Best FZ6-Forum Avatar?

My avatar is the foster dog that we have/had most recently. Fozzie Bear got adopted, but he is just too cute to take down! :D We are foster-less at the moment but will begin again after family trips are done.
Good thinking mate :thumbup:

Mine is from our Aussie forum trip to Tassie , spotted my sign & had to have a pic taken :D
Funny. We saw you doing a U turn and thought "where the hell is he going. Launceston is THAT way" LOL.

THEN we saw the sign - great pic Dan - memories of a great day riding with ya :thumbup:
It was the cop who chased Kirk after he stole that car in the 2009 star trek movie.
He had a flying motorcycle:


I'll eventually change my avatar to something else. Keeps thing fresh.

I vote OMG_WTF's old Avatar!

It was cool and I always wondered what it was from till now. Now I feel like I am not quite at the geek level I thought I was as I should have known it was from Star Trek. :rolleyes:
Funny. We saw you doing a U turn and thought "where the hell is he going. Launceston is THAT way" LOL.

THEN we saw the sign - great pic Dan - memories of a great day riding with ya :thumbup:

Twas a great week & didnt want it to end :thumbup:... Really really , REALLY want to go back & do the Victoria Pass again ( I think that was it ) anyway the one after St Helens when I left you's behind :eek: I very sorry but on that section my eyes glazed over & I forgot I was in a touring party :D I could get into big trouble if Kel knew how long I was waiting for ;)
[/SIZE]I bet no one knows where my avatar is from? His name is Rocco the Beaver and he was one of the "stars" of a Danish comedy show few years back...
The speaker is talking Danish (subject is that bird flu disease) and he is trying to lead the Beaver (speaking English) back on track and away from those rather obscure fantasies...

NSFW the F bomb is prevelant :thumbup:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Rocco - om fugleinfluenza‬‏[/ame]

I haven't written what the beaver says (it's in english) cause that would spoil any surprises. A few names and things the beaver mentions is explained in [...]
Wulff (Speaker) = W
Rocco (Beaver) = R
W: Let's say hello to one of the new participants in our show. He is a beaver and his name is Rocco. Give him a hand. *Crowd clapping*. Rocco is from a foreign country and I have asked Rocco to come in here as a foreigner to tell us about his view on being Danish. We are going to talk about something that we all talk about these days. It's the the bird flu, and Rocco what is your view on that?
R: xxx [Hanne Vibeke Holst = wellknown Danish author].
W: Yeah ehm Rocco we where going to talk about the bird flu and what's the latest news about that?
R: xxx [Gajolpastil = A small licorice from Danish manufactor].
W: Well ehm good ehm exciting. I have brought along a bird we can look at. Perhaps you could use it as an illustration when you explain.
R: xxx
W: I don't know?
R: xxx
W: Eeehhmmm what is most infectous is the birds excrements which comes out right here (pointing finger) and ehmmm Rocco is that something you can tell us about?
R: xxx
W: Thanks to Rocco for his interesting speech.

*** Just skip those last 30 seconds cause they kind of ruin it if it was any fun!
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Not that mine represents how I ride but I always liked it :D

This holds a good second tho. . . :thumbup:
FZ past 10,000RPM. . . .
