and my pride is hurt...


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Apr 22, 2011
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Oregon, USA
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So, I bought my 2005 FZ6 two days ago... yesterday I spent all day cleaning her up because the last owner really didn't know much about bikes and she was a dirty, dirty little girl. So she got all scrubbed and waxed and chain cleaned, the works.

Today I drove her down to the DMV to get registered and everything, once that was done since it is such a nice day, I went for a lovely ride on one of my favorite roads through the Gorge. As I am just about to pull into my driveway I have to stop and let a car pass on the opposite side of the road. Well I'm 5'3" and maybe 110lbs (yes female too) so the bike in it's stock form is too tall for me, something I'm in the works of fixing but had not yet at that time. Anyways the stop was prefect, no problems, I haven't had any problems yet with the bike because I fully analyze every stop before getting to it and make sure I slide down on the appropriate side of the bike that is needed for the road. Well I had to have my right foot down because that was the high side of the road so as I get ready to pull into my driveway from this stop (on a steep hill too) the only thing that makes sense in my head is that my hand slipped on the clutch, we've been readjusting the lever a few times already so this kind of makes sense I guess... anyways the bike jumped and died because well I was stopped and wasn't on the gas yet, then add the fact that I'm short and was slid down on the right side when it jumped and went to the left... I didn't have long enough legs to stop that fall. :(

My perfect record of not dropping a bike or even coming close to it for many years now is ruined. And I have a new little scratch on one of the back grab bars. Luckily there isn't much damage just a small scratch but of course I still feel horrible.

So although I'm use to riding tall bikes, I ride dirt a lot and those bikes are always tall, on top of occasionally riding my dad's Harley v-rod and his FZ1, both of which are too tall and heavier. My (old) main bike which is a 250 ninja is short and I can plant both feel on the ground with that, and my main dirt bike might be about the same height as this FZ6, but the seat is way slimmer and it's much lighter so I can through it around no problem.

So anyways I've decided today that I am shaving the seat down and maybe even lowering the forks and dropping the suspension... any suggestions on any of these things would be great...
My son has a lowered Honda 600rr. I wish my wife would learn to ride. Doesn't really matter how tall you are. I'm 5'7 but much heavier. than you and I've dropped my bike. Same deal, fork turned and bogged it in second when I thought I was in first.
There should be some posts you can search on lowering these bikes.

I don't remember your name so :welcome:to the forum!!! :rockon:
Very good discription of your unfortunate mishap but sooner or later it was going to happen- it just does to all of us. Luck was with you as you were not hurt, no one else was hurt and your baby just has a small scratch.
The FZ6 makes very little torque at low rpm and is very easy to stall. Just keep this in mind when doing these slow speed maneuvers and starts. I'm sure lowering it will help too.
I would say the most important thing is that you didn't physically get hurt. I give you major props for riding bikes even though they are too tall for you and adapting yourself to make it work. On the other side lowering probably should have been the first thing you did. Anyway it could have been much worse. Keep your head up :thumbup:
sorry to hear that. I also dropped my v-star 1100 while I was waiting for the light. It took me a while to pick it up. you're right it hurts the pride
Great Googly Moogly....must be that time of year.

:welcome: to our family here and :cheer:

:welcome: to the "drop club" :(
It might help a bit to keep the tank half full to keep the weight down. There are some lithium batteries on the market for bikes too, they are very light in weight compared to the rest, like one pound.

What About getting higher shoes?
Thanks everyone. I've successfully lowered the bike about 2 inches, now I can touch both tippy toes at the same time! :D or flat foot one foot at a time without havening to slide down off the seat... heh So hopefully I can avoid problems like this from now on.
Thanks everyone. I've successfully lowered the bike about 2 inches, now I can touch both tippy toes at the same time! :D or flat foot one foot at a time without havening to slide down off the seat... heh So hopefully I can avoid problems like this from now on.

Good move! I tipped my SV in a parking lot shortly after I got her, because the seat height was much taller than my previous bike and I wasn't used to it yet. Hurts the pride more than anything, but it's good you got it sorted out so it won't happen again.
I remember, when I bought my bike, (you can ask krid80 this) I had my bike for like a week and I swear UP and DOWN that I had my kickstand down all the way and left it in the garage for the night. I came back the next morning and found it loving on the lawnmower with a missing mirror. This was before I joined the forum but I felt like crap. The bike stood on its own when I left and I came back and flop the next morning.

Stories are fun to share....after years go by.

Glad your ok and nice to meet you :D
Ah, sorry to hear…demoralizing, I know. At least it occurred in the beautiful setting of The Gorge.

I’m discovering more and more Oregon riders on this forum, we’re coming out of the wood work! :thumbup:
I just bought my FZ6 about a month ago and it was the first street bike that I owned. I was always used to riding in dirt for years. I dropped her on the first day!!! I was sooo upset. But you best believe that it has never happened again.
It was the same situation...I was stopped on a hill and I only have my left foot on the ground...well the road was slanted to the right and the bike started to tip but my right foot was not down. The bike was too heavy for me to catch my footing fast enough. Disappointing but now I always keep both feet down lol.
It might help a bit to keep the tank half full to keep the weight down. There are some lithium batteries on the market for bikes too, they are very light in weight compared to the rest, like one pound.

What About getting higher shoes?

Haha, I don't think I could go with higher shoes! Anything with large soles feels really clunky to me and its harder to shift with, takes down your reaction time when you are trying to maneuver fatty shoes around. At least that's the way I feel, and I have tried them before, my mom likes the fatty shoes, but she only rides cruisers. I do have full street riding boots though, and a dirt pare.
Thanks for the suggestion though, it's always a good thought, and always worth trying, especially when you are as short as I am! :D
Just another thought... If you are willing to spend a little cash you could get yourself a Top Saddlery seat (you'll probably want one anyway :D). They are much slimmer around the thigh area and ,if I remember right, they make a lowered version.

Anyway :welcome: to the forum and glad you're ok at least