Airbox mod

removing the grey foam adds 5hp!

It's not the first time he threatens me to kick my ass... last time it was a PM in which he was asking me if I want to settle our argument face to face (fight)... it made me laugh and told him "no thank you"
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My mate reckons that hacking your airbox to get 1hp or a throaty roar :rolleyes: is the equivelent of sneaking a look over the urinal to see if the guy next to you has a bigger dick.

And before I get any abusive PM's,just remember,I didn't say it,my mate did...:D
hey dudes, i'm from germany, i don't understand exactly what u mean with getting rid of "inlets"!

i got a pic from the airbox, do you mean this greyish foam material there? (i never had my gastank off)

regards from germany
The little opening where the air goes in, that is what I hacked open. It gave me low end and mid end torque but probably cut down my top end horsepower. It did make the exhaust sound much better, but I'm sure upset the computers fuel/air mapping.

I don't recommend it...just not worth the potential problems and the engine needs negative pressure in the air inlet.
After reading all 13 pages, I can honestly say, I wanna leave an "upper decker" in your airbox.



I can honestly say though, I recently did this mod, and I've noticed absolutely no difference. Not even that blasted whine is gone, and that's the reason I did it in the first place!!
Yeah, honestly! Do it or dont. Love it or hate it. Not a big deal. Know your bike and I.C. engine philosophy in and out before you do anything is my view.
OK - i know this thread has been running for ages but thought id add my 2 cents worth for anyone that is reading this forum deciding whether to do it. (as i was about an hour ago)

I have since butchered mine (as carefully as i could) and without the snorkel the induction noise is now HUGE! My bike is a 08 model and has stock pipes and i was very impressed at the huge throaty bellowing that comes from under the tank when the taps are wide open.

But i should point out that this is ONLY induction noise. This mod makes NO difference to the sound on overrun (thats where sports pipes come in)

I noticed the major difference in sound was just above idle (2000-2500) when you gently poke the juice in the garage but best of all was whenever you have the throttle wide open - even at low revs. I reckon i will just short shift from now on so i can enjoy that HUGE noise for longer.

Thanks heaps for the advice though people.

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Oh wow - i didnt think to mod mine THIS much! Crikey - i only trimmed the snorkel from inside the airbox so that the standard hole was all that was left. I reckon i might give this a try this weekend. Just got to be careful not to damage the airbox edge
Ok - so now i have completed phase 2 of the mod. Decided to get medieval on it. (check the photo attached)

And WOW - now the induction noise is insane. Just opening up the taps beside a car results in turned heads. Its insane. And the best part is the sound just gets sweeter (and so much more angry) the higher you go. I had her up over 13k a few times already and it was awesome!
soooooo yes or no? currently im running a custom PCIII map with this mod added, would it make a huge difference to run the custom map (with the airbox mod) if i do not have this mod? any and all feedback is appreciated! thank you guys
Please rephrase the question as I am confused... you did the airbox mod and then had your bike tuned? you're good to go then....
So,, a gazillion dyno graphs posted all over the internet on a gazillion different make and model bikes, showing the increase in torque and horsepower from generously cutting open the airbox should, at least, prove that "most" bikes can benefit.

I think, Especially on a commuter bike like the FZ6, the airbox is a noise reducing tool. On a repli-racer, maybe the Helmholtz resonance is tuned more for performance but on a FZ6, Ninja 650, designed-for-the-masses commuter bike etc, etc,???

I know the engineers do an awesome job designing almost every aspect of our bikes. BUT, their #1 priority is "selling" bikes and to do that they MUST meet EPA (and the European equivalent) standards before they can even bring it to market,,,, so meeting EPA criteria is PRI-1,,, even on repli-racers. My point is, even though they are smart, good, great engineers their hands are tied to some degree and the air intake system and exhaust system are their best tools to meet these stringent noise and emissions regulations.

FWIW: If I were one of the "Air intake engineers", knowing that people are usually willing to modify their bikes, I would 1st design it so that it would meet EPA requirements but also so that the engine WOULD perform to it's potential once the private owner modified it,,, but that's just me.

This video isn't an FZ6 but you may find it interesting. Shows the dyno run for stock, slip-on and then the airbox mod.
[ame=]Leo Vince Install- Kawasaki Ninja 650r part3 - YouTube[/ame]
I bought a spare airbox to do some test. I went from stock to 2 3/4" opening. Then I cut off the whole bottom end of the airbox. (Different on the 6R) Can't put some numbers on it but I can feel a difference in mid range to top range. I put back the stock airbox to double check... the modded one when back on and will stay there.

Doing the airbox alone won't probably do much... but it work well with my exhaust set-up and PCV. Everything need to work together as a package.

I should receive my FZ6 Throttle body soon (32mm to 36mm) Can't wait to test that! After that... camshaft!
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Hi guys,
I'm new to the forum! I saw this page and have read through a lot of the comments and just have a simple question. I have a 2007 fz6 with the two brothers exhaust slip-on. If I complete the airbox mod and disconnect the battery to reset the O2 sensor will this not automatically adjust for the extra air flow/ make the bike run more rich?

i currently dont have the mod on my bike, but i have a PCIII and im running a map that was custom tuned for a bike with this airbox mod
Yes- deeper more throaty engine sound almost like putting a cold air intake you get a faint sound similar to that

Yes- more power but prolly only 1hp if that

Yes- overall worth it. It is a free way to make your bike slightly more efficient so why wouldn't you

Sent from my Pocket Rocket with Tapatalk
I wish there was a final say on this...

  • yes/no for hp
  • yes/no for sound
  • yes/no for overall worth it

I did this mod a long time ago.
Power increase? Probably not much but I didn't expect to feel a difference.
Sound? Yes it's a lot louder and a deep growl, kind of like a short ram intake on a car(I had a short ram on my jeep and it sounded like sex). I definitely noticed people turning to look at the bike whenever I went wide open throttle.

For what it's worth I bought a stock lid and took off the modded one. The vibration was a little crazy.