A little help, please


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Aug 1, 2008
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Well I've searched and read a few dozen tire threads but figured I'd come to the masters for some direct information on my tires. I'm closing in on 8000 miles. I've also asked a bunch of people to look at the tires and tell me if they think I should get new ones. I've gotten opinions all over the map with some people telling me I could go a few thousand more miles to a guy I spoke to today with tons of bike experience saying, without looking at the tires, I'm way overdue (He changes his every season or every 5000 miles). I'm bringing in my bike this Friday for the 8000 mile service and am pretty sure I'll change them out but thought I'd post some pictures.





I apologize for such a dumb post, but appreciate any help. Some of what you're seeing is dirt. There's no obvious distortions I've seen unless you pick some out in the photos.
Cycle gear if near you is having a special on diablo rosso in may. One day only. Its like $199 for both front and rear as a set. They did it last year too. Cycle Gear - PIRELLI: Diablo Rosso Street Motorcycle Tires, FRONT

You may have to call and get the date in your area though. I dont know if its different everywhere or not.

OK on your tires. Find on the sides or edge of the tread either a small triangle or the letters twi. That signifies a tread wear indicator strip. When it is level with the tread on any part of the tire it is legally time to replace the tire.

Since 2/32" of a inch is really not enough tread in the rain, if you ride when its wet you really should never let it actually touch. If you are only a fair weather rider and if the forcast hints at sprinkles you dont ride then by all means ride till they are slicks, however all it will take is one rain shower and you could be paying your deductable or get bad hurt.
In my honest opinion, they still have some life. But it depends on how your riding style is. Yes, you have plenty of tread left to last you several thousand more miles if you're not too much of an aggresive rider. But how old are the tires? An actual life of a tire, especially a sportbike tire maybe around 2 years. After that, the tire will start losing it's grip.

Most tires have a manufacturing date implanted on the tire. For example, my Pilot Powers have 2007 on the side of the bike. This shows that my tire was manufactured on the 20th week in the year 2007. So when you do go out and buy new tires, make sure that they are "Fresh" that hasn't been sitting around too long. Sometimes, you will see dealers or shops having great deals on tires, but maybe because they need to get the old ones off their shelf.

I myslef, will be getting a new set of tires within the next month or two. I currently have over 13,000 miles on my Pilot Powers. Still in pretty good shape.
Low enough to change them out but I wouldn't go a lot longer on them, especially a long trip. Norm, the only dumb question is the one you don't ask. :D

Looks like you do a lot of slabbing and less curves? If so, you may want to consider a good touring tire. Those have a much harder compound in the center and softer on the edges for grip in the corners. This way, you get a lot more miles out of the tires. :thumbup: Take a look at these... Dunlop TireSPORTMAX ROADSMART
... OK on your tires. Find on the sides or edge of the tread either a small triangle or the letters twi. That signifies a tread wear indicator strip. When it is level with the tread on any part of the tire it is legally time to replace the tire.

Gosh I must be blind or something... I cannot for the like of me see a tread wear indicator bar on those tires. Maybe it's the photo.
Best thing to do is go to a auto parts store and pick up a tire depth gauge. not sure the laws in other states but NY is 2/32 they are no longer safe. Very simple and Easy to use! When I do an inspection if they are 4/32 to 3/32 I will pass it, however give them the heads up that they should be thinking of tires very soon!
Agree with the 6 in NH, time for those to go. Michelin Pilot Road 2 is also good distance tire. It's more than just how much rubber is left but also age of the tire. The tire gets harder as they go through heat cycles every time you ride and lose the grip they had as a new tire.
Having said that my PR2's worked well all they way to the end.
From the pictures it is somewhat difficult to judge how much depth is left, but from what I can see, there is some slight squaring off. I don't see any signs of the wear strip either. I'd say they are still good, but hard to say for sure. Like others have said, the age of the tire matters too.
I bought the bike new 8/2008 and it's an '08 model but I don't know the tire's date of maufacture. I'll have to check that. Yea, I do about half my miles on the super slab. The problem is I've used up all my local rides so I usually ride the slab to get to some new rides and I also commute to my part time job on the slab. Thank you all very much for the thoughtful advice and references!:thumbup:
that looks exactly like mine did at 8000.. time to change.. i opted for a set of pirelli diablo strada's... ive got about 3000 on it now and it it looks like its going to take out 8000 till i need a new one... good luck
that looks exactly like mine did at 8000.. time to change.. i opted for a set of pirelli diablo strada's... ive got about 3000 on it now and it it looks like its going to take out 8000 till i need a new one... good luck

Thank you very much. I was hoping someone would say it looked like about the time they changed it out.

The center "strip" BTW Eric, is just a film of dirt/dust the tires always get when I park it in the garage. They're worn pretty evenly. Not that I scrape the pegs all the time but I do lean into the curves every chance I get.
Thank you very much. I was hoping someone would say it looked like about the time they changed it out.

The center "strip" BTW Eric, is just a film of dirt/dust the tires always get when I park it in the garage. They're worn pretty evenly. Not that I scrape the pegs all the time but I do lean into the curves every chance I get.

So, Doc DOES carve it up, eh? ;)

How about a pic from the side after the tire is washed off? Maybe with a penny standing in what it left of the tread? That will give us a much better opportunity to give accurate info for you. :D

So, when are we carving it together? Seems we need to meet in the middle on one of our GoTo rides!
Good post even though I don't agree with most of the responses your getting. Those tires look fine to me look at the thread depth! If that is what you have after 8000 miles I figure you could get 10000 easy. Oh and hit some curves.
So, Doc DOES carve it up, eh? ;)

How about a pic from the side after the tire is washed off? Maybe with a penny standing in what it left of the tread? That will give us a much better opportunity to give accurate info for you. :D

So, when are we carving it together? Seems we need to meet in the middle on one of our GoTo rides!

Hey, I try my best anyway. Yea, we should definirely meet for the coast ride. I'm around this weekend if you get some time. Let me take that penny picture for you too...

Good post even though I don't agree with most of the responses your getting. Those tires look fine to me look at the thread depth! If that is what you have after 8000 miles I figure you could get 10000 easy. Oh and hit some curves.

I was thinking the same thing, 10,000 easy the way they look to me. It's just once I start asking about it most people are saying change them.
norm - i asume you have the same tires i originally had.. and i know the area aound boston, so its not supprising to see your tire like that.. seriously take a in person look at the diablo stradas, tehy look a little "V-ed" in the center, so for what you are doing with the bike, you'll probably get a bit more mile out of the tire since they built up the middle... I love mine.. very grippy and great in the rain.. just dont wait to long or you'll get that whole "sloppy back" when braking.. makes the whole backend slide around when your doing heavy/emergency braking.. I can tell you a story about how i decided it was time to change mine, but i think you get the idea...:thumbup:
norm - i asume you have the same tires i originally had.. and i know the area aound boston, so its not supprising to see your tire like that.. seriously take a in person look at the diablo stradas, tehy look a little "V-ed" in the center, so for what you are doing with the bike, you'll probably get a bit more mile out of the tire since they built up the middle... I love mine.. very grippy and great in the rain.. just dont wait to long or you'll get that whole "sloppy back" when braking.. makes the whole backend slide around when your doing heavy/emergency braking.. I can tell you a story about how i decided it was time to change mine, but i think you get the idea...:thumbup:

Thank you very much. I appreciate that!
Well, I did the penny thing and am still waiting for the pics to upload to photobucket. Looks like the part I don't touch or touch very little is just about a penny's width. So that probably puts me somewhere between a surgeon and a scooter riding sissy boy, I suppose. Pictures on their way...I hope...