11/5 or 11/6 group ride


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Trying to plan this one early. I'm MSF'ing this weekend and next, but I should be free first weekend of November. No idea what the weather will be like by then, but if it's not too bad I'd like to do another group ride.
We can do one of my usual (but different) Weird NJ / airport / PA routes or do something completely different if someone has a cool idea.

Who's in?
Wish I could join, but I've already got 2 things competing for the day on Nov 5 (all weekend poker game at the beach or an all-day ride). So far can't finalize either of those. As much as I'd like to join in, I'd better not add a third thing, will mess up my head too much. Good problem to have, but I've gotta decide!

See ya
I could possibly make the Sunday, but will have just come back Saturday from Europe and Africa for two weeks. G-d knows how jet-lagged I'll be.
Sunday is my daugther's soccer tournament and their 4 wins out of 5 so far. I have nothing planned for Saturday so that should be good. If I have a sitter on Sunday then I would be golden for either day.:thumbup:
I have to cancel :(

I was supposed to teach the last BRC class of the season this weekend and I tried... we were on exercise 4 this morning and when rain started turning to snow and I had 3 students in a row stop by me and display clear signs of hypothermia (shivering and numb hands) I had to pull the plug. Can't possibly continue tomorrow.. freezing temps over night and lots of snow.. so we are going to try to resume the class next weekend :(

Sorry, everyone.