Boneman - best wishes please.

I'm sorry to hear about the accident. Even in the best of situations the motorcycle and rider take the hit. I'm glad to hear he is doing better and out of the hospital. I hope the bike is ok, but it's the rider that can't be replaced.

Thanks for sharing, my thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery.
Bummer! I wish for a speedy recovery, Mr. Boneman!!!

Thanks for the communications and updates. A good wake-up call!
Thank God you're OK Dave! Any accident you can come home from in one piece is a good one. Rest up and worry about the bike later. Take care!!!
Dave here! and in one piece!

Hey all -Dave here!

I'm now home and resting and getting caught up on all your well wishes and kind thoughts! THANK YOU SO MUCH! It does mean a lot to myself and Jill.

So, here is the latest.

The Accident - I was riding in the left most lane of a 3 lane main road heading for the ferry from Vancouver back to Victoria. I was nearing an intersection and coming up on a car to my right in the middle lane. Just before the intersection, the car decided that she was going to suddenly make a left on the street/intersection...from the middle lane and WITHOUT shoulder checking. We were both doing about 65Km/Hr. I didn't have a chance. The front of her car swung over and right in front of me. I remember starting to brake and swerve left then BAMMM, the collision. I was launched and slid 15M into the oncoming traffic lane. Lucky for me (VERY) the traffic was back 1/2 block from being stopped at a previous light. I remained conscious the whole time and remember the impact and rolling down the street several times and sliding to a stop, facing oncoming traffic. My next thought was "get the f*ck out of the road!!" I crawled over to the side walk and collapsed. It was seconds before people came to my aid and were calling 911. An off duty nurse was there and held my hand and comforted me while checking my condition. Then another nurse and a Dr. showed up. The lady who hit me was there and was visibly shaking. People went and got her plate and info and there were lots of witnesses. Within 5 min it seemed like the entire police, fire and ambulance crews of Vancouver descended on the scene.

I was taken to Vancouver General and treated right away. After a few hours and many x-rays and a CT scan, they finally removed my C collar and got me off the back board (thank god because my back was starting to cease up).

My right leg suffered the brunt of the collision and even I was surprised that is was not broken. It looks like a swollen sausage now, even my toes are swollen. A few scrapes on my left elbow and that is the extent of my injuries.

My gear did it's job hands down!!!!!! Jacket is in rough shape and same with my pants (useless now as they had to cut them off). Gloves are good and my helmet only suffered a large scuff on the back of it. Boots held up good as well. Can't say enough about wearing good gear ALL THE TIME!

The Bike - Not sure of its condition at this point. I have to phone the insurance company tomorrow and the crash investigators to get details on its conditions. All I know right now is that is it is at a towing yard back in Vancouver. I only saw it once as I was rolling down the street and saw it sliding behind me. I'm pretty sure the front end must be toast.

I'm going to try and get copies of the photos they took at the scene and post them up. I'm donating what's left of my gear to the Safety Council to show students how gear can save your bacon

It's going to be a while before I can walk again (massive soft tissue damage to right leg), but over time I should fully recover. How much time is up to my body.

So thank you all again so much. I know Jill really appreciate all the kind words and it made me very emotional reading all your well wishes.

Stay safe everyone. "Those people" are out there.....
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Good Luck Bman...
Glad to hear your'e OK... That swelling is going to be a real PITA make sure they don't take their eyes off of it... Kick ass in rehab!!!

BTW kinda impressed that your'e wife will refer to herself as Mrs. Boneman
Good to hear from you and to know you are ok!

Keep safe and heal fast.

Sorry for your baby - post pics when you get them :(

It just amazes me the amount of good samaritans out there, especially who are in the medical profession. Stopping and giving aid.

Wonder if the women was ever cited? I'm amazed that you're able to remember the crash so well.

This is one thread with a good ending. Seen way too many in other forums that didn't end this way.

Thanks for posting!
The crash Investigation Unit guys came into the ER and updated me on the accident. They informed me that the lady pretty much confessed to being in the wrong and turning without looking. They informed me that she did infact receive a "ticket' - for what and how much I don't know right now. I do remember replying "Oh goodie":rolleyes: when they told me as I was lying in the ER....
well man.. its awesome that your doing "good"... sorry to hear about the swollen leg.. hopefully it'll heal up nicely.. thats cool your going to donate the gear to show others.. hate to bring it up.. but if the bikes to far gone.. then at least take some pics to show those newbies that this is what happens.. but you can still "walk" away if your wearing good gear.. dont want to see it happen to others (or myself), but there are "those people" out there and nice to see them fessing up when it happens.. fell better and tell the wife thanks for updating us... take it easy and hope to see you on 2 wheels soon..
Welcome home Dave! What a relief to know you will be OK and nothing was broken. A true testament to ATGATT. I hope the progress of recovery is speedy for you. Do what the Doc's say and don't push things. Just get well! :thumbup:
Welcome home Dave! :rockon:
It's awesome that you're okay and nothing broken. Jill did a great job of letting us know what happened and we kept you both in are thoughts and prayers.
Dave, what a relief to hear you're home and in relatively good shape.
Someone up there was certainly looking out for you at the time of your accident. And it's amazing how good samaritans (angels really) seem to show up at just the right time. Heal quickly my friend.
Glad you ok and now at home. I know what this is like as it has not been that long since I crashed my bike on the second day of a 4 day trip 300 miles from home. My crash was really bad and people that saw it were shocked I was ok and that I was able to ride my bike after. Its a crazy feeling crashing a bike.

I was insured with Beacon and they were awesome! If you want to know how that went message me.

Hope you leg recovers fast!
Welcome back Dave, in one piece and still with a sense of humour (She knows her
Also, a big thanks to Jill for the updates.
Good idea to show off the gear, and I agree with LERecords, get some photo's of the bike and injuries to go with it.

Heal fast mate, and do as the doc says. (Watch out for blood clots in the leg too.. Wolfman went through that hell after he was taken out by a motorist).

:welcome: home mate :thumbup: Glad you are all in one piece , rest easy & heal fast ;) She who knows her role should know you need ample "refreshments" during the recovery period :D