

Senior Member
May 25, 2008
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got this in an e-mail

Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take
> your guns?
> Well, it seems that his minions and allies in the anti-gun
> world have
> no problem with taking your ammo!
> The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including TN,
> Illinois and
> Indiana ) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the
> manufacture,
> a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how
> much you
> buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after
> June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded.
> Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by
> July 1, 2011.
> (Including handloaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05
> cent tax on every
> round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least
> $2.50 or more! If they
> can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!
> Please give this the widest distribution possible and
> contact your Reps!
> It's the ammo, not the guns...
> I've said for a long time that they wouldn't go for
> your guns, they'd go for your
> ammo... guns have a Constitutional protection. Ammo does
> not. A list of states
> where this legislation is pending is in the final
> paragraph. Not in CO yet, they'll
> go where the pansies are first.
> Heads up to all of you who swore to defend the Constitution
> of the United States
> against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Let your state
> Legislatures know that
> we do not want this bill passed, and petition them to vote
> no on this bill. We should
> keep after them until the bill is closed by bombarding them
> with e-mails, phone calls,
> and letters.
> Get to all your politicians to get to work and NOT LET THIS
> HAPPEN!!! The 2008
> Legislative session has begun, and the Ammunition
> Accountability Act is being
> introduced across the country. Below is a list of states
> where legislation has already
> been introduced: Alabama, Arizona, California,
> Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana,
> Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New
> York, Pennsylvania,
> Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington.
> More information can be found at:
I consider myself to be pretty liberal (Not "a" liberal, just liberal), but I love guns and hate gun control laws.

Why? They don't work. All they do is punish law abiding gun owners. People who use guns in a crime do NOT buy them legally, and do NOT register them.
Well at least he knows the right people to piss off! :spank: This is ridiculous!!! If the aftganies can make enough ammo to feed all those ak's, then do these people seriously think that this will lower the availability to "bad" people with bad intentions? There's always been an under the table market for weapons and there always will. The only way I'm destroying my ammo is when I'm discharching it!!! We'll leave it at that. He also wanted to abolish nascar and all other forms of motorsports because they're a waste of gas. He isn't trying to show a pattern or anything... So much for being the "Non party voice of change"... Same $hit different label. The scariest part is every component of check and balance is LIBERAL CONTROLLED!!! I'm not one of the wackos who have a bomb shelter in their backyard and scream about the "conspiracies". I'm just a guy who enjoys shooting his 2.3 cent .22lr ammo.
Chris Rock got it right... start selling ammo at £2,000 a round means there'd be no such thing as an innocent bystander getting shot, if someone popped two grand into him he MUST have done SOMETHING!
This information has been floating around for some time now and I've seen it on several different forums.

The legislation is real, and thankfully it has died, or been voted down before becoming law. Send letters, emails and make phone calls to your state and federal level representatives and let them know this law should not pass. Both the Senate and House of Representatives are Democrat controlled right now... how long do you think it will take before this finally becomes law?

As previously mentioned... all gun control laws seem to accomplish is make firearms and ammo more difficult and expensive for law abiding citizens to own. The average dirtbag will not submit to a background check, nor will he be satisfied with low capacity magazines. Same goes for ammunition... who actually thinks they'll go through the legal channels to obtain ammo.

BTW, I'm really glad to see this info is circulating outside of the normal firearm/ political type websites.
NO, i am not kidding and neither are they. there is info at the bottom. do what champion221elite suggests. e-mail, write or call your representatives. how to contact them are in my local paper. yours should be too. i will not give them my ammo. i will bury it if i have to.
Time to start reloading.

As the old saying goes... When guns are outlawed only the outlaws will have guns.

I haven't done any research on this bill, don't know if it's true, but I can see it getting to that point.
the problem i have more than anything is that we're supposed to destroy ammo after a certain date if it isn't marked? :-|
I highly doubt this will happen, S-Chip has a much better chance at getting through and that law is BS!! I just bought my first pistol and already have my "assault rifle", both of which were purchased at Cabelas. I bought 900 rounds for the pistol and 1300 rounds for the "assault rifle" to go with the 2000 I already have.

