Bolt size for Cable guide?


Junior Member
Aug 5, 2014
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Fairbanks, Alaska
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Just had the bolt for my cable guide fall out. For those curious, it's part 97017-06016-00 but I haven't found the actual size. Will probably call the dealer near here and then check the local hardware store like I did when I had to get new bolts for my gas tank.
If its for the clutch cable retainer (inside the frame), I'd leave it out.

I cut my retainer out years ago (the cable isn't going anywhwere). Makes R&R of that cable 200% easier, no tank lifting, no pulling the air filter, etc.

Just my 2cts..

If its for the throttle cables squarish plate, its a 6 mm x 1 thread pitch by maybe 1/2 deep. (10mm socket / wrench fits it)
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Yeah, it's for that squarish plate. Not sure how the bolt came out, besides it possibly being loose before hand and just rattling out.

I had that bolt out a couple of weeks ago adjusting that plate.

Theres no locking washer so you may want to put a dab of loctite on the threads.

I don't remember the lenth as I didn't pay much attenton to it. A small short screwdriver pushed up there can give you a better idea of the lenth (or just buy a couple of slightly different lenths).