!!!!! 8K RPM buzz Update !!!!!


Meandering Member
Jan 20, 2008
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As I said in the last thread Here http://www.600riders.com/forum/fz6-...e-clutch-cable-have-you-had-same-problem.html I took pics of the cable before and after The only change that I can see is the build date ... The Buzz is GONE The engine has no buzzing at all now from idle up to red line Again the bike I have is a 2007 here are the pics of build date before and after ..
Greg A.

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Top picture is the original cable .. I would say that orig cable was made
6-7-2006 and the replacement cable was made 8-24-2007 .. Not sure if letter is the year ,I am just guessing.. "If it was a cable that Ford Motor Company built the letter would be the year" I only know that because I work for ford !! Not sure on yamaha ..
Does anyone know for sure ????
Greg A.
Did you go out and buy a new cable and do it yourself?

If so, is it possible that just tightening it all up after reassembly eliminated the buzz-related slack?

I have the same buzz, and I'm going to just tighten the cable and see if it buzzes.
I'll get back to you after this thunderstorm rolls through.
Well, I tried three things:

1: I tightened up the clutch cable, and noticed less buzz while riding, (got to have realistic conditions, and the other motorists were no doubt wondering what was wrong with me as I raced around in 2nd gear,)

2: I tried LOOSENING the cable. This didn't do much but make the buzz return.

I got to thinking some more about it, and figured since the motor isn't running any different, and the only thing that has really changed over the last 1600 miles are things loosening and getting happy in their homes, plus, I noticed it coming from my left hand area, AND I agree completely with you as to the source of most of this buzz, I realized it HAD to be the cable assembly.

So I tightened it up, leaving the required slack recommended in the manual, and then I bloody SHIMMED the area where the cable guide meets the adjusting knob/housing.

Yep, I shimmed it.


I sliced up three little pieces of aluminum can, each about 3mmX4mm, and I wiggled the cable guide and inserted them one by one, after I had adjusted the cable exactly where I wanted it.

I pushed the shims in place with the darn key, (looooooow tech,) and went down the road.

No more buzz.

There is still the telltale "I'm hitting the powerband!" sound, but no annoying buzz to distract you from your pleasurable riding experience.

No pics, use your imagination.
If your cable guide begins buzzing again, go agead and shim the sumbitch. It turns out that a Sprite can is just the right thickness all around.

My bike is still under warranty all I did was take it into dealer and show them the problem that I found and they went ahead and replaced the cable ..under warranty