Anyone up for a tour of Tassie!

The road out of Queenstown (99 bends) is the best part of it.

Jesus! I will camp on the side of the road, if it means i get to ride this road!

The Gordon Gateway looks just fine to me folks.....Anyone of them are fine for a one nighter....we have luxuries elsewhere on the trip.

I reckon it's time to start researching some "rides", and some destinations....

Am thinking destination's right now, and then i reckon it's a matter of tailoring our rides around the various, sites & attractions we want to see...

So what do we want to see, visit, etc...

There are a few simple one's that are easy to do....Cadbury Factory, Beer Factories....

Highland Quad Bike Riding! :D
Port Arthur....
Franklin Dam?
Cradle Mountain...

There must be a truckload of amazing places to see...especially along the Coast???

I think i am going to be doing a bit of looking on the net's crap weather outside!

I reckon it's time to start researching some "rides", and some destinations....

Am thinking destination's right now, and then i reckon it's a matter of tailoring our rides around the various, sites & attractions we want to see...

So what do we want to see, visit, etc...

There are a few simple one's that are easy to do....Cadbury Factory, Beer Factories....

Highland Quad Bike Riding! :D
Port Arthur....
Franklin Dam?
Cradle Mountain...

There must be a truckload of amazing places to see...especially along the Coast???

I think i am going to be doing a bit of looking on the net's crap weather outside!


I am working on that at the moment mate , been working on it for a week in down time at work but as it gets busy i have to put it on the back burner :(... Should have a draft by tomorrow night though :thumbup:
Im sitting here working through some fuel figures for the ride :shakehead: yeah i know im a geek :)...... What sorta K's are the rest of the bikes getting per tank ??

Well, the FZ gets about 230km's safely, at "touring" speeds...

Im sitting here working through some fuel figures for the ride :shakehead: yeah i know im a geek :)...... What sorta K's are the rest of the bikes getting per tank ??

Can't tell ya Humpy. Since i changed the gearing on the XJR i have'nt been able to ride :(. Hopefully get back on it this week. :cheer:

Same with Kazza's, have'nt used a full tank since gearing change
I would suspect that petrol stops wont be an issue in Tassie, we are going to be touring at a leisurely speed, most of the time, and am sure we are going to want to stop every hour or so anyway, just to stretch the legs...if anything...

It's not as if we are crossing the Hay Plain...

Or, are petrol stations scarce, or are petrol stations with premium fuel scarce in Tasmania???

Do any of you lot going to Tassie, play darts, and, or 8 ball??? Was thinking that a darts, and, or an 8 ball comp could be fun one night!!!! Maybe even a "Couples" championship!!!!

"State pride" would be at risk of course.....

This event could & should also include our friends from Tasmania.....i could even cook up a feast for all!!!

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