That being said, I want more, but I think Mr. Obama has much bigger problems, like the economy to deal with. However it is a hell of a time to be in the gun trade right now!! The same rifle I purchased for $425 almost 3 years ago goes for $600 now!
I highly doubt this will happen, S-Chip has a much better chance at getting through and that law is BS!! I just bought my first pistol and already have my \"assault rifle\", both of which were purchased at Cabelas. I bought 900 rounds for the pistol and 1300 rounds for the \"assault rifle\" to go with the 2000 I already have.

That being said, I want more, but I think Mr. Obama has much bigger problems, like the economy to deal with. However it is a hell of a time to be in the gun trade right now!! The same rifle I purchased for $425 almost 3 years ago goes for $600 now!

Whatchyagot watchyagot......lemme see em'! I love guns as much as I do motorcycles. Is that cool here? Posting pictures of guns?
Never liked that guy and I doubt I ever will.
Sure, I'm Canadian but sometimes here its like monkey see monkey do with regards to the neighbours.
I'm in the army, and I grew up in the bush hunting and fishing so yeah, I love guns! Not right for them to control them, sure they need rules but not some crap like this. What about all these guys that enjoy the sport and enjoy doing handcrafted rounds? You can bring up an ethical argument since they are more accurate and less likely to just wound an animal on a long shot.
Hehe, I know... It was merely a retorical question;)

Lots of Americans just like guns. I like guns simply because of the fond memories of childhood, going out and shooting cans with my father and grandfather, etc. I was never a big hunter, but I have always respected wildlife etc. I have several guns that were given to me as gifts from my father and grandfather(deceased). I have never even fired these guns, but have them simply as keepsakes. I imagine others share the same feelings. I like to shoot and collect guns just as a hobby. I am a police officer and understand the need for people to be able to protect themselves, do they need an M60? Probably not. Some people just like cool looking guns. I can understand why some Europeans think that Americans are weird.:D , but guns are just a part of the American society.:thumbup:

this is for you:
Too bad I can't attach it to my signature, though:(

Don't get me wrong on this, I also have a facination for guns. I used to be a member of a shooting club (but don't have the time to do it any more, sadly enough), I've been to the military (it's mandatory, by the way) and tasted the good feeling of hitting targets 1,5 km away with my fully automatic 7,62 mm Hechler & Kosch AG-3 (I was a sharp shooter), and so on.

Thing is, I start to wonder when people compare guns to -let's say- their motorcycles. Guns were and are still made solely for one ultimate purpose: Killing. Hunter rifles and other guns designed for competitions etc, are also derived from the idea of killing other people in the most effective way. One can't disagree with that. That's the purpose of a gun.

Then one can debate on the whole ethical and moral aspects of why guns should be sold over the counter like any other commodity or merchandise (disregard what the constitution says). To me it says something about availability, and the greater the availability, the greater the risk of abuse and tragedies happening.

Finland is the country in Europe with the most liberal gun policies, quite similar to what you guys have in the states. They are also similar in another not so good way; they have school shootings. That phenomenon is abcent in other nordic countries and likely most other parts of the world. And adjusted for number of citizens, they have the highest rate in Europe of gun related murders.

In Norway and probably most other european countries, you'll need to either be a member of a shooting club or have your hunting license, to be able to buy guns and ammo. Besides, if you're a former felon, forget it. The license and your ID will get you allmost anything except fully automatic assault rifles and the like. Did I mention that the police don't carry firearms on a daily basis? They only do so on occations when it's undoubtly required (armed robberies, and so on). We have a total of 45 murders each year spread over a population of 4,7 million. That's roughly one killing for every 105.000 Norwegian. In America the numbers are 16700 murders annually spread over a population of 280 million (2005), which means there should have been more than 1,7 billion americans for the numbers to add up. The rate is actually more than six times higher than here.

So... What's up with that?