50 mph crash


Junior Member
Feb 29, 2012
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My twin an I have matching bikes, well used to, and a few days ago and a small car tried to cross 4 lanes of traffic and didn't see my bro in lane one. The bike slammed into to side of the car and he flew over missing it luckily. He had on a jacket and helmet which took most of the damage. He only suffered bruising on his shoulder and 6" stitching on his shin; the bike as you can see took the rest. Cracked frame in 3 places, bent the forks, ripped the front wheel apart. All the airbags deployed it the car as well.. He's pretty lucky!
Just a warning guys, some drivers are blind to motorcyclists!

Man, sorry to hear about this. Bikes are expendable, people are not. Glad to hear he made out pretty well. Best wishes for a clean recovery!
Glad he's OK! ******* better pay up!

That's one of my biggest pet peeves. Driving seems to be all about ME. Where do I need to go and how do I get there quickest? Damn everybody else and the flow of traffic.

OK, maybe this instance doesn't quite fit into that; seems to be more of a case of doing something risky and assuming you see everything in your path. Like people going through parking lots at 20mph.

Glad he got out ok. proper gear makes all the difference. Looking at the bike it could have been worse had he not been wearing it.
There should be a law in which a driver must own and operate a motorcycle for at least one year or 12,000 miles before they are allowed to drive. Way too many cars out there already, need to start weeding some of them out!

Scary stuff you just posted. It could have been much worse. Hope that driver accepts all the consequences for being at fault.
Sorry to hear about your bro but happy to hear that he came out alive, and he came off not too badly either.all things considered. thanks for the warning, Yeah cars often don't check before they move over.

Hope your bruv heals up soon :thumbup:
******* better pay up!

That's one of my biggest pet peeves. Driving seems to be all about ME. Where do I need to go and how do I get there quickest? Damn everybody else and the flow of traffic.

OK, maybe this instance doesn't quite fit into that; seems to be more of a case of doing something risky and assuming you see everything in your path. Like people going through parking lots at 20mph.

Glad he's pretty ok!! Could have been MUCH worse...also, what he said^
That's pretty amazing that he got out the way he did. Either he's really lucky, or someone was looking out for him. What type of jacket and pants was he wearing out of curiosity?
Hey, glad your brother's going to be okay! I'm close with my big brother and we just spent a week riding out west. I know it would be real hard if anything happened to one of us. Please wish him a smooth recovery!
That's pretty amazing that he got out the way he did. Either he's really lucky, or someone was looking out for him. What type of jacket and pants was he wearing out of curiosity?

Just mid-grade Joe Rocket gear, nothing crazy. Did have all the pads and skid-plates tho. That stuff really works!
Thanks for all the support and get well wishes guys!! He's back to 100% but might be a while before he gets back on a bike :/
WOW! Tell him to count his blessings! That's one of the most extensively damaged crashed FZ6's I've ever seen! That's enough damage to total it TWICE!
There should be a law in which a driver must own and operate a motorcycle for at least one year or 12,000 miles before they are allowed to drive. Way too many cars out there already, need to start weeding some of them out!

Scary stuff you just posted. It could have been much worse. Hope that driver accepts all the consequences for being at fault.

glad your bro made out ok and if they can barely drive on 4 wheels, I think having them on 2 wheels might be a bigger disaster :eek:
Houston drivers are the worst! I'm not surprised that happened, at all.

Glad he's back up and going, sans bike for now.