724's were made of a much softer material than stock. Grip was good, but unfortunately they were also thinner, which just ruined the feel of the throttle for me. Overall, I did not like the Pro Grip 724 Series, mainly because of how thin it was, but it was grippy and it did dampened some of the high frequency vibes.

After more than a month of riding with it, I decided to try another pair of grips. At $19.99, the Harris Road Grips cost about twice as much as the Pro Grip 724's, but the material seems to be of much higher quality and very OEM-like. During installation of the 724's there was grip material all over my hands and some on the FZ6. With the Harris grips there was no material whatsoever. During the installation, I managed to install the throttle grips in the wrong position and had to remove it. This took me about 2 hours with just me muscling the grips out about 1mm each grunt; yet there was still NO material wear at all. Grip material is extremely grippy (I wear leather gloves), more so than the Pro Grip 724's. However, the durable and grippy material comes at a cost; it is somewhat softer than stock, but much harder than the Pro Grips. Some of the vibration has returned, but it is very tolerable. The thickness of the Harris grips is slightly larger than stock, which I like. Throttle feel is great and overall operation is much smoother for me. Lastly, the grips looks nice with the FZ6 logo, and when I look down at the grips, I am constantly reminded that I am riding an FZ6.

To conclude, I really like the Harris grips over the Pro Grip 724s and stock. I think it is a nice improvement and am very satisfied with the purchase. Would definitely recommend it.

Here are the quick pros and cons...
- High quality material
- EXTREMELY grippy
- Slightly thicker than stock
- FZ6 logo

- Not as much vibration dampening as Pro Grip 724 Series
- Cost twice as much as other grips
- Will clear surface material dull after time and exposure to sun?








Very nice!! Thanks for the pics. Where did you pick them up at? I think I'll buy a set of those. $20 dollars is a great price for something that your constantly interacting with.
I just installed a set of Progrip 724 series grips on my bike last weekend. I agree that they do dampen some of the high-frequency vibrations, but I'm not sure that I care for the "sponginess" of the grips. Although I've glued them on using grip glue, they still seem to "move" as they are so elastic. I'm looking for something "in between" the OEM grips and the Progrip 724's....would you (having had both on your bike) say that the Harris grips would be "in between"?
Lord knows I'm not a slave to fashion, :)D yah right).... but I kind of like the FZ6 logo on the grips.
Very nice!! Thanks for the pics. Where did you pick them up at? I think I'll buy a set of those. $20 dollars is a great price for something that your constantly interacting with.

I purchased these grips at Chapparral. I also bought some spark plugs from them.

...I'm looking for something "in between" the OEM grips and the Progrip 724's....would you (having had both on your bike) say that the Harris grips would be "in between"?...

With the exception of the Harris grips being more grippy than the 724's, I'd say YES they are an "in between." I agree with the sponginess of the 724's, with the Harris grips I didn't use any grip glue and they seem to hold up just fine.

*If you guys do get these grips, please keep in mind the grips position, ESPECIALLY on the throttle side. Don't repeat my mistake of facing the FZ6 logo pointing forward instead of facing the rider.
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