A crash.


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Wow...the bike disintegrated. 157 mph in a 45 zone...hit a pole. I'm surprised the rider wasn't in pieces himself.
I'm sorry for his family. But he is/was stupid for even attempting. And drunk to top it off.
I feel really bad for his family, that's for sure. And I don't like to see anybody get hurt but by reading his Facebook page it was just a matter of time until something like this happened. His favorite hobby seemed to be partying and getting drunk with his pals.
It's fortunate that this kid didn't take out any innocent people while trying to be self destructive. At 157 miles an hour it wouldn't have taken much to make this a much worse tragedy than it already was be hitting someone else. :(
This is the kind of thing lawmakers will eventually use to restrict or even outright outlaw sport bikes one day. The item that people use to kill themselves with, and not the root cause (which would be the stupidity of the person operating the item) always becomes the target. I remember the same thing happening with ATCs.

I feel bad for this kids family, but I have no sympathy for him. This is going to bring nothing but more bad publicity to a sport that is already tarnished in many peoples eyes. Thank god he didn't kill a family of four returning from a movie or something. I have a feeling that money and privilege might have had something to do with this as well. I've been to the Tempe/Phoenix area before, and Tempe is definitely not a poor area.

The Sheriff's Office said Colazo was driving without a license; it was previously revoked. He now faces charges of aggravated DUI, reckless driving and criminal speed.

So not only was he speeding and drunk, but apparently it's not his first time as his license was already revoked. What a tool.
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Darwin award winner right there. Can't feel sorry for him, but definitely feel bad for his family.
:eek: the bike looks like it went threw a wood chipper. The news article called it a Yamaha YFR I'm guessing those are the only three letters they found laying around. Feel bad for his family but from his facebook page he sounds like one of the douche bags that I want to punch in the face as soon as they open there mouth. But with alcohol and those kind of speed they might as well call it suicide. I'm just glad he didn't hit anyone else. They could have easily been removing his bike from the back seat of one car and him from another. I hate to see a rider down and if he lives I hope he learned his lesson.
He deserves to pay the piper. Good that he didn't injure/kill somebody else. Idiot. I have---obviously---no sympathy. No different from sombody going postal with a weapon...except over nothing. Total idiot. If you want to commit suicide, do it privately.
My sympathies go out for his family....if he does pull thru, they will be the ones feeding and changing him for the rest of his life. :(
judging from his comments on his facebook page, its safe to say hes a douchebag...no big loss for the world if he departs. at least he saw that pole coming at him lit up by his new hid's.:rolleyes:
I can barely tell that was a bike by those pictures.

I don't feel sorry for him -- driving that much over the speed limit, at night especially is just dumb. I'm not even going to comment on the drunk part.

Based on what I've read it doesn't seem like society has a huge loss, but I still feel sorry for those that care about him.
Like the others say... I feel bad for his parents. As for him not really. What he did could have easily gotten some one innocent killed.
No license, drinking, 110 mph over the speed limit (180 kph), i do not feel sorry for this idiot kid at all. I, as most feel for his family. However, after seeing his Facebook page his so called friends should be ashamed of themselves.
To address an earlier comment about using stuff like this to outlaw sports bikes. It is not the bike that kills people it is the idiot riding them. I do believe that this is evidence of two things. One the need for stiffer penalties for people caught without a license, and implementation of a graduated license program for new riders like they do in other countries. Something to keep kids with no experience off litter bikes. Any feed back on these programs would be nice.
No license, drinking, 110 mph over the speed limit (180 kph), i do not feel sorry for this idiot kid at all. I, as most feel for his family. However, after seeing his Facebook page his so called friends should be ashamed of themselves.
To address an earlier comment about using stuff like this to outlaw sports bikes. It is not the bike that kills people it is the idiot riding them. I do believe that this is evidence of two things. One the need for stiffer penalties for people caught without a license, and implementation of a graduated license program for new riders like they do in other countries. Something to keep kids with no experience off litter bikes. Any feed back on these programs would be nice.

So you agree it is not the machine that kills people it is the idiots that kill themselves.....then say you should not allow new riders on litre bikes?

I agree they are terrible first bikes but people should be free to make their own decisions.

This idiot would have done the same thing on an FZ6. Following your logic, people shouldn't be able to start on an FZ6 either.....

Slippery slope man. You give the safety nazi's an inch and they will take away all our good fun because of some idiots.

As for this kid, he posted a bunch of comments about outrunning the cops and such on his bike a couple times before. This also falls on his friends who didn't stop him and his family for not stepping in either. He was obviously headed for a terrible wreck.
So you agree it is not the machine that kills people it is the idiots that kill themselves.....then say you should not allow new riders on litre bikes?

I agree they are terrible first bikes but people should be free to make their own decisions.

This idiot would have done the same thing on an FZ6. Following your logic, people shouldn't be able to start on an FZ6 either.....

Slippery slope man. You give the safety nazi's an inch and they will take away all our good fun because of some idiots.

Yeah, I know where your coming from there but I would still have to agree that there should be something that keeps new riders or at least new riders under a certain age off liter bikes. Yes, it could have been an FZ6 but it is undoubted easier to screw up on the bigger bikes. I would look at it like a pilot, you learn to fly the Cessna before you get to fly a jet. In this case however I suppose it wouldn't have made a difference. If you have kids who are not afraid to break the law then all the additional laws in the world won't make a difference. In the end I guess we just have to let Darwin do its work, just ashame when the innocent get caught up in the mix.
Yeah, I know where your coming from there but I would still have to agree that there should be something that keeps new riders or at least new riders under a certain age off liter bikes. Yes, it could have been an FZ6 but it is undoubted easier to screw up on the bigger bikes. I would look at it like a pilot, you learn to fly the Cessna before you get to fly a jet. In this case however I suppose it wouldn't have made a difference. If you have kids who are not afraid to break the law then all the additional laws in the world won't make a difference. In the end I guess we just have to let Darwin do its work, just ashame when the innocent get caught up in the mix.

If people are wreckless (even to a lesser extent than this guy) starting a litre bike would be bad, yes.

But the same could be said for a lot of things. Over-regulation is a bad thing. Most people who are smart don't start on literbikes. Most people who do start on litrebikes are terrified of their machines for years and gradually become decent riders and only sacrifice ride enjoyment for image for a couple years and elevate the risk of losing some rear wheel traction in corners.

And no matter what is done idiots will max out whatever bike they are on. Just how it is.

Education rather than regulation is the key. Educate the riders, educate the families, educate the masses. Riding is a safe and enjoyable activity.

Just banning things will reinforce the image of motorcycles being dangerous.
He's an idiot, yeah. Doesn't deserve to die for it. I was dumb at 19 and am still dumb at 25. I've done some crazy **** on my bike, sometimes pushed a bit too far. On a 600 it's easier to correct our mistakes, the R1 is one of the fastest bikes in the world around a track, it's not quite so easy to pull it back from the brink sometimes.

Hope he lives to ride another day. If not, hopefully it sobers his friends and area riders to their mortality.