Alaska 2011 FZ6-Forum Event


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Lonesoldier84 and I are heading in the opposite direction next summer. After viewing Calidin's & OMG-WTF trip reports up to Alaska this summer, I have set my sights for the last frontier myself for next summer and was wondering if there would be any other members here in North America who wants to come along?

The ferry from Prince Rupert to Haines was very intriquing to say the least. But that will probably be the way i'm going to go.

If there are any members who might be interested in doing this next summer, probably July-early August at the latest, chime in. I think Vancouver B.C. or the the port for the ferry would be a great meet up point.
I have had similar thoughts, Kenny. Right now, though I don't know if/when I'll get to take another trip. Went way over budget this last time 'round and will have to be sure I have a lot more funding before next time.... and maybe a bike that my wife would ride with me.
Just fyi.
It depends on what you want to do and where you want to go, but a lot of it can be quite dangerous. The ride from haines through the yukon can be very dangerous. People have crashed, when they do, they medivac your butt back to seattle.

Also, skagway is a good destination. you can ride the klondike highway into whitehorse, yt. nice scenery and different from the haines -> yukon route (haines highway).

dont go in august. too much rain. the roads can be, as the adv riders put it, "soupy."

there are good threads on advrider for this type of info.
you should really get after it and go all the way if you want. I say go all the way to Prudhoe Bay! And before you go and say there's no way a sport bike can make it all the way up. Nathan the guy the wrote this blog is a buddy of mine. I say of you take the ferry all the way up I may be able to tag along

The Arctic and Back on Two Wheels
The ride from haines through the yukon can be very dangerous. People have crashed, when they do, they medivac your butt back to seattle.

What??:eek: I heard of one tourist riding a harley that crashed and needed a medevac. I think he had insurance to fly him back to the states so he didn't have to deal with Canadian Health Care. For those of you with regular travel insurance, they will, if needed, medevac your butt to Whitehorse for treatment and further assessment.

I have ridden the highway from Haines many times. I am still here. The highway from Destruction Bay, Yukon to the Alaska border is filled with many LARGE frostheaves. Slow down. You will also encounter gravel. Slow down. Wildlife. Slow get the message. Take your time and enjoy the ride, you may find yourself coming back for more.

Riding in the north can be a very interesting affair, it can also be a lot of fun. Let me know if there are any specific questions about things to see and do in Yukon. I have been here for about 20 years so I can offer some advice.

What??:eek: I heard of one tourist riding a harley that crashed and needed a medevac. I think he had insurance to fly him back to the states so he didn't have to deal with Canadian Health Care. For those of you with regular travel insurance, they will, if needed, medevac your butt to Whitehorse for treatment and further assessment.

I have ridden the highway from Haines many times. I am still here. The highway from Destruction Bay, Yukon to the Alaska border is filled with many LARGE frostheaves. Slow down. You will also encounter gravel. Slow down. Wildlife. Slow get the message. Take your time and enjoy the ride, you may find yourself coming back for more.

Riding in the north can be a very interesting affair, it can also be a lot of fun. Let me know if there are any specific questions about things to see and do in Yukon. I have been here for about 20 years so I can offer some advice.


I've read some trip reports on advrider where they flew people back to Seattle.
In hindsight, this is probably after emergency care was given.
Sorry! I wasn't trying to imply that Canada was uncivilized or anything.
Hi Kenny, I might want to tag along on that one. I like the ferry idea myself.
That is if you are coming this direction again. It would be nice to not go during the rainy season also. When is there summer anyway? I would have thought it would be the same as us? Cool :thumbup:
Hi Kenny, I might want to tag along on that one. I like the ferry idea myself.
That is if you are coming this direction again. It would be nice to not go during the rainy season also. When is there summer anyway? I would have thought it would be the same as us? Cool :thumbup:

I would most likely go through Portland once again to see my folks, so our meet up point shouldn't be a problem.

I've heard the best time to go up to Alaska is June/July. So I was tentativley targeting after the 4th of July. I need to start saving my money as the Ferry ride alone will be expensive. So I will list you as a possible in for next year's road trip.

Oh by the way, my insurance does cover Medevac.
I would most likely go through Portland once again to see my folks, so our meet up point shouldn't be a problem.

