Anyone else in NY/NJ area feel that earthquake/tremor?

Sure felt it here in southeast PA. A good strong side-to-side for about 5-10 seconds, a break for a few seconds, then another 5-second wiggle. Then nothing. Not even a leaf down
i was outside the whole time working on my friends car and didnt feel a damn thing... im kinda mad i missed it:ban: :spank:
It woke me up at 1:51. I was awake long enought to realize what is was and just fell back to sleep. (I work the midnight shift so I sleep in the morning hours)
I was at work in downtown Louisville, KY on the 10th floor of a building. It gently rocking for about 20 seconds, then swaying for another minute or so.

A friend of mine 2 blocks from me didn't feel it on the 1st floor.

First time I'd felt one -- the last one that Louisville felt (in 2008) I was out of town and didn't experience.
I was at work in Borden, Ont. and felt it on the second story of my building, and my wife was home and complained of a dizzy feeling. When she saw one of our plants swaying she said it was impossible for the plant to be dizzy too :D

At least it wasn't as bad as the 7.2 aftershock I experienced while working down in Haiti last year...
M5.8 – Virginia

‎1. Click on the "zoom" out map
2. Determine if you live in Central VA or not.
3. If NOT, admit that you are a sissy girl
4. Have a nice day
I was home sick asleep on the couch. I've been dizzy for the past 4 days so I just though it was me, then when it got worse I was wondering if my couch was the time I really woke up and realized the whole house was shaking, it was just about done.

So, I did what every good red-blooded American does these days, I checked Facebook. LOL
I was home sick asleep on the couch. I've been dizzy for the past 4 days so I just though it was me, then when it got worse I was wondering if my couch was the time I really woke up and realized the whole house was shaking, it was just about done.

So, I did what every good red-blooded American does these days, I checked Facebook. LOL

My phone literally blew up with Facebook updates here in Virginia within 30 seconds of the quake!

Facebook: gives you the news first!
I heard of some people in Michigan saying they felt it too. I didn't feel anything but then I'm on the west cost of the state.

I was in an earth quake in Washington State back a few years back. I was outside working residential construction, there was a work truck next to me and it looked like it was going down a bumpy trail even through it was parked.
Oh man, those are going around like crazy. I can't to see how the East Coasters retaliate when California is shut down because of an inch of snow.

Schools and government buildings close in Virginia for an inch of snow. :rolleyes:
Bunch of wusses.

NE is where it's at. Little earthquake? Move along, nothing to see here. 3 feet of snow? Oh, must be time to put the shorts away.

I'll never live further north than VA for that distinct reason...I hate snow. Even more than snow I could not deal with not riding for 3-5 months each winter! 1-2 months of unsuitable FZ6 weather is bad enough.
I'll never live further north than VA for that distinct reason...I hate snow. Even more than snow I could not deal with not riding for 3-5 months each winter! 1-2 months of unsuitable FZ6 weather is bad enough.

The plus side to living up here, when we get a snow storm, we know our houses will still be standing when it's done.
The plus side to living up here, when we get a snow storm, we know our houses will still be standing when it's done.

They build for snow load in the Mid-atlantic too...we do get a freak blizzard every 5 years or so.

The benefit of NY snow storms is you actually have a DOT with enough equipment to clear the roads! In Virginia a snow storm means that most backroads are packed snow/ice for up to a week! Only intersections and highways are salted. It's the drawback we take for not having our vehicles destroyed by salt every winter. :(;)
They build for snow load in the Mid-atlantic too...we do get a freak blizzard every 5 years or so.

The benefit of NY snow storms is you actually have a DOT with enough equipment to clear the roads! In Virginia a snow storm means that most backroads are packed snow/ice for up to a week! Only intersections and highways are salted. It's the drawback we take for not having our vehicles destroyed by salt every winter. :(;)

Touche, Sir. Touche.