2011 Adult Expo


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May 5, 2007
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Also known as the "Porn" convention. I ponied up $100 for a one day pass this Saturday to see what really goes on there.

Here are the made for television pictures, I posted my pics on another forum which allows adult content.

Lots of long lines for fans getting autographs and pictures taken from their favorite stars. Since I didn't know who most of them were, I just took some generic snap shots.


Hey dude, you're at the wrong convention. The CES (Consumer Electronic Show) is at the Las Vegas Convention Center.




Would be an eye opener!

We have S E X P O in Perth. I have never been. I can imagine all the "creepy" people that go too - they would be worth the admission price alone :rof:

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OK Kenny show us the rest of the pictures. Those are just teasers right!
Do you have your favorite girls around town? LMAF ..
:ban:eek:mg a porn convention, I would have to go just to see the people who go to these things.
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Would be an eye opener!

We have S E X P O in Perth. I have never been. I can imagine all the "creepy" people that go too - they would be worth the admission price alone :rof:

Its really not what you think Kaz , Kel & I even spotted our family doctor at the last QLD se xpo :D Just like walking into a mild adult shop :thumbup:
Its really not what you think Kaz , Kel & I even spotted our family doctor at the last QLD se xpo :D Just like walking into a mild adult shop :thumbup:

Yeah....People probably go there out of what ever curiosity and adventure they have and they start looking for the weirdos and end up looking like weirdos themselves! Then every one is looking like a weirdo! Especially that big guy wearing the cheese hat. :BLAA: Yeah....Bet ya he's a kinky one! :BLAA: :rof::rof::rof:
Yeah....People probably go there out of what ever curiosity and adventure they have and they start looking for the weirdos and end up looking like weirdos themselves! Then every one is looking like a weirdo! Especially that big guy wearing the cheese hat. :BLAA: Yeah....Bet ya he's a kinky one! :BLAA: :rof::rof::rof:

LMAO! So.....Vegasrider is a weirdo? :D
Yeah, that's why they give you a bag to put the Scooby Snacks into!

So, Kenny, stop holding back on the photos!

Yes, there is tons of free stuff. They actually give you a bag so you can stuff as much free porn as you possbily can.

Holding back? LOL...some of you are moderators, you know the forum rules.