Anyone up for a tour of Tassie!

:cheer: :D i wonder if we really did make them have a look at it :don'tknow:... I know our travel agent did tell them over the phone that there were a few groups struggling with multi bike bookings....

1st we get the boat site changed , what next ?? Maybe they'll give us the keys to the island :thumbup:
I emailed them and complained.

Keys to the Cadbury factory.... :drool:
Ok, I have made my mind up...will be riding an FZ6 in tassy!!!

Which means I won't be selling my topbox kazza....instead, I am going to try and rig a power outlet from it, as well as lights!

Am also going to put the pink tank back on the bike!
Ok, I have made my mind up...will be riding an FZ6 in tassy!!!

Which means I won't be selling my topbox kazza....instead, I am going to try and rig a power outlet from it, as well as lights!

Am also going to put the pink tank back on the bike!
No problem. There are some good deals on flea-bay at the moment. I'll grab one of those :D Mike's ordering a 12V connector at the moment - getting a good one from the states.
No problem. There are some good deals on flea-bay at the moment. I'll grab one of those :D Mike's ordering a 12V connector at the moment - getting a good one from the states.

Going to jaycar this arvo to check options myself!
Pink tank in the most redneck of Australian states, god luck with that:D

I have lived in the same suburb as the Cadbury factory for the last 7 years and have never been on a tour, maybe I will have to tag along for this one.
Isn't the Gaol not far from there ...............hmmmmm.

Na mate Risdon Prison is a fair distance away on the sunny Eastern Shore of Hobart, they will pass that when they ride grass tree hill to go to the historic town of richmond (google map for sure it's a sweet piece of road out there) so if the boys need some time out they may wanna call in then.
Pink tank in the most redneck of Australian states, god luck with that:D

I have lived in the same suburb as the Cadbury factory for the last 7 years and have never been on a tour, maybe I will have to tag along for this one.

:rof: :rof: that was my first thought to :D

Sorry, i did'nt finish...the pink tank with a big 46 on either side!!!

Trust me, i aint really going pink...just seeing if i could get a "rise" from anyone! :D
Good. Somewhere to send Mike, Dan and Jamie if they are naughty :spank:

You can send us to 'prison", as long as i have an Esky full of Beer, and some "durries", she'll be right!

Cause i will be naughty....

Well, Humpy and myself wre discussing soft panniers the other night, both saying how we were getting, or had got Dri-rider panniers...well Yesterday i went and got myself some soft panniers....i originally were going to get the "Sport" panniers, but then i found the more conservatively styled panniers, that Humpy is getting, or has already got, cause Peter Stevens had the "square" panniers for $150!

I fitted them last night...was a doddle....more about their "installation" in another thread! Anyway, i'm ready to take the Missus for a small "tour" on the bike this Sunday/Monday to give the gear set up a testrun, and start getting the new Missus used to being on the back of the bike for long periods of time...

here is a pic of the new panniers on the bike, with all the other touring luggage i have, on the bike as well...all up about 140 litres of carrying capacity!

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