Bike Names

Any of you guys name your bikes? If so what is his or her name and why?


Strangely enough, I've never been tempted to name my bikes. To me they are just machines and their names are FZ6 or "the Yamaha" or "the blue one" or "the bike" or whatever.
As soon as I took it off the dealers floor I knew it was
Naming your bike?

Sounds pretty creepy to me.

-Walks in semi naked to the garage.

In a soft whisper, I call onto her...Faaannnntassiaaaa......

As I walk towards her, I gently whisper to Fantasia: "Put the lotion on its skin, unless it wants to get the hose again..."

With my hands I apply a squirt of hot oil onto her. I keep lubing her and in gentle but firm motion I start to give her the work out.

Fantasia just trembles. Shivering from the sheer pleasure of my hand sliding into her. She curls up her toes as I lube up the chain one last time.

She can't take it anymore and just screams with high pitched revs as I reach to massage her g-spot and open up the full throttle.

We both scream from the intense pleasure.

Then I proceed to sprinkle my Faaannntasiaaa with white steamy hot......wax.

(you pervs)

Sounds creepy doesn't it?

Now read it again in a low hush voice.


Shameless plug.

A copy of my guide to motorcycle maintenance called "50 Gears of Gray" is available to purchase now.
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My bike is Lilah, my current "fun" car is Izzie and my previous "fun" car was Ella. I also don't give a vehicle a name until I work on it and customize it someway to make it my own. :)
people around me started calling my bike blinky when i got it (because of the immobiliser-led that keeps blinking after you shut it off). Was thinking of giving it a nice japanese name but as time went by, so did that plan, and it's really hard to train your bike with a new name once it's used to the old one so i guess i'll just have to stick with it.
my bikes called "keryl" , because i love my bike, it brings me great joy, excites me and is gorgeous to look at just like one of my ex-girlfriends, she was the only one ive ever truly truly loved and the same goes for my bike.
and that is why she is called " KERYL ".
Adel, as in "Rolling in the Deep". I bought it yesterday as a re-entry bike. I have several real bad experiences the last couple of months trying to score a ride. I actually haven't did it the hard way since the early 70's.
Anyway, I met him in the parking lot of my bank, just to keep the temptation for gun play at a minimun. It's an '05 FZ-6 and he had M-4's on it. When he pulled in the parking lot, it was the sweetest sound I have heard in a long time. So Adele was a natural.
Yes I ALWAYS name machinery. Machines talk to you if you are willing to listen.
When I got home I tried to put Adele up on her center stand. She squealled, shuddered and refused to go. She was telling me the last dude to straddle her was stingy with the grease gun.
So I apoligzed to her and pointed out that not all riders are equal. Then I went and got my grease gun. Not sure if I greased the right spot but she quit squealing and eased into position, so I got something that needed grease.
Like ALL machines, Adele is built to specifications for a relatively narrow purpose out of the cheapest materials available. She will NEVER learn American English. So if we are to communicate, I need to learn her language. Especially with that joke behind the fairing that Yamaha pretends is a dash. Any shifting at pace will have to be by ear. It will be much smoother if Adele is saying "NOW big boy, NOW." 'Course, I have to understand her, since she will ber speaking Yamaha, not English.
And while I'm on the subject; how hard would it be to replace that Fugly mess with the dash off an '07 or later. I was thinking a machine shop for brackets and the wires should pretty much line up? Anybody done it?

Sorry for the spelling. I'm the FNG and I can't find the spell checker.
Tryst, for 2 reasons first my wife says she is my girlfriend and you never see a motorcycle in front of a psychiatrists office. :confused: