Are you married?

Are you married?

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Married for 16 years and with her for 21 years. We have three grown children. Happy? We're best friends and prefer each other's company over being separate any day. We've had two fights in 21 years. There isn't anything that can't be settled over a cup of coffee.

1. There isn't any yours and mine... it is all ours and we enjoy every bit of it together.
2. No secrets! Even the dirtiest of laundry was on the table from the beginning so there's nothing to hide.
3. Communication! Key to a successful marriage. Talk about it all and never hide your feelings. Just choose your words wisely and when you're expressing yourself in any issue, NEVER use "You" when speaking to your S.O.
4. Laughter... Keep it fun! Look for humor in everything and make each other laugh.
5. Never go to bed angry.
6. Unconditional love.
7. Complete trust without doubt or question.

We're so in tune, I know what she's thinking before she does and the same with her. We also spoil each other. So long as finances are in the black, we spend what we can on each other... Last couple years (since the kids are no longer our responsibility) she bought me a 50" TV, new home theater, Wii, FZ6, Garage, Toyota Tundra (2 yrs ago) and just traded that for a new TRD Off-Road Tacoma Double Cab. New garage to hold it all. Kayaks for both of us, new gaming PC, digital camera and DVD camcorder... many other small items.

In that time, she got her new sewing room with all custom work area and cutting table with storage, new dining room with hardwood floors, new car, new motorcycle of her own (S40 Boulevard), Yammie scooter (Vino) for town stuff, sewing machine, PS3 with Rock Band (Yes, it is hers... I hate the game! Love the blue-ray DVDs though!) and an embroidery machine that costs MORE than my FZ6 and all the mods I've done.

All this with my wife who is my love, best friend, companion and permanent designated driver (she doesn't drink).

If you work at marriage in the beginning, then it no longer becomes work but a lifetime of enjoyment with a person you trust without question, one you love unconditionally, a person you share both the good and bad with and that person accepts you for who you are. If your S.O. expects you to change to suit their needs, or you expect this of them, chances are it's not going to work out. Whomever has to change will be unhappy from that day forward, thus a secret is born and the beginning of the end has just started.

I'm not saying this works for anyone else. I'm telling you what has worked and continues to work for us. I'd wish this on any of you!
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6 months here. However we still don't have proof of being married so we may need to head to the court house. (We did a destination wedding)
um.......???? What happened? (or am I being too nosey and insensitive)

We had been having a lot of issues over the past few years and we have decided to separate. When I move out I actually felt good about the decision.
We had been having a lot of issues over the past few years and we have decided to separate. When I move out I actually felt good about the decision.

well, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things work out for you.
We had been having a lot of issues over the past few years and we have decided to separate. When I move out I actually felt good about the decision.

Issues? After 36 years I can honestly say marriage is all about issues. My folks got divorced in 1968 and it made the movie "War of the Roses" look like child's play. Ultimately that divorce involved 11 children, two countries (Australia and the United States) and in terms of the court, 2 states which were Hawaii and California. By the time all the dust had settled I was married, had 2 children of my own and pretty much forgot my folks even existed. At present those children now live 3 countries (Australia, Canada, United States) and my family is the only functional one of the lot.

Divorce is fine for adults but the beating kids take over most divorces is a real tragedy. I wish you well Pete and hope things turn out for the best...

Be married fourteen years in May, Be together 19 years. Penn my wife rides an R6, we spent 6 months in 2007 traveling on our bikes, 29000 miles in 6 months. Gotta love a woman that rides and can put guys to shame:} Enjoy the ride, Jim:thumbup::Sport:
Been married for 8.5 years, have a 5 year old daughter and a son on the way. Wife has been very supportive even through my training - I have 2.5 years to go. The newly rekindled bike hobby was originally not looked well upon, but worked out well. Now, if only I could figure out how to LATCH the car seat to the bike....:cool:
Gonna hit 5 years in June... We're going to Yellowstone in August for our anniversary but I can't decide if I should trailer the FZ up and ride it around or not though.
Me and the breadknife both missed last years 5th anniversary (I have a terrible memory, so must she!!!!). Apart from that we are happily married. We have 1 child together (Ed) and 2 from her previous marriage.

I have to say that her ex was a tosser and she was well rid and I hope I am a good dad to her 2 kids (been together 8 years now).

I don't think we will ever spilt even though we have our moments (boy, we do!!!!) but we are too strong for that and....I think Eddie deserves a stable family. It would break my heart were me and his mum ever to split. I was brought up in a middle class village where everyone had 2 parents (also there weren't any ethnic minorities but that's another discussion) and I think that is ultimately the best way
This is my forum away from my wife

Not anymore!!!!!!!

And yet I'm still happy....

Maybe I need some sense knocked into me. Either way, it has been a fantastic year. Not too many people would put up with a grad student during their first year of marriage, but this one did...
Not anymore!!!!!!!

And yet I'm still happy....

Maybe I need some sense knocked into me. Either way, it has been a fantastic year. Not too many people would put up with a grad student during their first year of marriage, but this one did...

thank you dear... I love you...