Anyone have comfort grips?

On my BMW forum, several of the guys buy boxes of rubber O-rings and roll them on one after another; they're long-lasting, cheep, and you can even "fine-tune" the final diameter of the "grip".

i just ordered some Grab On Grips to get started as they are inexpensive and easy to install. i recently bought some new gloves and while i like them they are thinner in fabric compared to my usual leather, and the hands feel really hard against the grips in comparison. even my weight leaning on the bars seems more pronounced. after some time on the bike i noticed myself taking a hand off and shaking it around to loosen it up. something i haven't done in a long time

another reason i got 'em is i found this vid of a FZ6 owner putting them on, easy as pie. thought i'd post the vid for those wondering just how the Grab On Grips will install on the FZ6. looks like it might be $10 well spent

Grab On grip Covers - YouTube

the Grab On Grips came in. went on way easy on the FZ6. a lot easier than the youtube vid i linked shows. in fact i would say they were loose. not so much to slide off when riding, but easily if you grab and pull it off

i have read to use hairspray and maybe i will? or another mild adhesive. nothing permanent, just something sticky. pretty sure the soap and water used to put them on is supposed to dry to "stick," too. i did not need it to slide them on but used it, anyway. i think when i got home after 10 minutes of riding the throttle grip was sticking, somewhat. the left was loose, though. so i did a redo. we'll see whats up later

as for the comfort? too soon to tell. i think i was thinking about it too much. at first i thought it increased vibration. or its feel, at least. i wore my thinnest gloves. i wondered "well, is the foam vibrating?" it felt weird. in fact i got these to wear with thinner gloves. my usual gloves are fine on the grips, and leather. but some new ones i like made the grips feel hard

they don't feel hard anymore. that's about all i can say in my short experience with these. and i can comfortably extend my hands closer to the end of the bars when cruising. i could do it before but there did not seem enough to grab onto to make it feel natural. the grips make it feel like i have wider bars when i position my hands....wider. anything else i notice i will let you all know. next time i ride i am going ot wear my usual gloves. been wearing pairs just like them for six months so any changes in grip feel should be more apparent
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Original Grip Buddies

I have been running these now for about 6 months, before that I was using a foam type of insulation tubing similar to grip puppies. But I think when I need to I'll get another set of these "super sharkskins".. They are pretty much water proof. Thats what I like most about them, they dont act like a sponge
Original Grip Buddies

I have been running these now for about 6 months, before that I was using a foam type of insulation tubing similar to grip puppies. But I think when I need to I'll get another set of these "super sharkskins".. They are pretty much water proof. Thats what I like most about them, they don't act like a sponge

i think i like the idea of these. also of replacement grips. the materials and texture would seem to be more natural feeling, i would think. more substantial, and more quality. i saw some grips while shopping that looked interesting with all the grip patterns and designs to choose from

i went out for a longer ride and these foam things work OK, though. they do what i wanted them to do. which was make the grips feel more plush / cushioned. i no longer feel like i am holding onto hard plastic when wearing my thinner gloves

the trouble with the fit is i apparently ordered too big a size in diameter. i wasn't paying attention when ordering and did not notice they have varying sizes. i had imagined a "one size fits most" configuration. and they do fit OK but they both show some extra room and move around a little. so i am going to wrap some thicker tape around the grips and slide 'em over that. should work out ok and i hope for a more secure feel
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I got a set of Progrips 717, they are very grippy, what i love about them is that you can really have an extremely light hold on the bars and still fell like you are in control because the grips have such good grip.

The only problem i have with them is that they are soft and will wear fast, mine show wear after less than 1000 miles, i doubt they will do more than 5000.

They are open ended.

I got a set of these also and really like them. They came closed end and I had to trim it out, did you have to trim yours out? I wonder if I orderd them wrong