Always Wear Your Helmet!


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Feb 11, 2008
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My roommate rides an R6, and as he was on his way to class this morning, a stupid sorority girl didn't look before she pulled out of a parking lot right in front of him in her car. Luckily he was able to anticipate it and slowed way down before impact, but still messed up the front end of his bike. He hit his helmet on the ground as he fell (was lucky it wasn't his head), and it just goes to show that even if you ride the same route day in and day out, you still need to wear a helmet because sh*t happens.
it just goes to show that even if you ride the same route day in and day out, you still need to wear a helmet because sh*t happens.

Thanks for the reminder, not only about helmets, but wearing the rest of the gear, too. The more familiar roads lull us into complacency.
ATGATT! It was brutally hot on the ride home but I'd rather sweat than bleed!
My roommate rides an R6, and as he was on his way to class this morning, a stupid sorority girl didn't look before she pulled out of a parking lot right in front of him in her car.

Can't really assume that she's stupid, even though she didn't look before she pulled out. But the question is, was she good looking? This is one way to get her name and number.
But the question is, was she good looking? This is one way to get her name and number.

HAHA. I went to pick him up from the scene and she was VERY good looking. And he did get her name and number from the police report. We were joking about it all day.
3 relevant stories:

1) a local man here had been a bike mechanic for decades. he took a bike around the parking lot to check something as he was fixing it. he fell somehow, hit his head. died. left behind a grieving family. that one rly got to me.

2) the day i wiped out i was on a leg of my journey that was LESS than two city block. I was going from one parking lot to another and previous to this i would sometimes leave my chin-strap undone for such short trips. well this time i had ABSENT-MINDEDLY done up my chin strap and when i cracked my head (left side of chin, bottom portion of helmet) my helmet stayed firmly planted as i bounced a few times. i had wiped out doing abou 50-60kph. no doubt the lid would have popped off if it was undone. the lesson i keep in mind everyday now and double check my chin strap before i put fizzy in gear, just to make sure i havent forgotten.

3) local rider. hits a left hand turner. ambulance is following literally 2 cars behind him. he dies at the scene. why? when he made contact with the left hand turning vehicle his helmet popped off instantly as his chin strap was undone and he landed head first with no lid. that was the first moto-fatality here of the season and it happened in my first few weeks of owning a bike so i took that one to heart.
I have many police reports in my possession, that if only the rider had his
helmet strapped on, they would still be with us. I use these reports on Harley
guys mainly, to try to get them to wear their gear. Seems they think you are
a geek for wearing your helmet???

I have been an insurance agent for 35 years, and feel totally naked without my helmet, jacket, boots at least.

Never take anything for granted on a bike, especially a fast one.
Stay alert, dress right and live to ride! Do not listen to the Harley majority, as they are wrong!

Just my Opinion...
As AGMOM98 says, wear all your gear all the time. Non bike folks always ask, "Aren't you hot?". I always say "yeah baby".

Makes me cringe when I see a youngish girl on the back of a bike with short shorts and heels. Wow, looks good, but what a potential waste. Anything can happen, getting bumped from behind at a stop, stupid squirrels. Be safe and smart, please.
I see some wearing the most worthless types of helmets, not really "helmets" but something to make it look like rider isn't riding illegal. Some of take one look and you KNOW that it can't be legal (or can it??). Anyway, once (70's) I spilled wearing a 3/4 helmet. What saved me was the face shield; I would've scraped up my face had I not had it. Today, I wear a full-face helmet.
What really gets me is to see two riders on a motorcycle, and the helmets
strapped to the sissy bar on the back. How dumb is that?
Can't really assume that she's stupid, even though she didn't look before she pulled out. But the question is, was she good looking? This is one way to get her name and number.
Vegas to say you have a one track mind is possibly the biggest under statement of the year lol.
What a way to fall in love,

Makes me cringe when I see a youngish girl on the back of a bike with short shorts and heels. Wow, looks good, but what a potential waste. Anything can happen, getting bumped from behind at a stop, stupid squirrels. Be safe and smart, please.

Dude, I see that all the time here in SD. It's the worst when she has really great legs, and all I can think is how horrible the damage will be.

I wear all my gear all the time. I've been down twice, and my worst injury was a cut on my knee. Without my helmet, gloves, and jacket who knows what condition I'd be in right now.
I jumped on my CR250 and went for a little ride out on the hill behind my house. You know the one I hit every other day...I really wish I would have put my jersey on because it would have save some gravel rash... helmet saved me.