Laid it down...


Jul 19, 2008
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Reno, NV
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Well yesterday was a big day for me... Got my alarm system, tail bag, covers and air filter yesterday! Went to work.

I was on my way home doing about 50 on a split 4 lane w a median in the center when i saw a deer crossing the road heading my way. My instant reaction was to grab the brakes... I steadily braked harder and harder when..

The front tire locked up, slid out, and I hit the pavement. I rolled a couple times and watched my bike slide down the road a ways. I got up, made sure nothing was broken, although my knee was pretty tore up, and went and picked her up.

It laid on its right side, leaving some serious grinds on the fairing, brake lever, bar end, mirror, frame, case, side trim, foot peg, brake lever and passenger foot peg. I got to the side of the road and waited about 15 minutes watching cars drive by as I stood next to my bike w the flashers on.

After about 10 cars, I got back on my bike, and headed for home, I made it home and got to scrub my knee which feels just wonderful!!

Anyways thats all... not much I could do, hit a deer or slide. I was wearing my leather jacket, helmet, gloves, work boots and jeans.

Helmet was not scratched whatsoever, gloves are toast, jacket did a very good job of holding up, and pants... not so well, my boots did help too, the composite toe is very nice.

So now I need parts!!
Glad you're OK! Sucks about the bike though!

Any chance the next purchase will be sliders and riding pants? ;)

It's a good off when you can walk over, pick up the bike and still drive it home. :thumbup:
Sorry to hear that. How many miles did you have on your bike? You should have hit the deer. There is a video on you tube of a FZ6 hitting a deer at 70mph. Not sure if you have seen it. He didn't go down, but cracked up his front fairing. Either way, tough call. For the future, get some riding pants and frame sliders like mentioned from another post. Surprised you didn't have serious injuries. Consider yourself lucky this time.
I second that! That was my first mod! actually the only one til now... but feels way better to know that if something like that happens the bike would suffer less damage...
Glad you`re ok.

If I were you, I`d call my insurance and tell them the story... get them to pay for the damage because it sounds quite expensive... especially because of the scratched up frame...

I totalled my first FZ (told them an animal ran in front of me), and my insurance covered it no questions asked... I don`t even think my premium was ever increased, and the accident was considered a "not at fault accident".

Good luck.
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when i told my insurance company that deer caused my crash, they were the same way. no more questions, and my premium didnt increase either.

btw next time im going to hold my line and hope the deer moves.
Glad you came out alright!!! You could have been run over...

I'm trying to picture what exaclty happened - how far away was the deer when you first saw it and was it on your side? Did the front just break traction unexpectedly or did you notice/feel any warning? How long were you on the brakes before the front washed? Stock tires? Were they warmed up yet? What was the road surface like? Feel free to ignore any/all of this as you're still recovering and probably don't want to be quizzed yet! :D

Oh yeah, the guy who hit the deer (on youtube) is a member of this forum...
Ouch, glad you are ok, more or less.

Wavex - Did your insurance cover your gear? Gear can add up to $1,000+ in a big hurry.
Nope, I did not have coverage for gear on my old policy... but leathers can take a serious beating... I am still wearing the same leather jacket and pants after 3 crashes :D makes me look badass :rof:

I did get $1000 for my gear from the other party's insurance in my last accident though (even though my own insurance did not cover this).
Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad to hear that your gear held up and suffered minor injuries which could have easily been much worse. You should get yourself checkup in the ED just in case there is something you hurt or injured that you're not really aware of... just insurance for yourself. As for the parts that's easily replaceable in time. Hoping for your speedy recovery... pardon the pun.
glad to hear your ok man

i know a guy who split a dear in half with his cruiser, he stop riding after that tho. the aftershock of it i guess. . . there is also a you tube video of a FZ6 hitting a deer. its been posted on here a few times i think. . . .
Glad you came out alright!!! You could have been run over...

I'm trying to picture what exaclty happened - how far away was the deer when you first saw it and was it on your side? Did the front just break traction unexpectedly or did you notice/feel any warning? How long were you on the brakes before the front washed? Stock tires? Were they warmed up yet? What was the road surface like? Feel free to ignore any/all of this as you're still recovering and probably don't want to be quizzed yet! :D

Oh yeah, the guy who hit the deer (on youtube) is a member of this forum...

First off I'd like to say thank you everyone. Frame sliders are going to be on their way soon!! I can live with 90% of the damage.

In regards to the scenario...

How far was the deer??

I can't put an exact measure on it but from my judgement 100 feet or so. I'm really bad with judging. From my perspective, if I would have continued my speed I would have smacked the deer right near the middle.

Traction break suddenly?

Yes, very suddenly. Instantaneously in fact. I applied pressure and before I knew I was on the ground. Front tire did not skip or anything, just let go.

How long was I on the brakes??

Approximately 90 feet lol. I estimate my speed at knee to pavement interface around 30 mph.

Stock tires?

Yes, I do not trust these tires whatsoever anymore. I felt comfortable on them but now I don't trust them. Still have plenty of tread.

Warmed up?

Yes, I had been riding for about 10 miles on the freeway, even did some weaves when I left work.

Road surface??

Dry and clean. I would put the air temp at 70 F.

I also noticed my entire fairing is slightly tweaked, its angled to the left a little.

In regards to the holding on and hitting the deer, IMO I would rather slide down the road than hit a deer.
almost hit a deer a few weeks ago almost same instance but it was right next to the road and it jolted just as i got there guess the bike scared it i was still accelerating so i just dropped a gear and beat it. one other thought was what if you had hit the horn, it possibly could have stopped or at least turned the other way and you would have had plenty of time.