Almost died, had someone looking over me that day

On a sunny sunday, in the afternoon there are a lot of (sports)bikes riding there.
It's nice to go out, and have a chat with those guys and exchange stories :)

Seriously, looks like your own personal race track out there! Cool road and glad to hear you're alright and managed to keep a cool head during the situation to be able to get out of it. Expect the unexpected!:thumbup:
I have been on that specific roundabout a couple of times myself. It is really a tempting roundabout. I'm glad you came out ok. Perhaps you can do some circuit sessions to practice your skills. I haven't been on the circuit myself, but in the near future I might do so. The nürnburgring is even not that far from here. :D It is about 3 hours away from here. ;)
Seriously, looks like your own personal race track out there! Cool road and glad to hear you're alright and managed to keep a cool head during the situation to be able to get out of it. Expect the unexpected!:thumbup:

It's known as "The playground of Ghent". Just before this roundabout there is a long stretch of road, where racers :)squid:) tend to test the topspeed of their bike.
Their are houses near this long stretch and a lot of driveways for industrial grounds, So obviously the people who live there have complainted
So now and then, there are Police officers around the corner to do paper checks, and on the lookout for road racers. Thank you squids...:rolleyes:
I have been on that specific roundabout a couple of times myself. It is really a tempting roundabout. I'm glad you came out ok. Perhaps you can do some circuit sessions to practice your skills. I haven't been on the circuit myself, but in the near future I might do so. The nürnburgring is even not that far from here. :D It is about 3 hours away from here. ;)

I have thought about going to circuit, but it's a bit expensive. (2 new sets of tyres and the higher possibillity of a crash). But off course it beats facing an accident on the public road.
Thanks for the tips Philippe;)
Glad to hear you came out of it with no more than soiled drawers!! :BLAA:

Stay safe and :welcome: to the Hall of Shame. :D
Glad you are still with us.

watch a humming bird hovering over a flower or a thunderstorm rolling off the mountains....Billions of light years of space and there is just one known body capable of supporting biologic oasis among the cold vacuum of space....chance?

Ride safe!
Glad you are still with us.

watch a humming bird hovering over a flower or a thunderstorm rolling off the mountains....Billions of light years of space and there is just one known body capable of supporting biologic oasis among the cold vacuum of space....chance?

Ride safe!

Nice words. Haven't thought of it that way. :thumbup: