Anyone up for a tour of Tassie!

Yep thats the ones 'ol Humpy got too:thumbup: I have the same amount of luggage room aswell , bout the same as a beetles bonnet i reckon :D...

I cant wait ppl's,im so pumped about the trip:rockon:
Yep thats the ones 'ol Humpy got too:thumbup: I have the same amount of luggage room aswell , bout the same as a beetles bonnet i reckon :D...

I cant wait ppl's,im so pumped about the trip:rockon:

I got told to "settle down" about Tassie...apparently it is still 6 months away! :rolleyes:
6 months :eek:!!!!! Ohh man , thats forever away :(

Yep, and we have got just about everything booked accom wise! :eek:

I gotta say, i am looking forward to the riding more than anything...all the nice gigs, etc, dont mean a thing, unless we are riding lots! :D

The way i am going with setting up the bike, it will weigh more than the XJR by the time we get fact, it would be interesting to get to a weighbridge at some point, to see how much the bikes weigh all loaded up! :eek:
I got told to "settle down" about Tassie...apparently it is still 6 months away! :rolleyes:
Crazy talk!

Not calming down.

So much to do.

Top box - my bike
Side bags - Mike
TS seat? - both bikes
Hot grips - my bike
New winter boots - Mike
New lid - Mike
New tyres - both bikes
Still some accomm. to sort
WSB tickets to sort

Excitement plus :cheer:

I can't calm down - I'm toooo excited :D
What!!!!!!! It's not Antarctica down here!

I know. He's well overdue for a new pair of waterproof boots. I won't get them repaired any more. He needs to splurge :D

But, the temp will be down to 8'C overnight (checked out the March BOM Tassie forecasts). I always have cold hands, no matter what gloves I'm wearing.

Cold hands, warm heart :blowkiss:
Crazy talk!

Not calming down.

So much to do.

Top box - my bike
Side bags - Mike
TS seat? - both bikes
Hot grips - my bike
New winter boots - Mike
New lid - Mike
New tyres - both bikes
Still some accomm. to sort
WSB tickets to sort

Excitement plus :cheer:

I can't calm down - I'm toooo excited :D

New boots - Kel
Wet Weather gear - Kel
New lid - Me
New Bike - Kel :D hopefully

Kel booked the Strahan Accomm yesterday morning i believe :thumbup:
Last edited:
New boots - Kel
Wet Weather gear - Kel
New lid - Me
New Bike - Kel :D hopefully

Kel booked the Strahan Accomm yesterday morning i believe :thumbup:
Great. Hopefully I'll get confirmation about Launceston today - had to email her again before I left home this morning. We'll talk money later ;)