I've heard the best time to go up to Alaska is June/July. So I was tentativley targeting after the 4th of July. I need to start saving my money as the Ferry ride alone will be expensive. So I will list you as a possible in for next year's road trip.

Oh by the way, my insurance does cover Medevac.

does it cover international medevac?
this company is popular on advrider:
MedjetAssist - Evacuation | Medical Transport Services
you may get a discount through that forum.

i never got this extra insurance.

my point was to just be careful! :D
I might be interested in meeting up with you guys for a couple days of the trip. I haven't done any touring and I would like to try riding on some curves in the mountains. I'm only a day ride away from where you would come accross into Canada.
Just by chance, yesterday I drove from Anchorage to Soldotna on the Kenai Peninsula, which is about a 140 mile drive and saw a good 40 to 50 bikes, with one being a loaded down FZ6. In the morning it was around 53 degrees, so it would have been a little chilly for me, but by the time I got to Soldotna around 3pm, the temps where in the mid 60’s, so that wouldn’t be too bad.
It would be a kick arse ride, but I would have to be carefully and not stare to long at the beautiful mountains and crash into a moose or something. Would be a ride you would do for the scenery, not the twisties, but would be a nice time regardless.
I've read some trip reports on advrider where they flew people back to Seattle.
In hindsight, this is probably after emergency care was given.
Sorry! I wasn't trying to imply that Canada was uncivilized or anything.

Sorry if I sounded snippy. Riding in the north can be very dangerous. There were two motorcycle fatalities last year in Yukon. Both were tourists. My point was slow down, enjoy the ride and make it home. Ahem, by slow down, I mean when conditions warrant of course! Otherwise, we have few RCMP patrolling the highways.

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Say Alex,

You can be our guide! You coming? It is your backyard after all. A very big backyard I might add.
It is a possibility for me but it is a little too far out for me to give any more commitment than that.

That is why that I have posted this now. To spark a thought and hopefully it will be considered as one of the things to do for next summer.

Probably won't be nailing anykind of commitment or dates until next April/May for a July or August trip.

It would be nice to get some sort of an organized ride/event considering it's such an epic ride and an epic place to visit.
Hello All,

I am doing some planning now and looking to leave around June 1st from Seattle ( may ride bike there or ship depending on time from orange county,Ca) trip plan: seattle, vancouver, quesnal,dawson creek,fort nelson, liard hot springs,whitehorse,tok,anchorage. looking for company. I hear the ferry takes 3-4 days, which at a safe speed, I believe I could be in anchorage going this route. However the ferry would give me more time to travel in alaska to fairbanks etc, with myself and bike in better condition.

I used this itinerary as a guide from motoquest (twisted throttlepartner) and it seems reasonable. Any thoughts? Anyone want to go from SoCal?? Also some hotels in canada were booked already for dates i wanted, I tried to stay around 100 a night. Reinforced the need for me to plan sooner then later. I am open to camping as well.
Man, wish I could tag along. Both kids will be out of school in about 5 yrs. and that's when I plan on doing it. Funny I just barely got started researching and planning already a couple of weeks ago. I don't think I will do it on the FZ. Planning on researching bikes and getting something more up to the task. Plan on riding all the way starting right here in Houston.

Plus I'm going to Scotland this summer and hoping to rent a bike and ride for 3 or 4 days and do some camping. So I'm planning for that.

Sounds like a lot of good advice. I'll be following this thread to see how it all goes. Good luck with everything.
Early June is too early for me, sometime in July would be ideal, certainly no later than mid August.

Sharing a hotel room would make it much more economical, not much of a camper. Plus I don't like the thought of carrying extra gear on the bike just for camping.

Can't commit right now myself, just a thought on what to do this summer.
I've given it some thought and think that I may like to do this. The logistics on Scotland are a little harder to do. I've been wanting to go to Alaska for years now.

It's a little intimidating. I'm looking at 8678mi round trip shortest distance. I can do 21 days which means that I have to average at least 413mi per day if I'm to ride the whole way. Although I would like to ride the AlCan hwy, I wonder if the ferry ride would shorten the time it would take to ride up there.

I'm researching pretty heavy now. Looking forward to doing this even if I end up going at it alone. Still a few months away so will see what happens. Look forward to hearing from you guys and seeing what the actual game plan will be.