Best Cities in the World

Oddly no. SLC is usually on some sort of top-ten list, but I guess not this one.
Our air pollution is pretty bad in the winter lately.

I already knew it was at the top of the list..... but with the average price of a single family dwelling approaching 1 million dollars it's definitely a pricy city. Now everyone is moving to the burbs.
SF is the second highest ranking US city, next to Honolulu. I much rather live here than Honolulu.

LOL Defy. One would think so, but Honolulu, like much of Hawaii, is experiencing a backlash against The White Man. Or more precisely, against non-natives.

It would be cool to live in Hawaii for a while though. I remember hearing about this one group, on another forum, who were California transplants from Hawaii. They told stories about organizing full on illegal street course racing around one of the islands - it sounded supremely dangerous. Supposedly they did it because there are no racetracks in HI.
Woohoo....Lil Ol Adelaide, in South Australia is at number 32 for 2010!

I love Adelaide, and i am very protective of our supposedly quiet, boring little town!

About a million people live in Adelaide, it's pretty easy to get about, we have great beaches, beautiful food, awesome bike riding roads, is great for bringing up kids, and we have the best Cricket Ground in the World!

A top-50-City list that includes Paris and DC, but excludes St. Moritz, is highly suspect... :rolleyes:
I think that there is a problem here. They have accidentally replaced the "best city to live in" list with the "cities with the highest cost of living and worst traffic" list.

Yay - Perth - 21st last year. 21st this year.


(I would prefer to be in Melbourne though :eek:)

I think it is an indication of how good life is in Australia, when Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, & Canberra are all in the top 30 cities to live in...
